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That One Thread


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To kill our leader?

I think of every situation.

Including rebelion.

I also made a counter plan that Ether can use to solo us.

Ether's going to rip out your spine again...-_-

Or should I do it?


You will find that I am an adapt to random situations.

Edited by Pahn
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To kill our leader?

I think of every situation.

Including rebelion.

I also made a counter plan that Ether can use to solo us.

Ether's going to rip out your spine again...-_-

Or should I do it?


You will find that I am an adapt to random situations.


I feel the need to rip out some spines, run while you can.

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To kill our leader?

I think of every situation.

Including rebelion.

I also made a counter plan that Ether can use to solo us.

Ether's going to rip out your spine again...-_-

Or should I do it?


You will find that I am an adapt to random situations.


I feel the need to rip out some spines, run while you can.

Psst...wanna kill me?

You can't kill me, I'm already dead

Edited by Pahn
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Hello OJ.

We had a war a brewing.

I took care of it though.(Amelia too)

I am now second in command of the entire army. =D

hmm... did we win the war, and who was it against, did anyone else want to join?

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Oh, btw Oujay, I can't die. I can only be defeated.

AsLuSo defeated me for the lolz(Pulled my head off). Now, I'm a snake( A head with a spine body) Whenever you need me for battle, just bring me my body.

I'm waiting for Ether to come and make a suitable punishment.

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Oh, btw Oujay, I can't die. I can only be defeated.

AsLuSo defeated me for the lolz(Pulled my head off). Now, I'm a snake( A head with a spine body) Whenever you need me for battle, just bring me my body.


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