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Adding Custom animations


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I'm currently on a quest to hack Fe4. What I plan on doing is to give certain classes other weapons (such as giving a Wyvern Knight axes and a Bow Knight a Sword) and etc. I know that this is possible after seeing a couple of Fe4 Hacks and was wondering what I should do.

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This is what eharper256 told me:

Simply, to give a Pirate a sword, you change one slot in there to

Class: Pirate

Weapon: Sword

Offset: 36 3A 29 27

(Offset: Weapon Anim/Head/Body/Leg or Horse, I believe, though some combinations will always fail. The animation used for Axes is the same as Swords. Some classes do not have bow and spear animations.)

As so:


The main problem is the fact that you cannot have orphan animation pointers. That is to say, you cannot have an entry at 0D stating Pirate, Sword, blah, then another one at 4E stating Pirate, Axe, blah. They must be together. You notice in the screenshot that Pirate Sword and Pirate Axe are next to each other, yes?

If you don't follow this rule, you'll either crash the game or have screwed up animations. Hence, to add new weapons, even just one or two, you'll to have to reorganise every single offset so that things fit and you cannot add without deleting due to the limited number of slots (plan it on paper!)

Some animations will not work(like if you gave forrest knights bows), but axes and swords use the same animation so you could give a sword to a unit that uses an axe, like the pirate demonstrated in the above picture. However, throwing axes have their own animations so they won't look right on some units(like forrests).

Edited by BigBoss7556
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This is what eharper256 told me:

Simply, to give a Pirate a sword, you change one slot in there to

Class: Pirate

Weapon: Sword

Offset: 36 3A 29 27

(Offset: Weapon Anim/Head/Body/Leg or Horse, I believe, though some combinations will always fail. The animation used for Axes is the same as Swords. Some classes do not have bow and spear animations.)

As so:


The main problem is the fact that you cannot have orphan animation pointers. That is to say, you cannot have an entry at 0D stating Pirate, Sword, blah, then another one at 4E stating Pirate, Axe, blah. They must be together. You notice in the screenshot that Pirate Sword and Pirate Axe are next to each other, yes?

If you don't follow this rule, you'll either crash the game or have screwed up animations. Hence, to add new weapons, even just one or two, you'll to have to reorganise every single offset so that things fit and you cannot add without deleting due to the limited number of slots (plan it on paper!)

Some animations will not work(like if you gave forrest knights bows), but axes and swords use the same animation so you could give a sword to a unit that uses an axe, like the pirate demonstrated in the above picture. However, throwing axes have their own animations so they won't look right on some units(like forrests).

So would it be relatively easier to give an arch knight the sword animation? I wanted to give each weapon Knight at least a level C in swords. (BTW I don't know very much on creating offsets, guess to Romhacking.net I go)

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The 'battle sprite' code is actually a combination of

1. Tileset

2. Animation

3. Secondary tiles (as for mounted knights)

4. Palette

I had this original module and made the FE5 battle sprite editor from its data. Hmm, I was told the one for FE4 was unlikely to be released, but I guess whoever had it caved.

Edited by Pukachi
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