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No, forging or boosting legendary weapons is illegal.

Oh fuck we are so screwed.

Crash! Please hug Ishtar! Just do it for your good buddy! Please!

Edited by Jade Curtiss
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No, forging or boosting legendary weapons is illegal.

Oh fuck we are so screwed.

Crash! Please hug Ishtar! Just do it for your good buddy! Please!

Crash can't hug here because it just turns into a make crash have sex with her thing whenever we try.

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Mistake in your stats. ALS has 2 weapon levels at S rank.

I hate you guys for taking all the holy weapons first

Would it be allowed to add stats onto the other holy/sacred/divine weapons?

Master Knight.

Your fault for not claiming them.

No, Sacred/Holy weapons can't be forged.

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Thanksgiving is more of an OMGFOODANDNOSCHOOLWEEK for people nowadays, not that I care or anything. Up to 3rd grade is was all about family, and being thankful. For teenagers, a group that is portrayed as family blocking it's just a day to pig out. Grownups who don't have a kid that is in 3rd grade or lower simply don't care much(majority).

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