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Dang, I was hoping to not suffer AS loss...

And NinjaMonkey's Concoction has 10 uses, Tomahawks and Short Spears have 25 uses, and Brave Axes have 50 uses? Yeah, right.

Concoction has 10 uses in RD, as do Tomahawks and Short Spears, while EVERYTHING in FE4 had 50 uses.

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Yeah, and Josh, you should change those stats, they are really unbalanced.

The Str is even higher than the supposed class, it should be 35-36

The skill is alright.

The Spd is too high too, even if you are that class, that's higher than Ike.

The Luck is fine.

The Def is too H4X, that's as much as a DragonLord and more than a Marshall (Lance).

Res is fine.

And lower the HP to 60-65.

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Dang, I was hoping to not suffer AS loss...

And NinjaMonkey's Concoction has 10 uses, Tomahawks and Short Spears have 25 uses, and Brave Axes have 50 uses? Yeah, right.


BTW, my AS is 37.

Also, milord, I have their stats. Again.


Forged to have longer uses. Yours have unlimited so that doesn't work out. >_>

I don't care we were going to post them on the front page anyways.

>_> You have 16 con, yeah right.

Unless you weigh a lot or are really tall, not gonna happen.

@Unlimited? Not now.

@con: Come on, I'm 12 ;_;

Why is your avoid so high, Curtis?


Dang, I was hoping to not suffer AS loss...

And NinjaMonkey's Concoction has 10 uses, Tomahawks and Short Spears have 25 uses, and Brave Axes have 50 uses? Yeah, right.

Concoction has 10 uses in RD, as do Tomahawks and Short Spears, while EVERYTHING in FE4 had 50 uses.

Bullshit. Concoctions have 6 uses, not ten. Tomahawks have 15 uses, Short Spear has 20 IIRC. Unless you were thinking of Herbs, Hand Axes and Javelin +5 uses?

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That fucking murders me... In that case I'll have to drop Naglfar :(

EDIT: Thoron: 23 Mt, 100 Hit, 20 Crit, 4 Wt, 35 uses

Brave Axe: 19 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 8 Wt (Forged again with -1 Weight), 50 uses

I was considering taking Tron, but I doubt I'll be allowed to forge FE4 weapons... If I can, add +1 Might to the Thoron I have.

Edited by Jade Curtiss
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It depends, generally weapons that aren't that good. Although you can't forge Excalibur due to it being a legenedary is SS, an S ranked in BS, and special weapon in SD.

Ask ALS for full details.

Weapon maximum parameter.

24 MT



+15 spread across stats.

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Assuming it's allowed...

Uber Spear: 22 Mt, 100 Hit, 15 Crit, +17 HP, +5 Str, +4 Skl, +9 Spd, +4 Def, +14 Res.

I like this.

And the Uber Spear is mine. *Unlocks vault and stores it inside before closing vault and re-entering eternity code*

Edited by Jade Curtiss
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Sword of Seals works too, I guess...





For skills, I'll have Canto, Prayer, Ambush, Resolve and Pursuit (if done FE4-way, aka no doubling, otherwise I'll have Sol, done the FE10 way)

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Sword of Seals works too, I guess...





For skills, I'll have Canto, Prayer, Ambush, Resolve and Pursuit (if done FE4-way, aka no doubling, otherwise I'll have Sol, done the FE10 way)


Edited by Pahn
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