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hello, traitor 2 things

1.) i'm not going to be on for much longer so your plan fails.

2.) YOU HAVE NOT CLAIMED NEPH ask me and i might say yes.

that is all.

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hello, traitor 2 things

1.) i'm not going to be on for much longer so your plan fails.

2.) YOU HAVE NOT CLAIMED NEPH ask me and i might say yes.

that is all.

You have not read my sig, have you.

Anyway, it's really up to her who she gives her love to. Let's ask her shall we?

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Join Oujay's empire. =D

there're too many higher ups. this one has more chance of promotion.

You'll easily overtake me if you join Oujay's. I'm not a very frequent poster and nobody cares about me anyway.

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Referring to someone as simply "traitor" does seem to imply a certain amount of dislike.

Anyway, Nephenee probably loves you since I only have a B support with her (I have A with BK666)

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