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Hard 3 - Low Level Rotation Playthrough Log


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Inspired by the "Very Hard Mode" topic on the FE8 boards, I decided to try something similar, but not the same for FEDS.


- Zagaro & Wolf are banned. They must either give their equipment to another character or unequip them if, for some reason, nobody is around to give the equipment to.

- Every chapter, all unit slots must be filled, starting from the lowest level units.

-- Optionally (I will be doing this): Start with lowest EXP gained for that level as well.

- Level is considered number-wise purely, so promoted units at Level 1, are considered lowest level units.

- Marth is allowed to use equipment and level up.

Misc rules:

- Forging is allowed (already done so), but online shop or arena abuse are not.

Without further adeau...

Ch. 1-3: Typical stuff you usually see in H5 videos or play logs. Abel died, but that's the only character I let die. I am also stuck with an Oguma at level 6, with 66 EXP.

Chapter 4: This is when the rules begin taking place due. Oguma got to level 6 in the first chapters, so he's the first one unallowed to participate. I class changed Bord into a Hunter, and he has proven to be competent in utility as one. I put +5 Mt on Marth's Rapier, which allowed him to OHKO mounted units on this chapter.

Jeigan also went Dragon Knight this chapter, and him with Iron Axe performed admirably, and it also boosts his damage with Silver Lance as well.

Matthis is garbage, of course, doing around 5 damage with an iron lance to Archers. Marich hasn't gotten any lucky crits.

I've had to restart this chapter a few times, but I feel I've accomplished it somewhat efficiently. I keep forgetting to return my turn counts, so I hope I remember to do that starting in Chapter 5.

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Wouldn't the best strategy just be to kill off everyone that you don't plan on using?

Of course, but that would kinda ruin the point of the challenge.

@Topic: Well, that certainly sounds interesting, though H3 shouldn't be too difficult to beat this way. Good luck anyway.

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Ch. 1-3: Typical stuff you usually see in H5 videos or play logs. Abel died, but that's the only character I let die. I am also stuck with an Oguma at level 6, with 66 EXP.

Insert Iron Maiden song here.

As opposed to a normal efficiency run, where SAAAACRIFICE IS GOING ON TONIGHT!!

Anywho, to be on topic, this reminds me of the ridonculous challenges I set up for RD on the FEPlanet boards. Except this sounds reasonable.

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Chapter 5

This took me a few restarts. I kept Roshe, Vyland, and Hardin alive, with Zagaro & Wolf removing their weapons and drawing archers and Social Knights, their only allowed use in this run. Jeigan flew over and gave Hardin a Horse Slayer and a Silver Lance, then flew away to prevent himself from getting 2-rounded by Archers.

On H3, Hardin can one shot Social Knights with the Horse Slayer, with just enough Mt to. Luck played a role as well as I screwed up and Hardin nearly got killed because an Archer was able to deal the rest of HP damage to him, but the RNG smiled upon him (83% hit displayed, I think), so I can't really credit the completion of this chapter to skill. Hardin won't be seeing use for awhile due to his high level.

On the main team, Matthis got changed into a Cleric, not because I believe Cleric->Sniper Matthis is good, but because he is pretty much useless as anything else and because other Clerics had enough EXP to not be on the team. Doga got changed into a Fighter and was used as such in this chapter. I also am attempting to level up Julian so that he won't suck as much, but I'm gonna have to give him a forge since he can't even use Steel Swords yet.

Gordon somehow got some level ups, partially with intention so that he'll be a high enough level so that I won't have to use him next chapter. He OHKO's Pegasus Knights, even when I don't want him to, but his chip damage is crap, even with Steel.

Once the boss is reached, the chapter is over.

EDIT: Oh yeah, props to Vyland and Roshe for ganging up on an Archer and failing to kill it, I suppose.

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Chapter 6

First thing to note... I COMPLETELY IGNORED RICARDO. There's nothing he could contribute other than taking up a unit slot and never being able to level up, ever. All that would happen is that he would sit on the team for the rest of the game, occasionally opening a door or chest, and may actually make the challenge easier since he diverts EXP flow to less characters.

Many valuable resources got used on this chapter, including three Warp uses and a turn wasted, and more burns of Excalibur than I would have liked due to lack of crits (Merric can't 1RKO armors with Thunder).

Matthis got changed back into a Social Knight, because Riff and Rena both return. This gives me a brigade of FAIL that consists of Matthis, Vyland, and Roshe. Kain returns as well, joining the Fail Brigade as the voice of reason. Kain himself did not do much as the other three needed to level up. Vyland performed the worst and was not able to get more than one level up (which, thankfully, was a decent one).

I warp Marth to block the Thieves. This is because I wanted him to OHKO a Social Knight before they got to the army. Marth ends up killing both Social Knights with two Rapier uses. Later on, Marth blocks a Thief with Sheeda coming to help with it. I used a map save before this Thief because it was going to use the Kill Sword on Marth, and I got extremely lucky, it doubled Marth but didn't get a crit off. Sheeda manages to hit with a Javelin then the Thief gets killed by Iron Sword.

The Archers were a dangerous threat, because many units had low durability (for IOS, this includes Hunters, and this is just H3). Since I had so many fail brigade units running around though, there were three times I was able to surround an archer and limiting its ability to attack. This mostly came from the fail brigade being unable to do decent damage so the surrounding came naturally, with the help of walls. One notable example was the archers behind the doorway. I manage to block off the right one, where it ended up being locked to targeting Merric, and I used Kain to block off the door so it couldn't stack damage onto Merric.

The last part of the chapter was a risk taken because I didn't think any unit would be able to tank both the Armor Knight and the Archer that can target the same tile, so I had Wendell and Marich rush to kill the Armor Knight then the Fail Brigade rushed in to attack the Archer on the left. I had my other units rush in as well, but few of them could get into range, but it did allow the AI to not play optimally and an Archer targeted Bord, while the Mage targeted someone else, preventing any deaths.

As for Marth, he and Sheeda were both traveling back while the rest of the units were completing the chapter. About the same turn the boss dies, Marth was in range for Rena to warp him to the throne. Unfortunately he already moved so I had to end the turn. I try to get Julian some more weapon EXP and gave him the Cleric kill for it, but he's still stuck at E.

Wendell is Top Tier in this chapter.

tl;dr version: Most of Grandjackal's favorite characters are going to drop on the H5 list.

Completed in 14 Turns.

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Chapter 8

Another fairly easy chapter on H3, even with a bunch of FAIL, but there's a good reason for this like on Ch. 7.

I decided I would use Sheeda to fly over to the boss peninsula, and crit kill him. It turns out that she had just enough Attack without forging to do it with a crit, so it is possible the devs had intended players to do this. This would require luck manipulation because she is one shotted by the boss if she does not crit.

The reason why I would want to kill the boss so early with no intentions of warp skipping is because reinforcements will always stop whenever the boss is defeated. This would allow me to save many turns and as a side effect completely skip a part of the level that holds the horsemen.

It takes Sheeda four turns to reach the boss. On the previous turn before she reaches the boss, she must remain on the water but still in range to move to the boss so that she herself does not trigger the reinforcements. Because it takes her four turns, dealing with Roger is inevitable, but not a big deal since he's so pitifully weak. Thankfully, Sheeda has no problems flying back to recruit Roger as Marth walks to the throne, both events happened on the same turn.

Bantu sucks on H5, but he doesn't suck on H3. Enemies aren't capable of doing MASSIVES AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE, so Bantu weakened three Social Knights (he actually was able to die by these three, I think, but he dodged it). I had to baby-weaken one of them using Gordon in order to allow Julian a kill, because he's still trapped in E Swords and doing 2 damage to everything. Raddy actually did okay (much better than Julian), managing to score one kill, then later on when killing the 2nd set of Archers and Armor Knights on the last turn, he actually got a crit kill. Raddy is going to be glued to me if I keep him at level 1, so I may as well work with him.

Caesar bought a new Rapier and Wing Spear. I did not have enough money for Silvers. I figured I should definitely always have a Wing Spear since Sheeda will exist the entire game.

I'm trying to level up Fighter!Doga and Maji. They managed to get some kills despite enemies having Swords on this map. They double Archers.

And I forgot to look at my turn count again.

EDIT: Levels after this chapter

Marth Lv. 7, 19 EXP

Raddy Lv. 1, 74 EXP

Bantu Lv. 2, 15 EXP

Wendell Lv. 2, 75 EXP

Caesar Lv. 3, 0 EXP

Vyland Lv. 3, 65 EXP

Jeigan Lv. 4, 5 EXP

The One Free Man Lv. 4, 80 EXP

Doga Lv. 4, 83 EXP

Roshe Lv. 5, 0 EXP

Roger Lv. 5, 0 EXP

Sheeda Lv. 5, 5 EXP

Cord Lv. 5, 7 EXP

Julian Lv. 5, 23 EXP

Kain Lv. 5, 36 EXP

Riff Lv. 5, 42 EXP

Barts Lv. 5, 67 EXP

Bord Lv. 5, 93 EXP

Merric Lv. 5, 62 EXP

Rena Lv. 6, 20 EXP

Hardin Lv. 6, 94 EXP

Navarre Lv. 5, 31 EXP

Oguma Lv. 6, 66 EXP

Daros and Abel are both dead, Ricardo was never recruited.

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Chapter 9

I netted a horrible turn count on this chapter, and I could have avoided it had I remembered to move Bridget, who BTW ORKO's any axe man on H3, and was needed for the boss.

Getting Bridget was fairly simple and only required about five characters while the other ten camped the beginning to fight the first two pirates. I still had to baby Julian and Raddy.

Getting the Dragon Killer was simple as well, at least on H3. Dragon Knight Jeigan is perfectly capable of taking out the Thief by himself due to his Defense, Skill (IIRC 83 displayed hit for Javelin), and Move.

This chapter does not allow a direct advance unless I had several flyers to block the forts, so all of the reinforcements had to be killed. Several stunts happened, such as Bridget killing Hand Axers that were more willing to attack her than Marth, and while that was awesome, nearly got her killed, and Roshe taking two hits that left him at 1 HP.

I should have used three healers as well, and class changed Roger, who did nothing at all. Three healers because then it would have more healing distributed across the crowded map.

Marth was not able to kill the Dragon with the Dragon Slayer. The accuracy was undesirable and Marth gets doubled for a total of 40 damage. Eyvel and Wendell had to take it out.

Final turn count was 27 I think.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. Besides Julian finally getting D Swords, I made a huge tactical error that guaranteed a unit dying with no solution (either a unit will get weakened and the Hunter finishes it off, or the Axeman misses then the Hunter kills DK!Jeigan in one hit). I had to save my game and then keep resetting until the Hunter missed.

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I always thought that Matthis and Vyland were way too high.

in b4 ninji rage

the rage has begun

The lowest I can see Matthis would be underneath of Gordin, really, and if he falls, Vyland is going to go with him. Maybe even Navarre, since Cav!Navarre isn't much better than them.

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Vyland is going to go with him.

i do not object to this

Vyland has to deal with a really shitty pre-promotion period. He can't even cop out to Curate, lol 0% str growth. Once he promotes he is little better than mediocre. That shouldn't make him a tier above Dolph, who is at least cool Endgame, cooler than Vyland at his best.

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So, Matthis > Vyland? :D


Matthis can avoid his shitty period, Vyland has to deal with it.

20/1 CurSniper Matthis:

38 HP, 9 str, 14 spd, 8 def

15/1 CavSniper Vyland:

34 HP, 11 str, 15 spd, 9 def

growth disparities, bold are Matthis wins:

30 HP, 10 str, 20 spd, 15 def

I don't believe Vyland wins combat enough to offset having to deal with his really awful period. Hell, Vyland probably wants to promote at 10 and Matthis would still promote first, that's how bad Vyland is as Cav.

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Ch. 10

This took two days to complete due to the difficulty of the reinforcements.

Vyland got RNG blessed, having inflated stats at a level 4. Slightly above an average level 8 Vyland in stats. He obtained C in Lances as well, allowing him use of the Horseslayer.

I can't describe the exact process of killing the reinforcements, it simply took many tries until I did, and possibly some luck as well. I made sure to continue trying to level up Raddy in the process.

Indoors, I had to reset a couple of times on the Sniper until I figured out luring with Eyvel was the best option. Archers went first against Briggid, leaving Sniper not having attacked anyone. I used some units to kill the Archers first, then began weakening the Sniper until it was down to about 4 HP. I give Caesar a kill that levels him up, and he gains a decent level up at that. This left me with only one unit to attack it with, Roshea. The only valid space to attack it from was a space away with a Javelin, with 69% accuracy, and the Sniper guaranteed a 1RKO if Roshea fails.

Roshea screams loudly at his opposition, which to most of those hearing, sounded more like a squeal. Maria in her cell was confused at the muffled noise, thinking that there may be a cook slaughtering some pork for dinner tonight due to what she thought was a pig screaming. Roshea stands on top of his horse, towering above Navarre in front of him so that he won't accidentally hit the silent bishounen, and then lunges the lance with fury in his face, mouth agape with every teeth shown, and his facial muscles tightened and reddened with a kind of fire stored inside.

Roshea hits, and kills the Sniper, saving me from having to reset. He levels up off of it, and gains a Def point and something else I forgot. HP and Luck?

I had Jeigan tank the Hero and weaken it with the Hero Lance. This was actually fool proof until somehow Jeigan died and I don't know why. I REALLLLY didn't want to reset, even though I also didn't want to lose Jeigan.

Maria and Minerva are recruited. I give Minerva every stat booster I have.

Raddy gains a level up off the armor by the boss, and gains Str & Speed and something else I forget.

36 turns.

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Chapter 11

My lowest level units I brought with me this time were Merric, Kashim, Bord, Maria, Minerva, Wendell, Caesar, Raddy, Jeorge, Sheeda, and Kain. I should state who I brought every time.

For the first time, the Mercs in the lower right corner and the Pegasus Knights were dangerous to most of my units. They have base speed of slightly more than a dozen, which is very unimpressive normally, but doubles most of my underleveled units here. To put things into perspective, there were many units a Pegasus could have attacked with a Javelin, but decided to attack Kashim from range, eating a counter and surviving, and then doubling Kashim and killing him with ease.

I flew Minerva to the village, equipping her with a Javelin and exposing her to the Mercenaries, because she tanks them with ease and can sit in the village for two or three, possibly four turns. I used her to draw away the first Mercs near the entrance of the town to make entrance and killing the Thief a bit safer.

Whenever my units approached the entrance to the town, the Mercs began to crowd towards the front of it. They had lifebars of varying shades of orange and and sizes, lining up at the mountain for ranged units to attack. I had to clog the entrance to the city with Bantu and Marth to prevent them from doubling and killing a unit like Kashim or Maric.

Near Akanaea, Kain lures the Horseman without getting doubled, and witchcraft and sorcery kill the Shooter. I save my game and use Minerva to kill one Shooter, and her rate of dodging from Jake is oddly high for 68% (somehow reliable and thankfully so), at the same time having George lure the Sniper to kill. On the enemy phase, Minerva kills two Social Knights and survives the turn, and Jamuka slightly weakens the other Sniper.

I did not bring a Warp Staff, so Jake is not recruited. Mamkute was killed with Silver + Excalibur + Aura. Energy Drop is given to Minerva.

Unit levels thus far:

Marth Lv. 11, 51 EXP

Linda Lv. 2, 30 EXP

Minerva Lv. 2, 49 EXP

Banut Lv. 3, 83 EXP

Eyvel Lv. 4, 5 EXP

Caesar Lv. 5, 41 EXP

Raddy Lv. 5, 64 EXP (he is just now matching Navarre's base stats)

Barts Lv. 5, 77 EXP

Bord Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Wendell Lv. 6, 6 EXP

Kashim Lv. 6, 13 EXP

Maria Lv. 6, 53 EXP

Maric Lv. 6, 80 EXP

Sheeda Lv. 6, 25 EXP

Kain Lv. 6, 74 EXP

Vyland Lv. 7, 32 EXP (he and Kain have almost the same stats)

Roshe Lv. 6, 57 EXP

Doga Lv. 6, 30 EXP

Navarre Lv. 7, 74 EXP

Riff Lv. 7, 22 EXP

Matthis Lv. 7, 92 EXP

Gordon Lv. 7, 60 EXP

Cord Lv. 6, 27 EXP

Julian Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Rena Lv. 6, 20 EXP

Hardin Lv. 6, 94 EXP

Oguma Lv. 6, 66 EXP

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Chapter 12

Units that had to be brought: Linda, Minerva, Bantu, Bridget, Caesar, Raddy, Barts, Bord, Wendell, and Kashim. This is a smaller unit count than most chapters.

This challenge is cool in that, instead of like H5 where the game is getting easier, it's getting harder instead, and in a good way.

This chapter required a specific plan in order to save Midia and her men, all of them.

On the preparations screen, Wendell needed to class change into Bishop to gain C Staves for Warp. Bantu was given a door key, a Javelin, a Relive staff, and a Fire tome. I chose Bantu because Julian was too high of a level to participate in this chapter, and because his inventory only held his dragon stone.

I also needed to have three units block reinforcements, because I don't have the patience to constantly reset and test the endurance of my underleveled characters. The only units capable of doing this were my 7 Mov units, so Caesar, Raddy, and Eyvel didn't get to participate in the main parts of the chapter. They still get credit for doing the equivalent of killing an entire reinforcement army.

First turn, Thomas moves left, about the most he does this chapter, and Midia moves up against the wall to open a space in front of the cell door. Wendell moves to the left of Bantu, then warps Bantu into the jail cell in front of the door. Bantu trades Midia the Javelin, and then opens the door. Boah moves into the space between the walls, trading for the Relive and Fire, and also disallows the Archers an opportunity to gang on him from moving there. Dolph and Macellan both move out and position themselves to take hits.

An improvement of this play would have been to just have Bantu open the jail cell from the outside so that Midia's turn wouldn't be as wasted, and it would have let Bantu aid in tanking, but whatever.

Armors die, thieves die, trio moves towards reinforcement spawns. I save my game to ensure that I don't forget to move the trio AGAIN (I've reset the entire chapter many times because of this). Since I saved my game, I figure I would luck manipulate to have Minerva lure an Archer from the other side of the wall with a Javelin, and would just keep resetting until it works. It was here I was convinced the game has a hidden bias towards Minerva, because she dodge haxed the first one, killed it with a crit, then lives through the 2nd one.

My game has shown several ridiculous stunts where Minerva dodges any sort of arrow with vast consistency, even with enemies having 60+ accuracy under the 2-RN algorithm.

The Mages with Elfire could OHKO Bord's 19 HP.

I save my game in front of the Mamkute, lure it with Minerva, then weaken it, then give Barts the kill. Barts gets the Heimler kill as well (Heimler doesn't move until you approach the throne area if you block reinforcements).

I had Marth lure the Sniper against the wall. Marth had high enough luck to avoid crit rates, so it was the best possible plan. I warped Barts next to the Sniper to prevent it from having any valid attacks. Marth chugs a Medicine next to the General, thinking it'll attack him, which it doesn't. Both the Sniper and the Mamkute killed efficiency in this chapter, so Marth opening chests is no big deal.

Minerva was the only one that didn't get doubled by the boss, besides maybe Marth (who was still in the treasure room). She weakens with Hautclere, and then I took a hefty risk and had Barts kill the boss for EXP, despite him getting doubled in return if he missed. This doesn't get Barts past Lv. 9, which I was disappointed in because it'll be several chapters now before he can promote (I was hoping to promote him so that he would be Lv. 1, and participate in upcoming chapters).

Since my turn count was already shot, I went ahead and had Marth grab the boots, which he uses.

Unit levels after this chapter:

Marth Lv. 12, 63 EXP

Linda Lv. 3, 8 EXP

Minerva Lv. 3, 34 EXP

Bantu Lv. 3, 90 EXP (13 Dragonstone uses left)

Briggid Lv. 4, 5 EXP

Caesar Lv. 5, 41 EXP

Raddy Lv. 5, 64 EXP

Barts Lv. 9, 82 EXP

Bord Lv. 6, 76 EXP

Wendell Lv. 7, 7 EXP

Kashim Lv. 6, 86 EXP

Dolph Lv. 4, 0 EXP

Macellan Lv. 3, 0 EXP

Thomas Lv. 8, 0 EXP

Boah Lv. 1, 95 EXP

Midia Lv. 1, 30 EXP

Congrats Thomas. You get benched even IN a challenge run full of fail units thanks to your level.

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Chapter 13

Units that were brought: Midia, Boah, Macellan, Linda, Minerva, Banut, Dolph, Briggid, Caesar, Raddy, Julian, Rena, and Sheeda

I don't feel like describing how the chapter went (dodge, dodge, dodge, spam Physic, Levin Sword the boss).

I gave Midia the Weapon Manual to allow her access to Silver. I had to change Minerva into a Paladin for obvious reasons. She earned a C Rank in lances in this chapter. Astoria helped a bit as well. I forgot to bring warp so it was mostly Minerva, Midia, and Marth working to clear the throne area.

Unit levels:

Marth Lv. 13, 33 EXP

Midia Lv. 1, 76 EXP

Boah Lv. 2, 14 EXP

Macellan Lv. 3, 0 EXP (Lol)

Linda Lv. 3, 8 EXP

Minerva Lv. 4, 28 EXP

Bantu Lv. 3, 96 EXP

Dolph Lv. 4, 20 EXP

Briggid Lv. 4, 19 EXP

Caesar Lv. 5, 81 EXP

Raddy Lv. 5, 64 EXP

Julian Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Rena Lv. 8, 15 EXP

Sheeda Lv. 6, 25 EXP

Beck Lv. 3, 86 EXP

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Chapter 14 - Astoria, Midia, Boah, Macellan, Linda, Beck, George, Dolph, Minerva, Raddy, Caesar, and Julian.

I do not remember every detail of how this went about. I know I had Marth used his forged Rapier to kill Jiol right as reinforcements come.

And an Armor Knight dodged hax Astoria by dodging both Armor Slayer hits. Astoria is a character with very high skill too.

Midia is now a Dragon Knight. Astoria remains a(n) Hero. Because Boah was my only healer, Linda was regulated to healing duty this chapter. She did gain a Magic point, I believe.

I forget to bring Warp, which kills efficiency again when collecting the right-most chests (thief utility or not, Snipers kill).

This wasn't a good chapter for leveling up. Simply not enough units on the map to do so. Of the people that did level up, besides Linda, Astoria got an epic level up with everything except Magic & Res.

Katua is the most welcome unit to join since Minerva. Paola would be too if her level allowed her to stay on our team. Actually, she comes with a Dragon Killer so she's still welcome, very welcome.

Macellan and Dolph are terrible as Armor Knights on this mode where enemies die. I am not sure what to do with them.

Unit levels after this chapter:

Marth Lv. 14, 90 EXP

Astoria Lv. 2, 5 EXP

Midia Lv. 2, 48 EXP

Boah Lv. 3, 3 EXP

Macellan Lv. 3, 76 EXP

Linda Lv. 4, 95 EXP

Beck Lv. 5, 8 EXP

George Lv. 4, 63 EXP

Dolph Lv. 4, 82 EXP

Minerva Lv. 5, 30 EXP

Raddy Lv. 6, 31 EXP

Caesar Lv. 6, 29 EXP

Julian Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Katua Lv. 3, 43 EXP

Paola Lv. 8, 0 EXP

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Chapter 15 - Astoria, Midia, Boah, Katua, Macellan, George, Dolph, Linda, Beck, Minerva, Julian, Sheeda

This is a chapter done efficiently for once. Only a few units got any levels, due to the nature of the terrain forcing most units unable to participate.

I decided I only needed one healer. I wanted Linda to be a Mage for this chapter.

Linda did get very lucky, dodging a Javelin from a Dragon Knight, countering with Aura, then getting doubled, an otherwise death.

Run away from Garnef, etc. Used a save point in order to get Sheeda a crit needed to kill a mage safely (she was damaged from fighting the Bishop), so that Midia can afford to take a counter when killing the other mage.

After the boss is killed, my flyers move back (I remembered to give them Master Keys) and I was able to warp Minerva to the treasure room. She took damage, but was able to grab the Talisman. Not what I wanted, I was able to have Sheeda trade to Caesar the other Master key, then warp Caesar over to the other treasure to take it, and then take the throne.

Unit levels:

Marth Lv. 15, 33 EXP

Astoria Lv. 2, 5 EXP

Midia Lv. 2, 62 EXP

Boah Lv. 3, 73 EXP

Katua Lv. 4, 53 EXP (Playing JP version)

Macellan Lv. 3, 76 EXP

George Lv. 4, 93 EXP

Dolph Lv. 4, 82 EXP

Linda Lv. 6, 59 EXP

Beck Lv. 5, 24 EXP

Minerva Lv. 6, 7 EXP

Julian Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Sheeda Lv. 6, 72 EXP

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Chapter 16 - Astoria, Midia, Boah, Macellan, Katua, Dolph, Jeorge, Beck, Julian, Minerva, Cord

This was a challenging chapter, because it was very easy for units to die at any given moment. Many Horsemen on this level which could easily kill the fliers I had, and the three Dragon Knights at the beginning.

The three Dragon Knights needed to all die in a single turn, or else any combination of Beck, Julian, Macellan, or Dolph will insta-die. I find out that Astoria is great for luring them, and even has enough evasion to Sety-dodge the Poleaxe one, furthering his enemy phase on this turn.

After that, it's weakening them and letting some underleveled units have kills. I think Dolph & Katua got some kills, while Briggid accidentally kritzkrieged a full HP one.

My main strategy on this chapter was: Minerva must Hammer kill the boss. I would go to any length to get this to happen. I had Minerva, Midia, and Katua waiting above the boss in the waters. I had to delay a turn because I needed them a space up from where I left them so that the Horsemen would go away. Everyone else were fighting the Heroes as I was doing t his, but it was a definite waiting game to ensure that the Horsemen leaving the castle would never touch them, because I needed to fly them in and kill the Horseman camping the boss before Minerva could fight the boss.

After getting the attacking Horsemen to leave, Minerva begins fighting the boss. Beck was able to weaken it into ORKO range, so Minerva goes ahead and attacks on the player phase, but she manages to miss once, so I just wait for the enemy phase to happen. Reinforcements start coming, but the boss attacks first, misses, and Minerva was able to kill him with ease. I get the Dragon Shield, and trade out the Hammer so that she doesn't waste it on the Paladin and Social Knight that just appeared.

Fighting the Heroes was a pain. The Silver Sword one went down alright, but there was no way to attack the Thunder Sword variation safely, as it doubled most of my units. Astoria becomes great here once again, not getting doubled and being good for weakening. Boah took a hit to help weaken as well. Eventually I had Doga weaken with an Iron Lance, then Macellan getting the kill for huge EXP.

I was going to have Midia lure the Social Knights, but they attack Marth that's leaving the door instead. Alright.

Chainey did nothing.

Julian did only unlocking doors for like, 2% of the chapter.

Katua killed stuff for EXP. I'm afraid she might not return.

Minerva may not return either.

And the Thief destroyed both Samson and Alan's houses. There was no reason to get either because they are level 10 and wouldn't exist until maybe the final chapter or so anyway.

I gave the Dracoshield to Astoria, because he likes durability.

I used my fliers to buy some Mends, a Silver Lance, some Elfires, and something else I forget.

Marth Lv. 15, 65 EXP

Astoria Lv. 3, 57 EXP

Midia Lv. 3, 88 EXP

Boah Lv. 5, 72 EXP

Macellan Lv. 4, 75 EXP

Katua Lv. 7, 28 EXP

Dolph Lv. 7, 78 EXP

Eyvel Lv. 5, 60 EXP

Beck Lv. 7, 60 EXP

Julian Lv. 6, 3 EXP

Minerva Lv. 7, 47 EXP

Cord Lv. 7, 31 EXP

Doga Lv. 7, 55 EXP

Chainey Lv. 1, 30 EXP

Edited by FE3 Player
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