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Star Wars EU Tier List

Altera the Hun

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For the record, this is only going as far as main characters go. And yes, Kyp and Gavin count.

Beat The Shit Out Of A Kell Dragon With His Fists Tier:

Kyle Katarn

Plo Koon

> Mass Carriers Tier:


Wedge Antilles

Corran Horn

Admiral Thrawn

Mass Carriers Tier:

Darth Revan

Ganner Rhysode

Gavin Darklighter

Jacen Solo

High Tier:


Tycho Celchu

Kit Fitso

Ben Skywalker

Ki-Adi Mundi

Mara Jade

Jaina Solo

Kell Tainer

Mid Tier:

Everyone else

Low Tier:

Dash Rendar


Anakin Solo

Maarek Steele

Annoying High Pitched Skank" Tier:

Mission Vao

Dumbass Tier:

Shaak Ti

Atton Rand

Jar Jar Binks

Kyp Durron

Edited by Battler Ushiromiya
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We should also include the prequel trilogy characters like Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker in this tier list, if it's really for all the EU.

Those are officially Cannon. As in Cannon cannon, as much as you wish them retconned.

Which Lucas isn't gonna do any time soon.

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We should also include the prequel trilogy characters like Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker in this tier list, if it's really for all the EU.

Those are officially Cannon. As in Cannon cannon, as much as you wish them retconned.

Which Lucas isn't gonna do any time soon.

How can retcon retcon?

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I refuse to acknowledge the books exist. They are terrible fanfiction and I will never be scarred like this again.

I refuse to acknowledge the prequels exist. They are terrible fanfiction and I will never be scarred like this again.

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Those are officially Cannon. As in Cannon cannon, as much as you wish them retconned.

Which Lucas isn't gonna do any time soon.

Officially canon? Maybe some people are saying that. But anyone that says that isn't worth your time. Try to remember some of the scenes from Episode I. You call that Star Wars?

For those who don't understand how Star Wars canon works, the movies are considered the most canonical. They're called G-canon. Everything in them is true. After this is C-canon, which is made up of the expanded universe, or EU. This means licensed Star Wars material outside of the movies, which is mostly books but includes a lot of things up to spin-off movies. C-canon is always true unless it is contradicted by the G-canon, in which case the G-canon takes precedence. In terms of a hierarchy of canon within this group, older material is almost always more canonical than newer material. The next level of canon down is S-canon, which is reserved for mostly older material which was not made or licensed with continuity in mind, and for other material that doesn't fit well into the rest of the Star Wars universe. S-canon is always trumped by C-canon in a contradiction, and even on its own you can take it or leave it as for canonicity. Star Wars purists generally consider the prequel trilogy and its derivatives to be S-canon: A bit more canon than an unlicensed fan films, but still subject to interpretation.

Last there's N-canon, which is stuff like fan-fiction and licensed what-if stories. N-canon stands for non-canon, and some people argue the prequels fall under this category. I don't agree with this, since they do have that big Star Wars logo even if they definitely aren't C-canon, much less G-canon.

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We should also include the prequel trilogy characters like Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker in this tier list, if it's really for all the EU.

Those are officially Cannon. As in Cannon cannon, as much as you wish them retconned.

Which Lucas isn't gonna do any time soon.


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The lack of Tenel Ka to this is highly unnerving.

Unfortunately, I'm not at the point in NJO where she shows up, nor have I read the latest two series yet. Blame the fact that finding a copy of most books in NJO is practically impossible around here these days.

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