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The Final Playgu


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My psionically gifted minions were tasked with an important mission. There was a plague upon the land and their fellowship of seven was to annihilate it before it might grow powerful enough to rival the might of my and my allies tanks and physics bending spacecraft. The land had to be cleansed of all infection lest our civilizations be consumed by swarms of darkness.


My troops marched with great haste into peril, and indeed a great peril it was. The infestation had poisoned all the soil about it and soon the plague was to hatch from its larva vile spawn of terrible power. I wretched in agony as I beheld the corruption wrought by these foes.


Without delay or remorse I ordered the immediate dispensing of my entire nuclear arsenal. It was my duty to all life to cleanse the universe of this plague once and for all.


Sensing immediate danger, the vile fiend whose will guided the infection ordered the hatching of its first army. I could only hope that I had attacked quickly enough as to nullify any potential retaliation.


The first warheads buried themselves into revolting structures of sludge and toxic earth, and their fissile matter exploded just in time to obliterate the hatching eggs.


The assault continued without relent until nearly all of the swarm was destroyed.


There remained yet much to clean up, but it was great relief to learn that my minions were successful in destroying the bulk of this evil menace.


I expressed my glee with this unprecedented success. My minions were unaware that I had anticipated their mission was to prove suicidal.


The malignant tumor that constituted the will of this repugnant infection expressed its malcontent with its failure to prepare for a timely onslaught of such brutality.


It warned of an impending resurrection and dark days ahead, but it starved and withered into nothingness before my very eyes.


The world was at peace once again and there was much rejoicing.

But then... something happened. Something that I knew to be impossible but it happened anyways.

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You already know my thoughts on this, but I thought to divulge my thoughts again.

This is a beautiful masterpiece worth a few hundred Nobel prizes, at the very least. The fact that you used your bare hands makes it even more shocking, or perhaps I should say that conversely, this is absolution in perfect form. I give it ten out of ten, and that ten itself is a ten out of ten. Verily, my words have been spoken out of deep gratitude and induced feelings of maximum euphoria. Great job.

Edited by Cars
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