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RE: Slavery In America Was A Good Thing


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Reasons why slavery is wrong:

-Slavery increases total human unhappiness

-The slave-owner treats the slaves as the means to achieve the slave-owner's ends, not as an end in themselves

-Slavery exploits and degrades human beings

-Slavery violates human rights

-All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

-Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

-Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings

-Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage

-Slavery is both the result and the fuel of racism, in that many cultures show clear racism in their choice of people to enslave

-Slavery is both the result and the fuel of gender discrimination

-Slavery perpetuates the abuse of children

black power for my niggas

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and it is still goin on to this day


Technically it is. Not in America, but in chunks of Asia and Africa.

Yep, Africa. Ironic, ne?

I've read that it does actually still exist in some parts of America, particularly in the south-west (The Arizona, Colorado, and Utah area for those who are geographically retarded). What happens is that companies hire immigrants (I think it was mostly Mexicans and African's but there could have been more) and then essentially treat them like slaves.

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and it is still goin on to this day


Technically it is. Not in America, but in chunks of Asia and Africa.

Yep, Africa. Ironic, ne?

I've read that it does actually still exist in some parts of America, particularly in the south-west (The Arizona, Colorado, and Utah area for those who are geographically retarded). What happens is that companies hire immigrants (I think it was mostly Mexicans and African's but there could have been more) and then essentially treat them like slaves.

The difference is that said immigrants still get paid and can leave any time they want. They don't, though, because most of them are illegal and don't have anywhere else to go where they can get work but home, and they don't want to go back.

The feds crack down on that crap all the time regardless, but it's still not exactly slavery, although the conditions are similar.

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and it is still goin on to this day


Technically it is. Not in America, but in chunks of Asia and Africa.

Yep, Africa. Ironic, ne?

I've read that it does actually still exist in some parts of America, particularly in the south-west (The Arizona, Colorado, and Utah area for those who are geographically retarded). What happens is that companies hire immigrants (I think it was mostly Mexicans and African's but there could have been more) and then essentially treat them like slaves.

The difference is that said immigrants still get paid and can leave any time they want. They don't, though, because most of them are illegal and don't have anywhere else to go where they can get work but home, and they don't want to go back.

The feds crack down on that crap all the time regardless, but it's still not exactly slavery, although the conditions are similar.

Ok, so humans are stupid and thus should not be allowed to screw with eachother's lives. That's what supernatural creatures are for.

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What's also ironic is that white people in Africa are also the ones enslaving black Africans. Why do white people feel they are above?!

slavery was wrong and it corrupted us for years to come

-Slavery is both the result and the fuel of gender discrimination

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