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The truth about moderators

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Let's just say Fox, MR, and Hanz are three sides of the same coin.

You can say that but I'm going with my determination

Fox MR, and Hanz are three parts of one Triforce

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FFoF has to be control

remember what shodaw said? "Chaos... CONTROL!"

See I am right, because Wisdom controls everything, it's what seperates us from complete ass holes

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Oh I could go by the Riviera form of power:

FFoF: Ursula (pretty much wisdom and being normal)

Hanz: Ein (Keeps MR in check [or outright kills him])

MR: Seth (Death and chaos)

You'll like what I have to say about Seth in my next post

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Sorry for the DP but I'd like to reveal Seth (or MR is we go with the method's) secret

He's a chick. I can give a link for it but i'm on a Wii

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How about:

Hanz: Kyo

MR: Iori

Fox: Chizuru

............Except that few people here know these characters...

I've never even heard of them

How about The Starfox method

FFoF: Krystal (well obiously)

Fox: Hanz

Wolf: MR

Or the Three Prophets of Halo

Mercy: Fox

Regret: Hanz

Truth: MR

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How about:

Hanz: Kyo

MR: Iori

Fox: Chizuru

............Except that few people here know these characters...

Why do I have to be Kyo...

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I'm not worthless...

Make me... Meg!

Edit: No, I'm shinon cuz I get into trouble and I yell at people for being different.

FFoF: Mia

MR: Shinon

Hanz: Ike

But I wanna be Ike.

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