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The truth about moderators

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It's blatant that noone knows the truth about us except us.

Here are some common asked questions that I will explain.

I got warned! What the fuck?

It means you're behaving like a total jackass and or have broken a rule.

We tend to remove a warn a month later. I personally drag my feet when you spam alot.

Can you ban me?

No. Mods can suspend users for periods of time, but only Admins can ban.

We CAN totally suspend your ability to post here though.

My topic got moved! Why?

We move topics if we deem that they don't belong in the forum its in.

Quite frankly that's the only thing we do since there aren't many violators.

My topic/post is gone! Why?

If it wasn't moved then we either deleted it, mixed it with a similar topic, or made it invisible.

It happens from an assortment of reasons ranging from isolation to torturing people for giggles.

Why wasn't I made a mod? I'm a better choice than Arc

All the current mods have done something to warrant it.

Can you see things we can't?

I can see dead people if that's what you mean.

Stop mod abusing me!

That's not a question.

Are you jesus?

*attempts to walk on water*


You know you can't get any sort of amusement from me if you did that. Becuase I won't bitch about it like the rest of them.

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