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Technically speaking, with the definition of 'harassment' you're using, pretty much every user has harassed and been harassed by you. Why are you singling out Harudoku?

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Technically speaking, with the definition of 'harassment' you're using, pretty much every user has harassed and been harassed by you. Why are you singling out Harudoku?

She started a topic. What more is there to say? She is also inviting others to claim her, that is the exact same thing Seph did.

ITT: Sanaki > Sigurd.


I know you gathered material for Generic Officer's folder over me debating on Karel, you should stop siding with others on things that aren't even of your concern.

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Technically speaking, with the definition of 'harassment' you're using, pretty much every user has harassed and been harassed by you. Why are you singling out Harudoku?

She started a topic. What more is there to say? She is also inviting others to claim her, that is the exact same thing Seph did.

You don't get my point at all do you

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I didn't.

But as you already know, "ATTN" topics aren't allowed, this IS one. We all know there is a particular topic to claim characters, and Harudoku was and is aware that I claimed Sanaki first.

This topic was particuraly made to bug me off, and it isn't allowed, you know, to make a particular topic to bother a user, which there already was a similiar topic.

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I didn't.

But as you already know, "ATTN" topics aren't allowed, this IS one. We all know there is a particular topic to claim characters, and Harudoku was and is aware that I claimed Sanaki first.

This topic was particuraly made to bug me off, and it isn't allowed, you know, to make a particular topic to bother a user, which there already was a similiar topic.

You really need to take a debate class, you're no good at this.

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I didn't.

But as you already know, "ATTN" topics aren't allowed, this IS one. We all know there is a particular topic to claim characters, and Harudoku was and is aware that I claimed Sanaki first.

This topic was particuraly made to bug me off, and it isn't allowed, you know, to make a particular topic to bother a user, which there already was a similiar topic.

It is not an attention topic.

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If you were unaware that there was a thread where you claim characters, what inspired you to use the exact phrase "claim"?

And how did you just so happen to pick the character that would piss off the person who other people love to piss off in the exact same way?

I think your lies have gone far enough.

Edited by Luminothe
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If you were unaware that there was a thread where you claim characters, why did you use the terminology "claim" anyway?

And how did you just so happen to pick the character that wuld piss off the person who other people love to piss off in the exact same way?

I think your lies have gone far enough.

1) When did I say any of that?

2) Are you being hacked by Soul or are you really that stupid?

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its in the thread title.

Also, the pathetic arguement of calling someone stupid AND jumping to the conclusion that Soul is hacking my account makes me think you are getting nervous.

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In case you're too stupid to tell:

If you were unaware that there was a thread where you claim characters,

I never said I was.

why did you use the terminology "claim" anyway?

It's the point of the thread.

And how did you just so happen to pick the character that wuld piss off the person who other people love to piss off in the exact same way?

When did I say that wasn't the point?

I think your lies have gone far enough.

What lies?

The epic part is, this would die if you'd shut up and leave.

Edited by Harudoku
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You seriously can't remeber saying that you idin't know the other thread existed ?(I'm too lazy to get the quote but go back in the thread bbefore she edits her posts)

You're definitely lying...

Edited by Luminothe
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You seriously can't remeber saying that you idin't know the other thread existed ?(I'm too lazy to get the quote but go back in the thread bbefore she edits her posts)

Your definitely lying...

I never said I didn't know the claiming thread never existed, I said I didn't know the SANAKI FAN CLUB existed.

You really are an idiot.

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I won't post in this topic again; however, I'd like to say one thing:

I know you gathered material for Generic Officer's folder over me debating on Karel, you should stop siding with others on things that aren't even of your concern.

By all means, if you wish to mock me then feel free. Also, FYI, I don't side with anyone. Hell I actually sided with Shuuda when I got my warning.

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