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Best/Worst in the Series Round 31

Fei Mao

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I've just got to ask all the people rating it as worst, what's wrong with the GBA support system?

It went from some characters instantly having support with others at no requisite whatsoever (FE5) to being forced to place characters adjacent to each other for several turns to build up support levels.

Some of the supports in FE5 had utility (Karin making Fergus more durable and a mini-Wrath user in the Manster chapters, Tanya + Eyvel improving Dagda's capture, Selphina giving Robert +30% crit to make it easier to train him and so on). If you're the type that focuses on few people, you could occasionally bring a supporter to help improve someone's offense and you never had to bring them for several chapters just to be able to do this. With the GBA system, you have kinda have to base your team on supports if you want to make good use of them and having to keep them adjacent to build it can be inconvenient.


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Best: attack as FE would be so pointless without it infinite use weapons

Worst: Micaiah, bloody Mary-SuesFE11 Gaiden requirements

I nominate best/worst battle theme

Edited by mikethfc
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Best: Capturing.

Worst: GBA FE Support system.

Should add: Weapon ranks, Weapon Experience, Leadership, Movement Stars, Knives

Also, nominating most/least annoying character.

Edited by Black Soldier
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This is a hard one, so many to choose from...

Best: I'll have to go with Skills. FE10's ruining of mastery skills gets canceled out by FE4's use of them in general.

Worst: Reclassing (for reasons already stated, it takes the uniquness out of the characters. I never consider using it except for Wolfguards and a few joke playthrough ideas, e.g. 'You are a Pirate')

Although Equipable Staves, FE11's Gaiden requirements and Laguz transform guages come very close.

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