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I think IS really hated Leonardo...

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Dunno if anyone had ever mentioned it before, but:

In addition to giving him craptastic growths, they also gave a Bow that would be good in the hands of any other Bow user.

Even worse, that Bow is called "Lughnasadh".

Tarvos is named after a badass Gaulish Bull-God. Caladbolg is named after a kick-ass Irish swordsman named Fergus mac Róich (because of him, the name Fergus means "man-strength" or "virility", to give you an idea of how hardcore this guy was). What is Lughnasadh? A Gaelic Holiday that marked the beginning of harvest season.

Looks like IS really tried their best to make Leonardo look like a sissy...

Edited by catastrophe_2
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I hope you all got my sarcasm

At least Rolf and Shinon are good, though

I'm glad the archer class in general got buffed. Also, if it wasn't for Lughnasadh, I'd NEVER use Leo

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At least Rolf and Shinon are good, though

You've got to be kidding, right?

no one is kidding assuming we are talking RD (even if it was Por i'd argue for him) he is the best Marksman in the game he easily surpasses Shinon.

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No, that re-introduced the Greil Mercenaries.

Part 1 was basically just:

Micaiah: Hey guys, let's go save the world!

Sothe: I'm back.

Ilyana: I'm back.

Tauro: I'm back.

Jill: I'm back.

Zifurry: I'm back.

Tormod: I'm back.

Muarim: Not for long.

Nolan: I'm Chuck Norris.

Edward: I'm Yaoi Bait.

Leonardo: What?!? I'M yaoi bait too!

Laura: I'm Bridget.

Aran: ...

Nailah: I'm futa bait.

Rafiel: Can I shot plot twist?

Black Knight: I'm back.

Meg & Fiona: Wait, what about us-



Part 2:

Elincia: Oh my, the plot is starting! Places, people!

Lucia: *Please get some playtime, please get some playtime, please get some playtime...*

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At least Rolf and Shinon are good, though

You've got to be kidding, right?

no one is kidding assuming we are talking RD (even if it was Por i'd argue for him) he is the best Marksman in the game he easily surpasses Shinon.

Yet Shinon will cap all the stats that matter, and needs much less babying.

As for Part 2, I'd say the whole thing is nothing but filler to hold the player over until Parts 3 and 4.

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Probably a generic tiger.

So, it's the DB fighting laguz/with generic laguz against Begnion.

no one is kidding assuming we are talking RD (even if it was Por i'd argue for him) he is the best Marksman in the game he easily surpasses Shinon.

Uh, no.

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