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Interesting Class change results

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Well since the other topic failed and I didn't update it really enough, I might just give up on that discussion idea.

However, I've been editing my own ROM and class swapping everyone and changing their growths respectively, and playing a playthrough of the game, it's quite fun. I think the only units who ended up still in their original classes were Sue, Alan, and Yunno. I wanna tell of some of the...interesting results I came upon though.

First off, some low tiersmost likely: Ward and Lot as knights.

Ward: HP 25 (70%) Str 8 (35%) Skl 3 (45%) Spd 1 (5%) Luck 4 (45%) Def 10 (43%) Res 0 (0%) Con 15

Lot: HP 26 (75%) Str 7 (15%) Skl 6 (30%) Spd 3 (20%) Luck 2 (30%) Def 11 (53%) Res 1 (10%) Con 14

Just look at their amazing speed growths, and Lot's strength and skill. The only thing really standing out to me is Lot's defense, and I'll guess he has the highest Def base growth in the game, atleast for "class B" units. Although I guess in HM they can make early game walls and support eachother.

Niime as a Hero: HP 30 (55%) Str 20 (0%) Skl 27 (15%) Spd 23 (10%) Luck 15 (5%) Def 8 (25%) Res 14 (3%) Con 9

I don't have her yet since I'm not at Ch.19, but amazing bases aside from HP. If she keeps her two A ranks from Druid for both swords and axes, she'd be great for some extra power late game.

Ellen and Saul: Myrmidons

Ellen: HP 15 (65%) Str 3 (55%) Skl 13 (35%) Spd 16 (28%) Luck 8 (70%) Def 1 (12%) Res 1 (27%) Con 5

Saul: HP 18 (80%) Str 7 (45%) Skl 14 (50%) Spd 17 (53%) Luck 2 (15%) Def 3 (22%) Res 0 (17%) Con 9

Saul would easily win if it wasn't for his luck, but both still start off amazingly. Ellen join at chapter 2 with a base dodge of 40. She'll easily be a dodge tank from start to finish, as her speed will still be growing (she'll max it unpromoted still), and her luck is still amazing. Her low str will easily catch up, making her only problem defense, but with her dodging that won't be much of a problem. Saul's still a pretty nice powerhouse if you give him a killing edge (I had him start with one since Rutger's an archer), and again has great growths all around except luck.

I'll post more later if anyone cares. Sophia the wyvern rider has pretty good growths, I'll say that.

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Why not try Lott as a pirate? I made Dorcas a pirate in FE7, these were some results:

HP: 29 (80%) Str: 6 (45%) Skill: 7 (35%) Spd: 8 (35%) Luck: 3 (45%) Def: 4 (20%) Res: 0 (15%)

Note: I kept the bases added to his class. And also, the FE6 Pirate growths may be different. :/

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How are you calculating the growths exactly?

I'm looking at the growths for the class itself, and adding or subtracting the character's growths from that for base growths, then apply those to the new class.

Or the easier way is just comparing the two classes and add and subtract the differences on the character itself.

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You know, right now I just tried Pirate!Ward, he was great. :awesome:

You should try him out. Oh, and forget about Knight!Ward (LOL) & Lott, even Bors does better.

I know, I just brought him up cause that's what he is in my current game. I didn't do the switching so much like FE11, I assigned everyone's classes before the game started, kept them there, and didn't exceed the normal game's limit on any class.

Mercenary Ray is also someone to look at. Pretty sure he starts with 30> HP, 14 Str, 16 Skl, 15 Spd. I'll post his whole stats later.

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You should try class swapping such as to completely invert the game's tier list. So, for example, make Alan a shaman or archer while Wendy becomes a wyvern knight.

Edited by Corn on the cob
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Fixing someone's bases sorta cheats the whole purpose =( But seeing it would be funny I guess.

I followed a Class A/B system though, for both males and females. Only really weird thing about mine is that wyvern is A for males and B for females (cause they have pegs for A).

I have to say too, I completely love Peg knight Lilina.

Lilina: HP 14 (55%) Str 8 (55%) Skl 7 (20%) Spd 7 (40%) Luck 4 (50%) Def 3 (17%) Res 5 (25%) Con 5

Here's mine on my current playthrough:

Level 20/5: HP 29 Str 23* Skl 18 Spd 21 Luck 20 Def 5 Res 10

If anyone really wants I could post how everybody is currently on my edited game. I might start my second playthrough with a different team pretty soon.

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Yeah, thieves become completely broken. Also, are you changing luck at all? For some reason I never do, it doesn't make sense to and SD doesn't. I'll show Wyvern Sophia sometime among with some others.

In general, Gonzales is amazing as anything, and Fir sucks as anything but Myrmidon cause she has no base speed or skill.

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I don't change Luck. Since the base will always be 0 for all classes.

I try to make characters a little fitting to the class, I mean, PK!Lilina & WR!Sophie would sound and look weird. At least Ward's Pirate palette isn't messed up.

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Oh, I've had to mess around with sprites for quite a few characters. For Tate as an archer (she's pretty horrible), I just used Echidna's sprite, Lili uses generic peg/Thany sprite, and some others I've had to mess with.

For some reason though, Warriors and I think Berserkers both transfer over to General perfectly (aside from their lances), but not the other way around.

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I dunno, but their growths are pretty crappy, especially on thir Spd growths (Warriors).

I have tried Mercenary!Bors, he is pretty good, but unlike Dieck, his Str will suck : P

And Wyern Rider Wendy is amazing:

HP: 22(85%)

Str: 6(45%)

Skill: 5(40%)

Spd: 7(55%)

Luck: 6(45%)

Def: 7(28%)

Res: 1 (10%)

Pretty much better than Miledy there. :newyears:

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I dunno. 10/0 Wendy (which I highly doubt) has .35 less HP, 1.95 less STR, 1.4 less SKL, 1.95 more SPD, 5.05 more LUK, 4.48 less DEF ,and 1.1 less RES on NM base Miledy. So all she really has is some doubling and 9 AVO. I guess her growths mean that down the road she becomes better, although she doesn't really ever win durability by much (20/10 she has 1.55 more HP but loses DEF by 2.96 and RES by .15)

And then HM Miledy... Well, she now loses HP by 8.35, STR by 6.95, SKL by 5.4, SPD by 1.05, DEF by 7.48, and RES by 2.1. She only wins LUK by 2.05.

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Because .15 more Res is a complete digit. I'm saying she is better because she will come earlier and have at least 4 AS with a Steel Lance, that's faster than her Knight version and has even more Atk, she will do important damage to Knights.

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This actually makes things interesting, I would have said "just make Bors a wyvern, he'll come earlier and has pretty much the same speed growth as Wendy". Except Wyvern is Class A for males on my system. Oh well.

Bors and Wendy still have amazing base speed growth though. 40% as knight means, from the top of my head I believe... +25% base, which is killer. Bors may actually make an excellent Warrior, I'll check his stats on that later. Gonzo makes a great fighter and probably would make a good anything, since Brigand/Pirate growths suck aside from strength and Gonzo has a + base in strength anyways, so his speed will only get boosted in other classes and his strength will remain high.

For the Warriors-Generals thing I was mainly referring to their sprites. Garret makes a pretty cool looking general (with 6 spd). He's one on my current file for the heck of it.

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Gonzakes is even faster and could be tankier as a Fighter, though, his Spd cap will get him stuck at 24. :(

His Skill is also slightly better, exept that as a Berserker he gains +5 Skill, which still makes that class best and also gets a critical bonus.

And really, try out Pirate!Ward, because he gains a Spd boost there. :newyears:

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Because .15 more Res is a complete digit. I'm saying she is better because she will come earlier and have at least 4 AS with a Steel Lance, that's faster than her Knight version and has even more Atk, she will do important damage to Knights.

Those bases are only slightly better than Lance's but come 7 and a half chapters later. That's hardly better than Miledy. Wendy also won't have a chance at getting swords in the Western Isles chapters that are filled with axes and bows.

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Fixing someone's bases sorta cheats the whole purpose =( But seeing it would be funny I guess.

I followed a Class A/B system though, for both males and females. Only really weird thing about mine is that wyvern is A for males and B for females (cause they have pegs for A).

I have to say too, I completely love Peg knight Lilina.

*eyes twitch* Why not go either Nomad!Lilina or Myrmidon!Lilina?

Edited by LittleAl
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Because .15 more Res is a complete digit. I'm saying she is better because she will come earlier and have at least 4 AS with a Steel Lance, that's faster than her Knight version and has even more Atk, she will do important damage to Knights.

Those bases are only slightly better than Lance's but come 7 and a half chapters later. That's hardly better than Miledy. Wendy also won't have a chance at getting swords in the Western Isles chapters that are filled with axes and bows.

I know, I was mistaking back then, Wendy will be winning at Spd and Luck, though. Lance will have as much Spd as Wendy, but wendy wins in Avo.

I guess we should also round up Wendy's Def growth too 30% since it's 28%, I guess, that gives her as much Def as Miledy's base Def.

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