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Non-mainstream walkthrough


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Usually a walkthrough includes picking your contenders and go for maximum experience.

I had recently finished a FE9 walkthrough where I only raise units to a desired level and add more units to the party, also diversifying the available teams. I decided to go for it as soon as I realized that promoted enemies (and allies) are considered to be promoted from level 10. So the aim is to have more characters available, those recruited as unpromoted units will be raised to 20/10 while prepromotes will shoot for level 20. The result is having a team of evenly distributed and at about the same ability level with enemies. The numbers of characters you can raise and have ready for the last chapter exceeds the number of characters you can bring to the last chapter. Although I've yet to try this with the other FEs. I will soon. So you may ask: "what's the point then"?

Firstly this is useful for using more characters to unlock Support Conversations while decreasing risk of extra characters dying or getting in the way if you don't raise them.

The rest depends on yourself, really. If you like raising a lot of characters then you should try it if you haven't already. Then when you finish the last chapter you can reset and do it over using the other prepped characters you left out the first time.

Having done this before, it worked pretty well. Again, I've yet to try it with the GBA FEs. Not sure how I should approach FE10. Sounds hard with your allies being more on par with enemies but with more available units it should give you room to diversify classes. It is then a matter of using them right.

Is there already a name for such a walkthrough?

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It's more of a playthrough and it sounds really fun. I'm going to start that tonight on FE7. I'll try FE6 maybe later on.

With FE10, by the way, enemies are good enough in that game :\ Some are better than your units :P A level 16 Fighter has like 16-17 Str 14-15 Skl 14-15 Spd. I don't think you should make it easier on them :\

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A 'use everyone' playthrough?

FE10 requires you to low-man in some way, since there simply isn't enough experience to get everyone to a respectable level. And some characters are so bad, you HAVE to pump experience into them for them to be good.

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A 'use everyone' playthrough?

FE10 requires you to low-man in some way, since there simply isn't enough experience to get everyone to a respectable level. And some characters are so bad, you HAVE to pump experience into them for them to be good.

Fiona, of course. Even with Paragon she's an unending task. It does pay off at the end and supporting with an Earth affinity helps her dodge but that got me bored.

I thought of something for FE10 but it's very complicated. Keep in mind that I just thought of it here ad haven't tested it yet.

The point is to put a lot of attention on the lowest level characters like the Dawn Brigade. I noticed that many of the FE9 Veterans are viable starting from Part 4 even though you haven't really used them much, like Tauroneo, Brom and Nephenee. Raise as many characters as conceivably possible to the point they will be viable for Part 4 and save in a separate Save slot. When finished start from the beginning of Part 4 again and raise the characters you haven't before. I guess this works?

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