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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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I fell out of my chair when i read it! *goes to make a favorite line from this story topic*

Lulz. We could probably just do it here, I mean it's not like this is used for much anymore. Plus I don't think everyone read this. I know Kiryn hasn't finished it. She left on vacation before she could.

*Misses Kiryn.*

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Hasnt it already been a week? *also misses kiryn*

Well my favorite lines were:

Lyle:*goes behind a building*....HOLY FUCK!!!

Arc and Lyle(after saying that me and princess share a room):Touch the princess and YOU DIE

Lyle:What do you mean? Hikari hasnt changed! Hey hikari can i have the next week off?



My favorite scene (besides from the obvious) was:

Masu: Uh-oh. This isn’t good.

Arc: No kidding Masu.

Masu: Now what?

Lyle: *Eye twitch.* I’ll tell you what......*He attacks Masu ad starts choking him* I’M GONNA KILL YOU FOR SCREWING THIS UP!!!!!

Damon: Lyle!

Masu: ACK!!!

Lyle: YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! *It takes Damon, Fireman, and Arc to pull Lyle off of Masu.*

Arc: Lyle! Calm down!

Lyle: That bastard screwed up and killed us all!!!

Damon: Is killing him going to solve anything?

Lyle: You never know!!!

One thing i thought of though......Fireman saved me...FOR FREE. XD

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i guess..........

You know, Masu, if you liked this then you might like my history to. It's in the creative topic. It's longer than this was, but the topic is smaller cause no one read it other than Kiryn and Nightmare. (With the exceptions of a few people.)

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okay......but not tonight. its almost 2 am and i have work at 8 am. But im fucking sick of these continuous 9 hour shifts so i went like "I HAVE CHURCH AT NOON!" so im only working 4 hours thank god!

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-Damon: But I did this cause I love you Lyle! You’re like a brother to me!

THIS GUY IS SO SWEET! He just missed you, Lyle! XD I'm sure you'll forgive the 47 kills eventually...

He's so sweet, but he's the one who murdered Taro violently......

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I'VE FINISHED. Awesome story, Lyle!

Now, my favourite parts from page 14-16:

-....Damon....just appeared...out of a seed....that Masu was pregnant with...

That is the coolest idea ever. XD

-Namine reappears!

-Namine: Thanks! *She envelops in a glow of light, which blinds everyone temporarily.(Well, except Nightmare.)* <--- Lol.

-And awww at the kisses between Lyle-Hikari and Princess-Masu.


-Wait what. Masu just missed. Silly brother of mine. XD

-LOOOOL. Only Fireman could leave so easily in the middle of a crisis.

-Ew ew ew ew the Demon King ate you! And you're stuck with only Lich for company! D: I'm feeling kind of bad for you right now...

-Aww. Hikari seems to have a constant faith in Lyle. =P

-The final battle with the Demon King is epic. Also, I like how Arc can keep his bow but Masu isn't allowed to keep his sword. XD

-Nightmare and Knife went on a killing spree


And finally:

-OMG. YOU GAVE ME AN APPEARANCE! Though I'm surprised Fireman didn't charge me 10,000 for hitting on him. XD

Overall, incredible story, Lyle! I'm looking forward to your next one!

Edited by Songbird
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I'VE FINISHED. Awesome story, Lyle!

Now, my favourite parts from page 14-16:

-....Damon....just appeared...out of a seed....that Masu was pregnant with...

That is the coolest idea ever. XD

-Namine reappears!

-Namine: Thanks! *She envelops in a glow of light, which blinds everyone temporarily.(Well, except Nightmare.)* <--- Lol.

-And awww at the kisses between Lyle-Hikari and Princess-Masu.


-Wait what. Masu just missed. Silly brother of mine. XD

-LOOOOL. Only Fireman could leave so easily in the middle of a crisis.

-Ew ew ew ew the Demon King ate you! And you're stuck with only Lich for company! D: I'm feeling kind of bad for you right now...

-Aww. Hikari seems to have a constant faith in Lyle. =P

-The final battle with the Demon King is epic. Also, I like how Arc can keep his bow but Masu isn't allowed to keep his sword. XD

-Nightmare and Knife went on a killing spree


And finally:

-OMG. YOU GAVE ME AN APPEARANCE! Though I'm surprised Fireman didn't charge me 10,000 for hitting on him. XD

Overall, incredible story, Lyle! I'm looking forward to your next one!

Lol. Thank you very much. I have to come up with an idea first though.....

Me and Nightmare might be doing a joint story though.

In the mean time, you could read the sitcom or on of the histories of one of the characters. (I wrote the Lyle Dayek one obviously.) Plus there is The World Ends With Us by Metal Arc that you could read.

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Lol. Thank you very much. I have to come up with an idea first though.....

Me and Nightmare might be doing a joint story though.

In the mean time, you could read the sitcom or on of the histories of one of the characters. (I wrote the Lyle Dayek one obviously.) Plus there is The World Ends With Us by Metal Arc that you could read.

Alright, I'll be doing that then. XD

Man, I have a lot to catch up on...

And if it's not spoilerly or anything, do you have a brief summary about the story you're writing with Nightmare? =P

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Alright, I'll be doing that then. XD

Man, I have a lot to catch up on...

And if it's not spoilerly or anything, do you have a brief summary about the story you're writing with Nightmare? =P

I wish I did. I have no clue what it's supposed to be about. We haven't decided anything yet.

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Actually, I've told him what it's about, but it seems he didn't understand.

I won't be able to write any time soon, though. Got to finish RD and my own history first, plus the movie I'm making with Fireman...lots of stuff!

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Actually, I've told him what it's about, but it seems he didn't understand.

I won't be able to write any time soon, though. Got to finish RD and my own history first, plus the movie I'm making with Fireman...lots of stuff!

Ah. Well in that case, I'll try to make another story in the meantime.

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..... <_< ..........im keeping that damn sword. SCREW THAT I GOT SCREWED OVER THE ENTIRE STORY (besides princess and knife) IM KEEPING THE DAMN SWORD!!!!!

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..... <_< ..........im keeping that damn sword. SCREW THAT I GOT SCREWED OVER THE ENTIRE STORY (besides princess and knife) IM KEEPING THE DAMN SWORD!!!!!

Oh? You mean: This sword? *Plays keep away.* Up! Can't get it! Can't get it! Can't get it!

Maybe you should count your blessings? At least you ain't dead.

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Oh? You mean: This sword? *Plays keep away.* Up! Can't get it! Can't get it! Can't get it!

Maybe you should count your blessings? At least you ain't dead.

Or someone didn't screw up with your title

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Or someone didn't screw up with your title

*in lyle's voice*


And i dont need to jump for it! *wraps kendama around the sword*

VICTORY. You know i fight with kendamas right?(EPIC GENIS FANBOY)

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*in lyle's voice*


And i dont need to jump for it! *wraps kendama around the sword*

VICTORY. You know i fight with kendamas right?(EPIC GENIS FANBOY)

That applys to you to Masu.

*Punches Masu. Takes sword. Tosses it into the planes. Closes portals.*

There. Now only Rov can get it.

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