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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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*Lyle tosses one of his blades at high speed. The blade zooms past the Lich and hit’s the bag with Hikari’s soul, sticking it in the wall.*

Lich: Ho? Interesting.

Lyle: *He bashes the Lich with his sword, sending the Lich tumbling away from the altar.* I’ve never fought someone without flesh to cut. Could be interesting.

Lich: *Gets up.* Rgh...*He raises his arm and fires a spell at Lyle.*

Lyle: *He dodges with instant speed.* That it? Man, this seal was keeping more power sealed away than I thought. I won’t even need my other sword. *He places both hands on his remaining sword.*

Lich: Hm. I suppose I’ll have to take this battle seriously. *He casts a shielding spell. Then summons three fiends.*

Lyle: Good. I could use a warm up. *He takes his other sword out of the wall, grab’s Hikari’s soul and slices through the first fiend.*

Lich: Rgh. *He starts casting another spell.*

Lyle: *Slices through the other two fiends.* Heh. This is too easy now!

Lich: I’ve just gotten started myself. *Flames engulf Lyle, who is lost in them now.* You can’t stop this revival.

Lyle: *Emerges from the flames.* Oh yeah, I almost forgot to introduce myself...

Lich: Eh?

Lyle: *Points a sword at the Lich.* I am Lyle Dayek. The Dual Wielding Noble of the Demonclaw Syndicate. *He cut’s through and shatters the Lich’s shield.*

Lich: !!!!

*Atop the cave.*

Evil Kiryn: It’s nice to see you again. *She shoots an arrow at Kiryn. Arc knocks her out of the way.* And Arc as well.

Arc: Hello miss. Sorry to hear about your failed attempt at killing Kiryn. Better luck next time.

Evil Kiryn: Now would be ‘next time.’

Arc: Well in that case, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.

Kiryn: This is none of your business!

Arc: Yes it is, she wants to kill me to right?

Evil Kiryn: Of course.

Arc: See?

Knife: What about me? Am I free from her wrath?

Evil Kiryn: Well, I want to kill them for personal reasons. You I just have to kill.

Knife: *Sigh* I see.

Kiryn: Knife, stay out of this. This is my fight. You two Arc.

Arc: You kidding? She wants to kill both of us. This is our fight. Knife, stay out of it.

Knife: (Geeze....) Alright. *He backs up a bit.*

Evil Kiryn: You’ll need all three of you to defeat me.

Arc: Try not to underestimate us.

Kiryn: I said stay out of this Arc!

Arc: Shut-up. I’m helping you out with this and that’s final! Get over it!

Kiryn: .....

Evil Kiryn: Don’t worry, I’ll kill him soon enough. *She shoots another arrow. This time it’s aimed at Arc.*

Arc: *Shoots an arrow that hit’s Evil Kiryn’s arrow. They both shatter.* You’re not killing anyone.

Evil Kiryn: We’ll see....

*Outside the cave*

Damon: *Maniacal laughter.*

Masu: .....I dunno which one is crazier....

Princess Kilvas: Just hope for Damon to win....

*Damon and Mathan are locked in combat. Damon has scratches and claw marks all over his body, as Mathan has bruises and indents in his flesh. Neither of them show any signs of stopping. Though Damon is fighting for fun, while Mathan is fighting to kill.*

Damon: COME ON!!!! GIMME MORE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *Damon punches Mathan hard in the face.*

Mathan: *After Mathan tumbles for a bit, he regains his footing and goes for Damon again.*

Damon: THAT’S IT!!! KEEP COMIN FOR ME!!!! *He punches Mathan in the face again.* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Masu: ....You know...I’m not perfect....and it’s not jealousy talking....but please..for the love of Gawd....don’t fall in love with him.....

Princess Kilvas: I would never.....Not after seeing this.

Damon: Come on Mathan! Where did all that spunk go?!?! This isn’t anything like I expected!!

Masu: Can’t you just kill him so we can go help Lyle?

Mathan: *Damon ignores Masu. Then, with renewed vigor, Mathan charges at Damon. This time Mathan knocks him to the ground and starts clawing at him.*

Damon: OW! That hurts! *He kicks Mathan off. Damon is now covered in blood and more scratches.* Jerk.

Mathan: *Charges again.*

Damon: Geeze, you don’t take a breather do you? *Damon punches Mathan in the stomach, Mathan goes flying again, and takes a second to recover.* Well at least that works.

Princess Kilvas: Damon! We don’t have time for this! We need to go and help Lyle and the others!

Damon: Calm down hot-stuff. You can’t rush something like this. It’s a form of art- ACK!

*Mathan tackles Damon to the ground again and starts clawing and biting at him. Damon once again manages to kick him off.*

Damon: Shit...at this rate I might actually be in trouble. Oh! Wait! *He points at Mathan with his pointer finger and his pinky.* I picked up a little something in the place I met my partner Kenpachi. I got myself somethin called a hallow. It’s not too special. But I like this technique they have. It’s called ‘cero’. *A beam emanates from his fingers and it blasts Mathan dead on.* Heh.

Mathan: *The dust clears and Mathan is standing there. He charges again.*

Damon: Dammit. *Sigh.* I really didn’t want to do this. *He knocks Mathan away. Then turns to Princess Kilvas.* Sorry hun. No choice. *He points at her.*

Masu: !!!! *He pushes her out of the way as Damon shoots a seed that ends up down Masu’s throat.*

Damon: EH?!!?! MASU!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!

Masu: *Choking*

Princess Kilvas: What did you do to him?!?!

Damon: He’ll be fine! *Mumbling.* God damn piece of crap kid.

Masu: You were about to shoot her!

Damon: No I wasn’t! It’s too late to take it back to!

Masu: What did you do to me!?!?

Damon: You’ll find out. *He charges for Mathan once again. He grabs Mathan and makes no attempt to let him go.* I’ll see you in hell Mathan. *Damon explodes.*

Princess Kilvas: !!!

Masu: !!!

*Cave. Nightmare is standing fairly unharmed, as Branded Blade is as well.*

Nightmare: I really didn’t want to kill you....cause I know you’re not actually our enemy. However, I don’t think there’s any way to save you....So I’ll just put you out of your misery. *Nightmare readies his blade. He charges in for a final attack. Without noticing it, a streak of light passes by him and hits Branded Blade, who is now back to normal.*

Branded Blade: Huh?

Nightmare: Uh. Are you normal again?

Branded Blade: Yeah....

Nightmare: How’d you do that?

Branded Blade: I dunno.

???: *A voice from behind them.* YAY!!!!

Nightmare: Eh? You?

To be continued.

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Remember that dare you sent me? Think of that and you might figure it out.


Mind cluing the rest of us in, guys?

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I forgot what witty comment I was going to put here, so NEXT:

*Atop the cave.*

Knife: (Geeze...this is getting pretty crazy.)

*Evil Kiryn shoots another arrow off, Arc once again hits it with one of his arrows, then Kiryn shoots an arrow at Evil Kiryn, who dodges it.*

Evil Kiryn: I see now...Your strategy is so easily figured out it’s pathetic. Arc is on defensive, and Kiryn is on offensive.

Kiryn: Shit....

Arc: .....

Evil Kriyn: Well then Arc, lets see how you handle this? *She strings three arrows, and shoots at Kiryn.*


Arc: !!*He jumps into the way of the arrows, saving Kiryn.*

Kiryn: Arc!

Evil Kiryn: Hah! Now the next one will be easier.*She strings another arrow. And aims at Kiryn.*

Arc: Dammit Kiryn....Run!

Kiryn: I can’t just leave you here!

Arc: Forget me..!

Evil Kiryn: Ha! *She’s about to shoot when Knife uses his blade to break the bow she’s using.* What?!

Kiryn: Knife!?

Knife: What? You think I’m just gonna sit there and watch you get killed? Who do you think I am? She’s yours to finish.

Kiryn: *Stands up and strings an arrow.* Now! We end this! *She shoots. The arrow her clone right in the chest sending Evil Kiryn stumbling backwards, off the cliff that was behind her.* Arc! Are you alright?

Arc: *Takes the arrows out of his body.* What? Are you kidding? I wouldn’t die from something like that. Thanks Knife.

Knife: I was saving myself to you know, I couldn’t take her alone, and she was about to kill you both.

Kiryn: Finally. I can rest at ease....

Arc: Same here.

Knife: Uh. Did you two forget that we have a possible demon king to take care of?

Arc: Oh yeah. We better get down from here.

Kiryn: Yeah. Arc.

Arc: Yes?

Kiryn: Thanks.

Arc: Don’t mention it.

*Outside the cave.*

Princess Kilvas: Did Damon just.....

Masu: Blow up?

Princess Kilvas: ....yeah...

*The dust settles. Mathan is lying on the floor motionless, while there is no sign of Damon at all.*

Masu: Man.....

Princess Kilvas: He sacrificed himself to save us.......

Masu: Yeah....ACK!!!*He grabs his throat and starts coughing.*

Princess Kilvas: What’s wrong?!?!

Masu:*He coughs up the seed that Damon sent into his throat. The seed then explodes in a puff of smoke, and Damon is standing there perfectly fine.* What the hell?!?!

Damon: What? You think I killed myself? What are you stupid?

Princess Kilvas: But...how-?

Damon: That thing I chucked down Masu’s throat was a seed. It contained an exact likeness of myself so I could destroy my last body and still be alive.

Masu: ....Wait.....

Damon: Yep. You were pregnant with me for about two seconds.

Princess Kilvas: O_o

Masu: O_o

Damon: That’s why I wanted to have Princess Kilvas take it.

Masu: .....Are you serious....?

Damon: Yup. You had my seed in your tummy. Boy, taken out of contex that could be bad. *Laughs.*

Princess Kilvas: Masu, are you gonna be okay?

Masu: ......no......*He crawls into a fetal position.*

Damon: Wimp.

*Mathan gets up and roars.*

Princess Kilvas: !!!

Damon: Heh. Good. It woulda been too easy if it was over with that. *He grins again.*

Mathan: RAR!!!!*Mathan charges one more time.*

Damon: *Something runs past Damon.* Eh?

*Mathan’s head is cut from his body. Fireman stands next to Mathan’s body, smoking his pipe.*

Fireman: Now we’re even Mathan.

Damon: Hey! That was my kill!

Fireman: Not from what I saw. Your finisher didn’t work. So I stepped in.

Damon: Dammit......

Princess Kilvas: Come on, we have to go help Lyle!

Masu: *Weeping.*


Lich: Rgh....

Lyle: Face it. You can’t beat me.

Lich: *Fires off another spell.* DIE!

Lyle: *Dodges. This time he attacks the Lich, and it cuts off one of his arms.* HA! I’ve finally gotten used to your body. It’s over Lich.

???: LYLE!!!

Lyle: *Turns around to see Nightmare and Branded Blade come in with Namine right behind them.* Namine...?

Namine: Hey!

Lich: ....I see.....Now I really do not have any chance of victory.....

Lyle: Just give up then.

Lich: Hardly. Did you really think the Demon King’s revival needed Hikari’s soul to succeed? I have gathered more than enough souls. Now. Watch, as the Demon King is revived. *The Lich jumps into the altar.*

Lyle: Shit! *The room fills up with dark energy.* We have to get out! NOW!

*The run out of the cave, which collapses behind them. The cave collapses when out of the top of it, the head of the Demon King sprouts from it. His head is like that of a dragon, but with black scales. Damon, and the others meet up with Lyle.*

Damon: .....Uh-oh.....

Lyle: Damon, this is Namine, Namine, this is Damon. And that would be the Demon King.

Namine: Nice to meet you.

Damon: Likewise. Now I see why Lyle wants to stay.

Arc: Is this really the time for introductions?

Fireman: I suggest we get as far away from here as possible, then we come up with a plan.

Lyle: Yeah, let’s go with that.

To be continued.

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(I'm suprised no one was disturbed by the Damon/Masu thing.)

Well I'm sure once Masu gets here he'll have something to say.

(CONGRATS ME ON MY 888th post WOOT!!!!!)

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Hooray! Two episodes in one day is back!

*Away from the cave. The opposite direction that Lyle and co. went. Evil Kiryn sits watching the Demon King emerge from the cave.*

Evil Kiryn: So. That’s the Demon King. Impressive. Though in this state I’ll have to leave. I wouldn’t want to get attacked by that. Not after surviving that fall. *She starts moving away as the Demon King roars.* Still, that was one of the worst engagements I’ve been apart of. Well, at least the gift that Lich gave me was......interesting.....I’ll be able to make use of it next time we meet Kiryn. That is, if you can survive the Demon King.

(Editors Note: The gift the Lich gave to Evil Kiryn I’m leaving up to the interpretation of Kiryn(user) when she writes the actual final battle between the two Kiryns. Be sure to look for it in the sticom!)

*The other side of the mountain. The Demon King has nearly broken out of the cave. He looks like a dragon with four wings, two tails and spines covering their body.*

Lyle: Well......anyone have any ideas?

Namine: Nope.

Damon: Nada.

Fireman: .......

Princess Kilvas: Er...

Masu: *Still scarred.*

Arc: I’m still bleeding....

Kiryn: Um....

Knife: Wut?

Branded Blade: I have one....

Nightmare: Shut-up no you don’t.

Branded Blade: I know.....

Lyle: Great! .......Well, I know one thing we can do. Namine, could you come here for a sec?

Damon: Lyle! Not in front of everyone!

Lyle: .....I’m returning her soul Damon.

Damon: Oh. Continue.

Lyle: Here. Hold this, *She gives her Hikari’s soul.* And this. *He gives her the orb Damon found.*

Namine: Thanks! *She envelops in a glow of light, which blinds everyone temporarily.(Well, except Nightmare.)*

Damon: *The light seems to physically hurt Damon.* GAH!

Hikari: *The light clears. Hikari now stands where Namine did. (Even though they look the same.* YAY!! I’m back! *She hugs Lyle.*

Lyle: Er. It’s good to see-MGM! *She kisses Lyle.*

Arc: .......You, know....we have a situation.

Hikari: I gots an idea!

Fireman: .....Well, we’ve got nothing else.

Hikari: Since I’m an incarnate of the goddess, I can give some of my power to someone, so they can slay the demon!

Arc: That sounds like a good idea actually.

Hikari: I can only do one person though.

Lyle: That’s fine. It should be our strongest though.

Princess Kilvas: Who would that be? Lyle? Or Damon?

Damon: Well, I’m probably the strongest. *Everyone glares at him.* ....At least let me finish....But it can’t be me anyway. I’m of demonic decent. If I’m to be blessed by a goddess it would only make me weaker. If not kill me.

Kiryn: But would it really be Lyle? What about that curse seal?

Lyle: It’s gone. It’s all me now.

Hikari: So it’s decided. I’ll bless Lyle, and then he’ll kill the Demon King.

Lyle: ....You make it sound so easy.

*The Demon King is now completely out. It roars.*

Hikari: GO! *She points at him, sending a beam of power right at him, however he sneezes, and it misses Lyle, and hit’s Masu in the forhead.*

Lyle: EH?!?!?!?!

Masu: Huh? I feel weird.

Damon: ........We’re fucked.

Arc: *Goes up to Masu.* Masu! This is very important-

Lyle: WE’VE GOT TO DEPEND ON HIM?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Masu: Huh?! Hikari blessed me?!? I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

Arc: MASU! *Slaps Masu.* Listen! This is very important! We only get one shot at this! *He turns to Hikari* Right?

Hikari: Right.

Arc: *Turns back to Masu* Okay? Now, I know you’re excited, but you need to take this seriously, then you can gloat about it all you want. Okay?

Masu: Okay! I got it!

Lyle: We are SO FUCKED!

Hikari: Oh Lyle, you’re just jealous- Hey! Who grabbed my butt!?!?!*She turns around to see Damon pointing at Knife.*

Knife: What? It was you Damon!

Damon: I’m still your boss, so that means you take the fall for me.

Knife: Ugh. (Dick.)

Masu: Watch this everyone! I’m gonna own him!

Kiryn: *To Arc* Did anything you say get through to him?

Arc: I doubt it....

Princess Kilvas: *Walks up to Masu and looks him in the eye.* Masu, listen. This is real important. Please take it seriously.

Masu: Of course! I’m the chosen one! I have to.

Princess Kilvas: Masu....*She kisses him.*

Masu: Huh.....

Princess Kilvas: Just do a good job, okay.

Masu: ...Okay.....

Fireman: That was incredibly simple.

Lyle: We should pick this up.

Masu: Got it! *He gathers up all the power he has. It concentrates into a little glowing ball.* You ready for this everyone?

Lyle: I can’t wait.....

Damon: You know, this whole thing has been milked too much already...

Hikari: I’m ready!!!


Masu: Okay...geeze....*He fires the blast, which envelopes the Demon King completely.* YEAH!!!! I ROCK!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! I DID IT!!! I’M THE MAN!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Fireman: MASU!!!

Masu: What?

Fireman: Look.

Masu: *Turns around to see that the Demon King is still alive. It looks as if the blast didn’t do anything.* Uh-oh.

*The Demon King roars.*

To be continued.

(P.s.: Don't expect the next one to come out today. I have no clue myself, how I'm going to kill the Demon King. I might just decide to say "EFF IT! LEAVE IT AS A CLIFFHANGER!!! Though I probably won't...........probably.....)

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Im getting shot by all the weird things arent I. And i was kinda expecting you to do what happened to me in the previous chapter with damon. So yeah im not surprised in the least. Bet you all were expecting me to freak out eh? :P

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Ohhh! This is getting good!! =D

Hmm.....I'm starting to think you're copying and pasting that responce......

<-*Has low self esteem so makes up for it by pinning discrepencies on others.*

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