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As usual, forgot to do the intro first...


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Yeah, I've been wandering around these forums as a guest for a while, but finally decided to show up as a member. After 'destorying' a couple people with Baconnaise Lite, I finally remembered to do an intro wossname.

I've played through FE7-8, and helped a friend through PoR as well. Although my credentials come to a shabby start (First game was Sacred Stones, where I ended up with 11 chars...including 20 Myrms Joshua and Marisa, and a 20 Fighter Garcia. Gerik, Myrrh and to a lesser extent Ephraim Forde and Tethys somehow carried me through) but I've eventually become quite a good tactician with only a slight crippling defect in spotting enemy attack ranges.

Likes: Green hair, generic characters, Mercenaries, Archers.

Dislikes: Low Constitution scores, everything about Florina. Seriously, she should just let the pegasus do the fighting for her.

Favourite Character: Gerik

Favourite Class: Archer

Favourite Game: FE7

Least Favourite Character: Florina/Amelia/Ewan. It's really hard to decide.

Stage of Addiction: Severe.

*Cough* Yeah, that pathetic excuse for an intro will have to do, besides the fact that I like colour-swapping in Photoshop (lazily points at avatar.)

Anyway...yeah. Already some of the stuff I've read has helped me, and hopefully I can pass on some of my own knowledge to others.

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Hello Furetchen and welcome to the Fire Emblem fandom, also called "my elitism is better than yours".

Don't go too far from the forest and behave like you'd be in an important meeting and you'll have a good time here.

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I've seen you on a couple times already. Anyway, welcome to the forest.

You should check out the SNES offerings to the series now that you're here, if you haven't already. Though it isn't like it once was, knowledge of FE4 is a requirement of true "literacy" in Fire Emblem and many of the people who've played those games consider them the golden age of Fire Emblem.

And if you don't mind my asking, where did you get your username from?

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Meh, I was usually just Ferret, until the unoriginality ended up getting to me (well, that and I ended up RPing a ferret at one point, so I needed a good name :P)

Anyways, apart from English I know a bit of German and 'enough' Italian. Ferret in Italian is 'Furetto', and in German 'Frettchen'. Furetto+Frettchen=Furetchen. A nice little name, and I haven't yet found anyone else with it ;).

EDIT: And christ the winking smily in these forums creeps me out.

EDIT II: And no, I haven't yet had the opportunity to try Gerik as Sniper, although I wish I had...although, Cheats have already ruined two games for me by now, so...but yeah, the thought, at least, is awe-inspiring.

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That's interesting. I doubt you will find anybody else using it, at least anybody who derived it in the way you did.

Now here's the best winking emoticon: ; [

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