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Does anyone agree that Final Fantasy 7 is possibly the greatest game of all time? My favorite character is Sephiroth personally, he's imo the best character ever.

Final Fantasy Thread Anyone can post anything (except crazed FF7 fanboys/girls)

Yeah i see what you mean pahn. I just don't want people to drone on about FF7

Fair enough I see what you mean Pahn & I am going to scold people that are only here too talk about FF7 (if that even helps)

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What about FF6 fanboys? Am I allowed in this thread?

I'm not excluding people I just think that the world has enough FF7 fanboys without more here, and yes people can talk about any FF game they want as long as it just doesn't turn into an arguement 0ver whose better Cloud's Sword or Sephiroth's :( etc... etc... You can talk about FF6 here as much as you want :) i want as many people to chat here as possible so I would'nt exclude anyone except incredibly annoying FF7 fans (my least favourite FF fan) :)

Edited by Masamune_Wielder
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Excellent. I was wondering, is it a good idea to use Cyan? From my experience, he seemed to be filled with fail but I'm guessing he learns some good Bushido techniques later on. I haven't really trained him though so I might give him a try in my next FF6 playthrough. If it's worth it, that is.

Oh, and the only reason I might do another FF6 playthrough is because I let Shadow die in the Floating Continent.

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Excellent. I was wondering, is it a good idea to use Cyan? From my experience, he seemed to be filled with fail but I'm guessing he learns some good Bushido techniques later on. I haven't really trained him though so I might give him a try in my next FF6 playthrough. If it's worth it, that is.

Oh, and the only reason I might do another FF6 playthrough is because I let Shadow die in the Floating Continent.

Cyan gets really good when you do his sidequest & get all his Bushido techniques & you know you have to wait by the exit to your ship until there's 5 seconds left then he comes to you.

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Cyan is unpopular due to his long charge times and almost complete lack of noteworthy weapons. He does have some quirks, such as being the only character who can break the damage limit without having to rely on relics. His Tempest katana (Kazekiri in the advance version) is also the only weapon that has a chance of casting a multi-target spell when you use it.

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Cyan is unpopular due to his long charge times and almost complete lack of noteworthy weapons. He does have some quirks, such as being the only character who can break the damage limit without having to rely on relics. His Tempest katana (Kazekiri in the advance version) is also the only weapon that has a chance of casting a multi-target spell when you use it.

I personally just slow my enemies or stop them but your right against major bosses unless you like level 99 he's pretty hard to get used to too :(

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Thanks a lot, I might try him next time. And yeah, I'll be sure to wait until 5 seconds are remaining in the Floating Continent.

Did you say that Cyan can break the damage limit? Does that mean he can do more than 9999 damage in a single hit? I thought that was impossible.

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Thanks a lot, I might try him next time. And yeah, I'll be sure to wait until 5 seconds are remaining in the Floating Continent.

Did you say that Cyan can break the damage limit? Does that mean he can do more than 9999 damage in a single hit? I thought that was impossible.

I mean that Cyan can do more than 9999 in single turn. He has Quadra Slam (Flurry in the advance version) and Quadra Slice (Tempest in the advance version), both of which hit four times in a row. If you raise Cyan's strength high enough, he can exceed 9999 with these skills.

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Thanks a lot, I might try him next time. And yeah, I'll be sure to wait until 5 seconds are remaining in the Floating Continent.

Did you say that Cyan can break the damage limit? Does that mean he can do more than 9999 damage in a single hit? I thought that was impossible.

I mean that Cyan can do more than 9999 in single turn. He has Quadra Slam (Flurry in the advance version) and Quadra Slice (Tempest in the advance version), both of which hit four times in a row. If you raise Cyan's strength high enough, he can exceed 9999 with these skills.

Wouldn't that be possible to do with Genji Glove & Atma Weapon (9999 HP)

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Wouldn't that be possible to do with Genji Glove & Atma Weapon (9999 HP)

It's possible with lots of things actually, but Cyan is unique in that he can do it without relying on relics.

Unfortunately, Cyan won't be able to do this until too late in the game.

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Oh snap. And here I thought it was only possible with that Samurai thingy (that lets you slash four times). And even if I don't grind Cyan, I'm sure that attack would do plenty of damage to make him useful in taking down big bosses.

Also, two more questions:

1. Odin or Raiden?

2. Ragnarok: sword or magicite?

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Wouldn't that be possible to do with Genji Glove & Atma Weapon (9999 HP)

It's possible with lots of things actually, but Cyan is unique in that he can do it without relying on relics.

Unfortunately, Cyan won't be able to do this until too late in the game.

Your right that is a definite drawback. Personally i am fine with Shadow, Terra, Celes & either Edgar or his brother.

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Oh snap. And here I thought it was only possible with that Samurai thingy (that lets you slash four times). And even if I don't grind Cyan, I'm sure that attack would do plenty of damage to make him useful in taking down big bosses.

Also, two more questions:

1. Odin or Raiden?

2. Ragnarok: sword or magicite?

Before I give any advice, which version of the game are you playing? SNES or GBA?

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Oh snap. And here I thought it was only possible with that Samurai thingy (that lets you slash four times). And even if I don't grind Cyan, I'm sure that attack would do plenty of damage to make him useful in taking down big bosses.

Also, two more questions:

1. Odin or Raiden?

2. Ragnarok: sword or magicite?

Get Raiden cause the Bahamut sumon from the Deathgaze fight gives you Meteor as well & quicker & the magicite cause that gives you Ultima & you can steal the sword in the final fight from the second part of the tower (only useful in FFVI Advance)

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Bahamut teaches Flare, actually. Crusader is the one that teaches Meteor.

really on the SNES version I got Meteor from a different summon than it (or I might be mixed up, if that's the case than just train everyone in Meteor than go back for Quick), thanks for the fix on that Gustave :)

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I'll probably play the SNES version since I never tried that one out. I heard it's a whole lot harder so I might just stick to the GBA one (which I played the first time).

The Dragon's Den & Omega Weapon are definitely worth playing the FFVI Advance version instead.

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I'll probably play the SNES version since I never tried that one out. I heard it's a whole lot harder so I might just stick to the GBA one (which I played the first time).

Alright then.

Odin vs. Raiden: This depends on what you want. Raiden teaches the amazing Quick spell, but Odin is the only magicite in the SNES version that raises speed at level-up. If you want your characters to have more speed, you might want to keep Odin. Otherwise, upgrade to Raiden ASAP.

Ragnarok sword vs. Magicite: The Ragnarok sword is the second best weapon in the game, but the Magicite teaches Ultima, the strongest magic in the game. However, it's also possible to learn Ultima using the Paladin Shield. I'd recommend the sword if you're playing the SNES version.

Another thing to keep in mind if you're playing the SNES version is that the Evade stat is completely useless due to a bug, so don't bother raising it.

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I'll probably play the SNES version since I never tried that one out. I heard it's a whole lot harder so I might just stick to the GBA one (which I played the first time).

Alright then.

Odin vs. Raiden: This depends on what you want. Raiden teaches the amazing Quick spell, but Odin is the only magicite in the SNES version that raises speed at level-up. If you want your characters to have more speed, you might want to keep Odin. Otherwise, upgrade to Raiden ASAP.

Ragnarok sword vs. Magicite: The Ragnarok sword is the second best weapon in the game, but the Magicite teaches Ultima, the strongest magic in the game. However, it's also possible to learn Ultima using the Paladin Shield. I'd recommend the sword if you're playing the SNES version.

Another thing to keep in mind if you're playing the SNES version is that the Evade stat is completely useless due to a bug, so don't bother raising it.

I didn't know about the evade thing, Thanks Gustave you've helped me a fair bit tonight too (since I just started my current FF6 playthrough) :)

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I didn't know about the evade thing, Thanks Gustave you've helped me a fair bit tonight too (since I just started my current FF6 playthrough) :)

No problem. I'm practically a living FF4/6 encyclopedia, and I like helping people out.

Also, you don't have to worry about the evade bug if you're playing the Advance version. They fixed it (and several other bugs) in that game.

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I didn't know about the evade thing, Thanks Gustave you've helped me a fair bit tonight too (since I just started my current FF6 playthrough) :)

No problem. I'm practically a living FF4/6 encyclopedia, and I like helping people out.

Also, you don't have to worry about the evade bug if you're playing the Advance version. They fixed it (and several other bugs) in that game.

I always wondered about the Celestriad cause whenever I get one & use 3 specific spells (Flare, Blizzaga & Quick) my game freezes (PS. I play all my FF 1-9 games on my PSP) :)

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I always wondered about the Celestriad cause whenever I get one & use 3 specific spells (Flare, Blizzaga & Quick) my game freezes (PS. I play all my FF 1-9 games on my PSP) :)

Hm, that's odd. I've never heard of that before. I just tested those spells out with a Celestriad equipped, and nothing unusual happened. Maybe it's because you're playing them on your PSP.

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I always wondered about the Celestriad cause whenever I get one & use 3 specific spells (Flare, Blizzaga & Quick) my game freezes (PS. I play all my FF 1-9 games on my PSP) :)

Hm, that's odd. I've never heard of that before. I just tested those spells out with a Celestriad equipped, and nothing unusual happened. Maybe it's because you're playing them on your PSP.

yeah your right I just fiddled around with some video setting & now the screens smoothed )so it looks better) & all the spells work fine. Thanks Gustave :)

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