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Chapter 3-13


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Ok. I found this video on youtube and I want to give it a try.


I am going to abuse the crap out of Micaiah's team, and try to not use the GM units that appear in this map. Also I would give the GM units iron weapons. Any further suggestions/strategies that you used for this?

Edited by core34510
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You could defeat the GM even if you have trained some of them, I've done it before on normal mode. On a regular playthrough I usually use 7/11 of the GM and maybe one of the healers. Almost all of them are third tier (besides Ike, healer and some that may be at 19/20).

The cool thing about the DB is that characters like Aran, Nolan and Jill can all get bexp if you train them to 20/11-12, sometimes Edward too if you are lucky. Also make sure Volug has SS strike by 3-13.

First thing I like to do is kill off most of the laguz, Soren and Ranulf before everyone else shows up and use the sleep staff on Ike, also make sure Volug has enough transformation gauge. Make sure you have some people waiting on the left side for Gatrie, Shinon and Rhys. I usually have Jill near Titania/Oscar so that she can canto to the left side to help. The best advice is to target the ones that you've trained first so that you don't have to deal with them in enemy phase. Also if you need help taking down Gatrie you could always use a hammer on him.

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It is still rather possible to defeat all the GMs there with a trained DB team. Basically, Rhys and Mist shouldn't be much of a threat, Gatrie gets hammertime'd, Titania and Oscar get the Horseslayer, Rolf and Shinon get blicked at 1-range, Soren should be dealt with using someone fast (aka Edward/Zihark) which leaves only Ike, Boyd and Mia. Boyd can get all 3 sword users, Mia and Ike get Luna'd. Of course, you'd require the whole DB team, but I don't see why it would be impossible.

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the hardest thing about this is time thanks to the Defend condition, A 3rd tier Edward can easily rip through most of them with Caladbolg assuming the GM's haven't promoted yet or maybe just promoted. He can even kill Ike with a bit off support or if he activates Astra(mine did). you have to take care of the Laguz and still leave enough time for the GMs

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Also make sure to equip all the GMs with bronze weapons.

One problem though: Ike has Ragnell, which is locked into his inventory and is auto-equipped by the computer. Although, if Micaiah zaps him with the sleep staff, he shouldn't be a problem, right?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Also make sure to equip all the GMs with bronze weapons.

One problem though: Ike has Ragnell, which is locked into his inventory and is auto-equipped by the computer. Although, if Micaiah zaps him with the sleep staff, he shouldn't be a problem, right?

I believe bosses can't be hit by status afflicting staffs unless if I'm mistaken.. Well depending on how the user's Ike and Tauroneo turned out if he is a Marshall he should be able to insta kill Ike with Luna if not, he could just have Tauroneo near Ike and get him to activate resolve on counters. (Usually equip Tauroneo with Silver Lance when not going to counter with resolve activated and Silver Great Lance or forged if like, when he is going to counter with resolve activated and of course give him some Vulernaries.)

Unless if the user thinks he can take out the Laguz on normal do it on easy mode.

Edited by Patchouli
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Also make sure to equip all the GMs with bronze weapons.

One problem though: Ike has Ragnell, which is locked into his inventory and is auto-equipped by the computer. Although, if Micaiah zaps him with the sleep staff, he shouldn't be a problem, right?

I believe bosses can't be hit by status afflicting staffs unless if I'm mistaken..

On my last playthrough, I managed to zap a level 20 Ike with the sleep staff, before Edward raped him with Cadalbolg. And since he only had 22 Res, I had 100 hit. :awesome:

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I tried to just kill ike on my last playthrough, I sleeped him and got micaiah to hit him for almost half his hp, but only tauroneo and leo were within range to hit him and they had crap attack

Edit: Yay I did it. I killed them all except for promoted rolf, promoted Mia(She freakin' scared me so I sleeped her), and unpromoted shinon. Base lvl Fiona died to the reinforcements on the left. I wish volug was maybe a point stronger and he would have helped by ORKOing more. Zihark really needed to be stronger because as it was he was relying on crits. Beastfoe!Jill was a monster. Nolan was very tanky, Edward did most of the work as a trueblade. He killed promoted Soren, promoted Oscar, and Ike. Meg and Laura guarded the right side balcony then went down to help kill things. They couldn't really double and if they weren't close enough for their support, Meg had terrible hit. Aran and Tauroneo guarded the center balcony, once the laguz there were killed by Jill, they went down to kill the laguz in front of Ike. Sothe was very disappointing, having 70 hit with beastkiller and still needing help to ORKO. All in all, I'm happy with the results. Now I have to deal with them for the endgame.

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Also make sure to equip all the GMs with bronze weapons.

One problem though: Ike has Ragnell, which is locked into his inventory and is auto-equipped by the computer. Although, if Micaiah zaps him with the sleep staff, he shouldn't be a problem, right?

I believe bosses can't be hit by status afflicting staffs unless if I'm mistaken..

Actually they can. You just gotta know how high their resistance is to decide if you should take a chance or not. And Ike will generally be able to get sleep staffed with a well-leveled Laura. Anything else is up to the player after that.

@NM: Last time I checked, Micaiah can't move. Not over the ledge at least.

Edited by LittleAl
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Ooh, here's a cool challenge: in all "friends fight" chapters, have your team wipe out the other team. That means you would have to beat Lethe and Mordecai in 3-6, the entire Dawn Brigade, including the Black Knight, in 3-7, Tanith, Sigrun, and Kieran in 3-12, all the GMs in 3-13, and all the Dawn Brigade in 3-E, all in one playthrough. If you try to abuse one team over the other, at least one of those battles will be nearly impossible, making it so much harder. Anyone want to try?

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That's pretty easy. Lethe and Mordecai don't stand a chance against beastfoe. In 3-7, the BK is reasonably easy to kill with Haar through hammer usage. In fact, you can 1 turn him thanks to Reyson vigoring. Tanith, Sigrun and Kieran have weakenesses to crossbow/horseslayer, and even if they didn't, they're easy to kill anyway. So that leaves 3-13 and maybe 3-E to worry about. Though even if you have a superpowered unit in both armies, you can still dispatch them with masteries, particularly luna.

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I think mostly because the hardest part (defeating Gm in 3-13) has already been discussed.

I've never actually killed the whole DB in 3-E, mostly because of the kill counter. Especially if you are on easy or hard, because there are more enemies on the "approach" to the DB, and your allied laguz die more easily (and allied deaths add to the count). The chapter usually ends a turn before I can kill kurthnaga even.

Killing Nailah in 3-E might be tough for that reason...ranged attacks and beastfoe ftw but even then, can you do it before tibarn wins the chapter for you?

Edited by SeverIan
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I'd like to see you kill them at 3-12. The only way you could get close enough without willing too many people people is Jill with pass, and I doubt she'll be able to kill them all unless you hella abuse her.

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I'd like to see you kill them at 3-12. The only way you could get close enough without willing too many people people is Jill with pass, and I doubt she'll be able to kill them all unless you hella abuse her.

I don't think so. If you leave the guys on the right alive it shouldn't be too big a challenge...but make sure to leave high durability units on the right w/ their wpns unequipped so you don't get your kills too high.

Obviously she needs to be abused but that's a given for something like this - it's gonna be tougher killing characters like Ike and Titania in 3-13 than killing (relatively) wussy characters like tanith and kieran. Jill's probably the best choice since she has 9 move, and you don't even have to try to kill her in 3-E, just have Haar recruit her instead.

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