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Judge my team

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I never know who to use so i use everyone for a little bit at least :). Here are my characters stats. I'm in 11A. I want one for every class at least, and haven't used stat boosters on anyone yet. I'm probably going to use them on Sophia or someone else.

I'm not using Lot, Ward, Zealot, Marcus or Bors.

Echidna, Geese, Shin, Barth, Treck, Zealot, Merlinus, Klen and Marcus at bases

Oujay lvl 4 25hp, 7 str, 11 skl, 9 spd, 7 lck, 4 def, 0 res

Lugh lvl 6 17hp, 6 mag, 6 skl, 10 spd, 7 lck, 5 def, 8 res

Lot lvl 5 31hp, 8 str, 6 skl, 8 spd, 2 lc, 4 def, 1 res

Ward lvl 5 29hp, 9 str, 4 skl, 5 spd, 6 lck, 3 def, 0 res

Wolt lvl 5 22hp, 6 str, 4 skl, 8 spd, 3 lck, 5 def, 0 res

Bors lvl 2 21hp, 8 str, 5 skl, 4 spd, 5 lck, 11def, 1 res

Saul lvl 9 22hp, 5 mag, 8 skl, 12 spd, 2 lck, 3 def, 5 res

Lance lvl 10 26hp, 7 str, 12 skl, 13 spd, 5 lck, 9 def, 2 res

Rutger lvl 9 25hp, 7 str, 15 skl, 15 spd, 3 lck, 5 def, 2 res

Chad lvl 7 22hp, 5 str, 5 skl, 14 spd, 7 lck, 3 def, 0 res

Noah lvl 12 31hp, 9 str, 11 skl, 11 spd, 10 lck, 8 def, 1 res

Dorothy lvl 13 29hp, 9 str, 10 skl, 12 spd, 6 lck, 4 def, 4 res

Astol lvl 14 28hp, 8 str, 11 skl, 16 spd, 12 lck, 7 def, 3 res

Tate lvl 10 24hp, 7 str, 9 skl, 13 spd, 4 lck, 7 def, 7 res

Roy lvl 15 30hp, 7 str, 12 skl, 13 spd, 15 lck, 7 def, 3 res

Alan lvl 20 39hp, 13 str, 11 skl, 14 spd, 10 lck, 10 def, 3 res

Ellen lvl 2 28hp, 17 mag, 14 skl, 13 spd, 21 lck, 4 def, 21 res (promoted)

Thany lvl 19 30hp, 16 str, 18 skl, 20 spd, 14 lck, 8 def, 11 res

Sue lvl 1 35hp, 17 str, 20 skl, 21 spd, 15 lck, 12 def, 8 res (promoted)

Lilina lvl 17 24hp, 20 mag, 8 skl, 11 spd, 11 lck, 5 def, 12 res

Wendy lvl 18 32hp, 13 str, 13 skl, spd 7, lck 11, def 14, res 2

Clarine lvl 20 22hp, 7 mag, 14 skl, 18 spd, 19 lck, 4 def, 12 res

Dieck lvl 14 32hp, 11 str, 14 skl, 13 spd, 8 lck, 7 def, 1 res

Fir lvl 9 25hp, 7 str, 11 skl, 15 spd, 6 lck, 6 def, 1 res

Gonzales lvl 12 41hp, 17 str, 5 skl, 13 spd, 7 lck, 8 def, 0 res

Lalum lvl 4 17hp, 1 str, 2 skl, 14 spd, 12 lck, 2 def, 5 res

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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IMO, Niime is the best druid in FE6, since she has A staves and 21 magic at base level. Just something you may wish to consider.

As for a sniper, you really should consider Klein.

Something looks a bit funny with your unit's levels there.

Edited by General Spoon
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what is it?

Niime is scary but i'll consider it

Don't! I like your character choice so far, you have to continue it and use Sophia!

But seriously, you've done an admirable job leveling all those units. I would suggest at this point picking ten or so characters to keep using for the rest of the game. You don't have to be too academic, just choose the ones that are most useful and/or that you like the most, and promote them as soon as possible so you can afford to train Sophia!

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Your Alan has really bad Str, Skill & Spd for his level, I wouls suggest you dump him.´

Your Lilina is kinda like in her average stats, not too bad.

You have a GREAT Thany and Sue, keep them up like that. ;)

While your Wendy has higher stats all around than her averages, she really needs more Spd, you should give her a Spdwing or two, that, or save the other obe for Lilina.

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Your Alan has really bad Str, Skill & Spd for his level, I wouls suggest you dump him.´

I agree with the first part, Alan has definitely underperformed so far. But his average stats are good enough that even this far below them his stats are still decent. Especially considering the fact that he's already twenty and has promotion boni just ahead and then more levels, he can still contend well for a spot on the roster, at least until Miledy and Zeiss show up. RNG curses and blessings have a tendency to reverse themselves, even at this relatively late stage.

Edited by Hero
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I like Alan and Noah a lot i'll use Noah and see if he gets better than Alan

Arenas are good, i had some of my characters use them while the others got the kills, and unarmed Marcus as meatshield I'm surprised he's died only once. I let Jeigans/Oujays die only once, I won't bother restarting for them. I really don't like exp stealers,

I'm also strict on level ups, if they get 2 or 3 horrible ones in a row i dump them, only Alan & Gonzales are exempt from this rule of mine, I'm using him and Echidna because of their rarity :3 so theres no point in Dieck as much as I like him :(

and I like both Fir & Rutger so whichever gets a better next level up stays

and Ray <3 I'm thinking about leaving Lilina and Lugh for Ray and Sophia<3, I'm not bothering with Hugh unless I like his personality

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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You might be reffering to mercenaries, I suppose.

Not that I don't like Sophie, just make sure to give her at least one Speedwings and Secret Book.

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Queen Elincia, I'd suggest to keep going with both Alan but to ditch Noah. Noah has the worst growths of the four cavaliers, which is a shame since I think he has the best personality. Go with Lance instead. Lance is only a couple levels behind and, having nearly identicle growths to Alan, is likely to quickly surpass Noah. You can get rid of Alan later if his substandard performance continues.

You know Sophia even has a hard time getting levels in the arena.

And an even harder time getting kills outside of it, with her dumpy base AS and hit! Sophia turns into a solid unit, though, especially after promotion. And raising units like Lilina, Fir, Sophia and Fa from meager beginnings to incredibly powerful fighters creates new challenges and a big sense of accomplishment.

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That's too much saying, actually. Considering her average stats she turns out even worse than Lilina, she is quite fragile, she is not doing any better than Ray whom be doubling a little more, hell, his base Spd = Sophiya's Spd at lvl 20.

Just show us how your Sophiya is going, then we could decide what to do with her. :)

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Hero read my mind :U <3 thank you all though ^_^

I like Noah's personality :) but yes Lance is a better choice, Ray is so adorable :3 his >=] face makes me want to main him, screw Lilina she looks like Mia and I arena abused her too much. I'm using him and Sophia.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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LOL, poor Lilina, though. You're going to find lots and lots of people (especially guys) finding her better than Lugh mostly for looks.

Yeah, Noah's growths are bad. Also, you might want to consider Treck sometime, despite being bad-looking and having growths slightly higher than Noah he is quite good, he turns out tanky and isn't so slow, really (Same Spd at Sain in FE7).

His Str is better than Lance and slightly lower than Alan's, like Sain, he lacks Skill.

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screw Lilina she looks like Mia and I arena abused her too much.

So are you just going to finish the game without an anima user, or spring for the high-statted Hugh?

Yeah, Noah's growths are bad. Also, you might want to consider Treck sometime, despite being bad-looking and having growths slightly higher than Noah he is quite good, he turns out tanky and isn't so slow, really (Same Spd at Sain in FE7).

His Str is better than Lance and slightly lower than Alan's, like Sain, he lacks Skill.

Yeah, Treck's a good character too. I've used him more than once with good results. Alan and Lance are still both better overall, though, and Lance is already level ten while Treck is level four. I think Treck's window of opportunity is long-closed on this playthrough, and it doesn't sound like Queen Elincia likes him much anyway.

That's too much saying, actually. Considering her average stats she turns out even worse than Lilina, she is quite fragile, she is not doing any better than Ray whom be doubling a little more, hell, his base Spd = Sophiya's Spd at lvl 20.

Just show us how your Sophiya is going, then we could decide what to do with her. :)

Sophia has a big lead in Magic and Resistance, even at promotion. Sophia also eventually pulls ahead in Luck and keeps a bare lead in it. Ray has significantly better Skill and beats her in all other stats, but not by much. By 20/20 the two characters don't look all that different.

Here's my Sophia from what I think is the most recent savestate of my most recent playthrough, the battle preparations before 20x:


I think she took an angelic robe, but I wouldn't call it blatant favoritism because you can buy them in chapter sixteen.

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Yeah, I know she has a Resistance lead, but there aren't many magic users here, that won't be too important unless it's for later chapters.

Ray is better because he actually doubles things, but there's also Niime who needs no training and is actually good.

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Yeah, I know she has a Resistance lead, but there aren't many magic users here, that won't be too important unless it's for later chapters.

By the time Sophia comes, it's already Later Chapters in terms of lots of magic-using and status staff-using enemies.

Ray is better because he actually doubles things

They'll both have quite the time trying to double on HM. The difference between their speed stats would mean more if they were both faster, but as it is they'll be mostly doubling and not doubling the same enemies after promotion, since the vast majority of enemies tend to have either crap speed or nearly on par with the player characters or higher. The difference just isn't that big.

but there's also Niime who needs no training and is actually good.

She has the worst stats of the three of them, and that means absolutely terrible when the discussion rolls around to durability. She'll also have a hard time getting the weapon rank to use the S dark tome.

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I was going to use Treck but using more than three cavies, when I'm only ending up with one is unfair for the rest of my team :(. Also Percival looks promising, I'm thinking about leaving all the cavies for him :/.

I'm always biased against other classes, pegasus riders and falco knights are in my priority so I'm most likely going to use Yuno :3. Then I saw Zeiss, he reminds me of Cormag :( and I <3 Cormag.

I also hate it that only 10 characters can participate in the endgame :angry: especially when I like all the roster (except Marcus, Karel and Roy).

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No! Don't use Yuno! She is just horrible, don't pay attention to the "flier utility", there are so much better options, everyone is better than her, Zeiss, Miledy, Thany & Tate are much better, keep them~

Perciival is great, use him if you wish, there's nothing he could decieve you with, though his hit is a little meh in comparison to the other cavvies/pallies.

@Hero: She's playing normal mode, so I was reffering to the mode's disscusion. Sure, the difference of Spd is not much, but again, when you took into consideration of there being more magic users endgame you didn't take to account that there are also much more physical units, physical units who can double her despite not being hard mode, sure, Ray isn't speedy either, but he will survive a little more, he also comes earlier and 11 levels ahead of her, he will be damaging more to, he will almost cap his Mag too, and that is enough to make kills, which Sophiya will have a harder time in the first place when training her, especially when her hit is so low.

And there's no crowds of magic users either, the only thing Sophie could survive against to is being Bolting'd and Berserk'd.

So, Queen Elincia? If you wish to use Sophie, that's fine, I'm just pointing out her difficulties.

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Is Yuno bad like Syrene?

Worse than Syrene.

(Also you'll Juno and Zealot alive and recruited if you want to do the sidequest on Illia's route which is easier than Sacae's route also you can only access Illia's route if the experience earned by Tate and Thany is greater than Sue and Shin.)

Edited by Patchouli
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If I am correct, bases > growths.

Just look at Dieck. Plus, Noah has leads in HP, SKL, SPD, LCK, RES, and CON. Hell, he even gets a C in swords and Anima.

Treck, or as I like to call him Dreck, has Wind, gets an E in swords, has lolwind, and wins in DEF. But ties in STR.

It's basically like this:

Lance ≥ Allen >>> Noah >> Treck.

And wtf at Lvl. 15 Roy at 11A.

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@ Elincia: Don't try using Yuno. You'll regret it. Only deploy her if you really need a rescue chain or something.

Also, use Percival and whatever cavs you like. Percival is just awesome :)

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