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FE9 Hacking


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Use GCTool to extract the files.

Find the System.cmp file and uncompress it with a LZ77 de/compressor.

For classes, do you mean the actual classes or what classes character start of as? Similarly for items, do you mean editing stats of items or editing what characters come with what items?

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Use GCTool to extract the files.

Find the System.cmp file and uncompress it with a LZ77 de/compressor.

For classes, do you mean the actual classes or what classes character start of as? Similarly for items, do you mean editing stats of items or editing what characters come with what items?

All of the above. Mostly Items people come with and starting WPLs & Stats.

Thanks! :)

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For stats, you'll need the System.cmp file as I mentioned before.

The easiest way to find what you're looking for is to find the appropriate label. Eg. I want to change Ike's stats, I look for PID_IKE (his character/person ID). This is found at least twice, but the first one is what you need.

Then convert it into the pointer that would lead to it. In this file in particular, you take the address where the label starts and subtract 240 (in hex), and then convert that value into an address. To point to PID_IKE, you'd use 0x1AB55 - 240 = 0x1A8E5 -> 00 01 A8 E5. If you search for this, you'll find it's used very early on, at the address 0x25.

With this knowledge, it should be fairly easy to find what you want to edit. Be wary, however, that I've been unable to get an edited System.cmp file to work by decompressing it and then re-compressing it. I have gotten an edited System.cmp file to work by working with the compression scheme though.

Starting classes and items should be found in the /zmap folder, in the dispos.cmp files. Again, these need to be uncompressed. I haven't tried to see if editing them works, so don't be surprised if you don't see any changes ^^;;;

To change things here, you can either redirect pointers, or rewrite labels (you can rewrite labels in System.cmp as well, naturally, but there's more chance of multiple pointers to the same label). Unfortunately, small chapters barely have much space to rewrite things.

Also note that data is split by each of the three modes. You can figure out what's Hard Mode by looking for the Shade scroll in Chapter 18. Not sure how you would differentiate Easy and Normal Mode though.

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