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I wouldn't say sharpened. It's more of a personal view than anything but take what you will for it.

But without religion, the world as of now would be a lot more peaceful; no Middle East Crisis for instance, since this is mostly about Iran's claims that Israel had kicked them out of their land, which is complete bullshit since its coming from that retard of a leader Ahmadinejad. I digress; the only wars we'd have are class wars, which are also idiotic since its a hypocrisy derived from religion anyway, and war over territory/power.

I can honestly say nothing TRULY beneficial has come out of religion. Except the belief in an absentee father figure who decided to kill his creations not once but twice.

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I wouldn't say sharpened. It's more of a personal view than anything but take what you will for it.

But without religion, the world as of now would be a lot more peaceful; no Middle East Crisis for instance, since this is mostly about Iran's claims that Israel had kicked them out of their land, which is complete bullshit since its coming from that retard of a leader Ahmadinejad. I digress; the only wars we'd have are class wars, which are also idiotic since its a hypocrisy derived from religion anyway, and war over territory/power.

I can honestly say nothing TRULY beneficial has come out of religion. Except the belief in an absentee father figure who decided to kill his creations not once but twice.

I do agree with you. However, Ahmadinejad is a puppet president. Until 4-5 months ago, the clerics had power. Now it's a military dictatorship run through the leaders of the Revolutionary Guard. They wield the power in Iran now.

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So do the Wahabi. Or the oil moguls that purposely mistranslated the Quran to the masses in order to stimulate hatred towards their "enemies".

And the Unwanted Nobodies, more commonly known as the UN, won't do anything about it.

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I wouldn't say sharpened. It's more of a personal view than anything but take what you will for it.

But without religion, the world as of now would be a lot more peaceful; no Middle East Crisis for instance, since this is mostly about Iran's claims that Israel had kicked them out of their land, which is complete bullshit since its coming from that retard of a leader Ahmadinejad. I digress; the only wars we'd have are class wars, which are also idiotic since its a hypocrisy derived from religion anyway, and war over territory/power.

I can honestly say nothing TRULY beneficial has come out of religion. Except the belief in an absentee father figure who decided to kill his creations not once but twice.

The great awakening. other than that, religion is and was pointless

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Nothing beneficial from religion? That's ridiculous. Religion brings morality as the teachings of religion are pretty much the basis of common-day law. Without religion, I'd argue the world today would be a much more chaotic place, and we would not have developed so far, as they'd be nothing to have told us we shouldn't have done such things. Religion brings out courage to speak out, and whilst many do abuse that (such as some in the middle east), I am sure that there are many who find the courage to fight against something with their religion (e.g. christian views on abortion and divorce). Religion also brings hope to those who are terrified of death, and can act as comfort to them.

IMO, religion has been an important part of today's soceity. Perhaps moreso than even science.

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What the fuck

Science is what has brought this world this far, what, do you wish you could be back in the stone age or some shit?

Additionally, morals do not come from religion. If morals came from religion then why the hell aren't lions eating each other?

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Because that's natural instinct.

Religion is what made us pursue so far into science is what I was saying.

No, religion is what kept us from pursuing science for about 1250 years prior to about 1500. Religion is the cause of the fall of Rome (arguably), and it's the cause of why gays are so persecuted and denied their rights under US law.

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If it's natural instinct then what morals did religion give us

Not to kill

Help others

Do not steal.

Seriously, if people took religion a tad more seriously they'd be far less murder/rape/burglaries in the world, I can assure you. Not to mention, humans are smarter than lions, we can go against our natural instinct as we know how and why we'd want to do it. Lions aren't smart enougth to do that.

Uhh no it isn't

It did it indirectly, for example, our progress into medicine was founded by morals (Ambrose Pare, for example, noted that the treatments used at the time were incredibly painful so attempted to seek a cure), which are founded by religion.

No, religion is what kept us from pursuing science for about 1250 years prior to about 1500. Religion is the cause of the fall of Rome (arguably), and it's the cause of why gays are so persecuted and denied their rights under US law.

Speaking for medicine only, there was a lot of progress from the years before the 1500s. Natural observation for example was founded in the Greek times. Anatomical knowledge from teh Egyptians was gathered solely from mummification - a religious practice.

Acleplions also provided a place where people coudl rest, exercise and bathe - which helped them. You know what caused the ascleplion? Religion. Herbal remedies were sought after in the prehistoric times for ridding evil spirits (which they believed caused illnesses).

The only time where religion slowed down progress in medicine and not helped it was probably in the middle ages, when the christian church prevented anyone with new ideas challenging the ideas of Galen and Hippocrates.

Edited by The Syobon
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Religion is useless in the eyes of the common man but the most powerful weapon in the world to the dictators.

Go ahead and reflect on that; and I'm pretty sure religion has brought MUCH MUCH MUCH more bad than good.

EDIT: Like The Crusades. Or the Diaspora. Oh, not to mention the Holocaust!

Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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If it's natural instinct then what morals did religion give us

Not to kill

Help others

Do not steal.

Seriously, if people took religion a tad more seriously they'd be far less murder/rape/burglaries in the world, I can assure you. Not to mention, humans are smarter than lions, we can go against our natural instinct as we know how and why we'd want to do it. Lions aren't smart enougth to do that.

Japan has about 1.1 homicides per 100,000 people per year.

The US has about 5.5 homicides per 100,000 people per year.

The vast majority of the US is Christian

The vast majority of Japan is Atheist


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If it's natural instinct then what morals did religion give us

Not to kill

Help others

Do not steal.

Seriously, if people took religion a tad more seriously they'd be far less murder/rape/burglaries in the world, I can assure you. Not to mention, humans are smarter than lions, we can go against our natural instinct as we know how and why we'd want to do it. Lions aren't smart enougth to do that.

Japan has about 1.1 homicides per 100,000 people per year.

The US has about 5.5 homicides per 100,000 people per year.

The vast majority of the US is Christian

The vast majority of Japan is Atheist



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It did it indirectly, for example, our progress into medicine was founded by morals (Ambrose Pare, for example, noted that the treatments used at the time were incredibly painful so attempted to seek a cure), which are founded by religion.

It doesn't take someone mentally retarded to figure out that pain is bad

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