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Hurt and Heal -- Africa Edition


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It's been over an hour so I'm going again.

Angola (Republic of Angola) - 3

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 3

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 3

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 3

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 3

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 59

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 3

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 3

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 3

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And another hour's gone by.

This time we'll do some more generalized hurting.

Angola (Republic of Angola) - 2

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 3

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 59

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 3

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 3

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 3

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And another hour.

Angola (Republic of Angola) - 2

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 3

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 2

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 63

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 3

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 3

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 3

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I intended to go to sleep right after the last post, but I got caught up reading the news apparently things didn't go that way.

Good night for real this time. The next few people to post will be able to annex two countries apiece.

Angola (Republic of Angola) - 2

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 2

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 63

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

Edited by Hero
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Angola (Republic of Angola) - 2

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 2

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 59

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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Angola (Republic of Angola) - 2

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 2

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 63

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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Hero, why are you not posting in the range of an hour? Seriously, you even already wasted your four points to use.

That "once an hour" thing was just too limiting. If you want to win the game sometimes you've got to change the rules. At least that's the reasoning Le Communard, Ninjamonkey and I came up with yesterday.

But enough talk. I feel like getting rid of some former Portuguese colonies.

Angola (Republic of Angola) - 0 ANNEXED

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 2

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 3

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 65

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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Forgive me to say this, but that is just dumb, rules are made for a reason, a good reason, you should abide by them, the reason here is that no matter how slow the game is, that's how it is, that's how you play Hurt and Heals, now this is a mess, you're just killing everything along with your other friends, you have to follow what the original poster of the game says.

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I think it's a bit late for that. If you didn't notice the second-strongest competitor right now is a fake country from an alternate history mod for a video game.

Speaking of which, I think Cameroon and Equatoguinea are supposed to be parts of it.

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) - 0 ANNEXED

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 2

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 1

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 65

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 46

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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I never much liked the Coromors, nor Equatorial Guinea.

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Comoros (Union of the Comoros) - 0

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) - 0

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 65

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 47

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

Edited by Le Communard
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Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 2

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 2

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 61

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 47

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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Good luck kid. Two more down.

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) - 0

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde) - 0

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 61

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 2

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 47

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 2

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Let's kill. I'm feeling particularly nasty today.

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 61

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 0

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 47

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 0

Middle Africa is a bit bigger now, thank you very much.

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Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 55

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia) - 2

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) - 0

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 47

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland) - 0

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This is a mess, where are the other coutries? :mellow:

Dead and gone. Liberated from there oppressors by the great Mittleafrikan-Ertrian Empire. They live in FREEDOM under us now.

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 51

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 49

Fool, this games over. Allied victory.

Edited by Le Communard
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Eritrea (State of Eritrea) - 47

Mittelafrika (Freistaat Mittelafrika) - 49

I'm employing Hero's view on H&H's

It's all idle speculation when you're dead.

More like, you guys just ignored every rule and did whatevere the hell you wanted.

More like no one makes a Hurt and Heal Africa unless they're trying to be a bitch in the first place. We just ran with it. Stop being jealous.

Edited by Le Communard
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