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Folks, it darkens my heart to say this, but there comes a time when every member must retire. It pains me to do so, but I suppose it was inevitable. You see, I have been posting for about twenty or so minutes now, but very soon I am going to open a new tab and close this one, going to a different website. How long it will be until I get back, I do not know, but all I do know is that I cannot in good conscious continue to be an active poster of these here forums when I am on a different website.

As such, I am retiring. I am also throwing a retirement party across the street from Lord Glenn's on that same day as his party. We will have a keg (with actual beer that you can drink but dont tell ur parentals!!!!!) and girls, and all the popular kids are coming, so if you don't want to be a loser I think we all know who's retirement party you are coming to. Your reputation is at stake here.

Should I mark your RSVP now since obviously you're coming to my retirement party and not Lord Glenn's, or should I wait until the end so you can walk up to Lord Glenn's door, pretend you're going to go in, then laugh and run away and go to the REAL party?

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I do that thingy with my mouth and then I frown like that

If there are any other Jon Culshaw fans in this forum they better get the reference :angry:

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