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What Are You Looking Forward to this Year?


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The new year means, among other [more important] things, new vidya. Are there any games or announcements you're looking forward to in twenty-ten? I can list a couple o' things right off the bat: SoulSilver comes out in, what, April? Rest assured I will be purchasing that. The Last Guardian, if memory serves, is supposed to see a 2010 release, at least in Japan. I am very much looking forward to that one, though I fear it may just amount to an Ico clone where you ride a Colossus. I'll be happy if I can get a release date on Golden Sun DS by June.

Additionally, Nintendo is expected to make a major hardware announcement, most likely in regards to a DS sequel, within the coming months, most likely at E3.

Edit: can someone in a position of authority please get rid of the god-awful text that is generated after editing a post?

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List of games that I'm looking forward to this year:

Final Fantasy XIII

Resonance of Fate(A.K.A. End of Eternity in Japan)

Pokemon Heart Gold

Pokemon Soul Silver

Final Fantasy Versus XIII (hope it comes out for the 360...)

Dead Rising 2

Final Fantasy Agito XIII

"Mortal Kombat 9"

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Metal Gear Solid: Rising

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The real US Release of Dragon Quest IX, Victoria 2, Kharkov 1943, hopefully Crusader Kings II. The Old Republic, but I don't really think that's supposed to be this year.

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List of games that I'm looking forward to this year:

Final Fantasy XIII

Golden Sun DS

Glory of Heracles (hopefully going to get this weekend)

Pokemon Soul Silver

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Metal Gear Solid: Rising

God of War III

WarioWare D.I.Y.

TBH, a Spiderman game that was better than 2 on the GBA.

Mario Galaxy 2

And last of all, like whase, I want a new Fire Emblem game!

Oh, and Fox, to shorten your wait, it comes out in March. March 14th, to be exact. :D

EDIT: I am looking forward to the "DS2" as well. Hopefully that is what it will be. I'm still getting a DSi, because I know for a fact I won't be able to purchase a DS2 anytime soon. Plus, I get to use flashcards.

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hopefully Crusader Kings II. The Old Republic, but I don't really think that's supposed to be this year.

Even if they do end up trying to rush a release out of CKII this year, and there's been nothing to suggest Paradox will even make that game after Rome's failure, it will be on the Clausewitz engine. I'd rather wait for something better.

The Old Republic isn't coming out this year. I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to it at this point, either.

I am looking forward to the first three games in your post, as well as a couple other small titles, but right now the only one I'd be willing to preorder is Dragon Quest IX.

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Even if they do end up trying to rush a release out of CKII this year, and there's been nothing to suggest Paradox will even make that game after Rome's failure, it will be on the Clausewitz engine. I'd rather wait for something better.

Rushed? My understanding from all the hints they've dropped it's thats its been being developed concurrently for a while. Anyway, we probably won't see it until something like December even then. I'm resigned to it not really being a great simulation for the Middle Ages, but the Clausewitz engine is very transitional, and we just have to take our lumps and enjoy it until we can move on to something better.

The Old Republic isn't coming out this year. I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to it at this point, either.

I don't know--it's been a while, but the announcements I was reading before seemed to indicate it might be good, and you know I usually object to MMO's on principle. We should at least give it a good chance.

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Golden Sun DS, Ace Attorney Investigations, Lufia DS.

Hopefully Eiyuu Densetsu 7. (Come on, Falcom!)

... it doesn't seem Diablo 3 will be out before 2012 at this rate, so it doesn't count.

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Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, No More Heroes 2, Dragon Age Awakening, Red Steel 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG (A new find for me; 256 player matches say hi), The Last Guardian, Metroid: Other M, and All Points Bulletin.


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Golden Sun DS and Zelda, mostly. The Grinder looks interesting, and Mortal Kombat 9 might be worth a try.

Like TheEnd brought it up, Diablo 3 isn't coming in quite a while (last news I had was March 1 next year, and that was when I preordered it months ago), so I shouldn't count it for this year.

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Last Guardian I know little about, and I've never played Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, but if Fox raves about it when more information is released, I'll give it earnest consideration. Hikarusa will either murder or dismember me if I don't get Sin and Punishment 2, and it's a Treasure shooter, of a sort, so I'll most probably get that when it releases in the US. End of Infinity / Resonance of Fate looks interesting... but I'll wait and see if proves to be a decent game, and likely to be of more than cursory interest to me.

Hotel Dusk was fantastic, so I'll pick up Last Window unless early impressions universally indicate that it's rubbish. Valkyria Chronicles 2 appears to have at least kept, and even slightly built upon, its predecessor mechanics, so I'll be very upset if it doesn't end up a good game. Final Fantasy XIII I've already beaten, it was fun but I have no reason to buy it again. If StarCraft II doesn't play well and fun, then I'll stick to the original. Rewrite I'll buy if it's not 18+....

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Last Window is a given after my experience with Hotel Dusk. I'm also looking forward to Golden Sun DS. Then there's Starcraft II. With luck, the next Professor Layton game will be out before year's end. And I also can't wait for Other M.

And I suppose that could hope that Zelda Wii will be fun, but I'm not going to get my hopes up like that.

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Right now, I'm looking forward to Dante's Inferno, Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, and of course a new FE whenever they feel like making that...

But most of all, I'm looking forward to Guild Wars 2.... which doesn't come out until next year... -_-.... might beta this year though.

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Actully, I take back Crusader Kings II: apprently it isn't happening. Instead we're getting a new Magna Mundi! Not that that means anything to any of you, but this is pretty much the greatest thing since Jesus the savior.

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One thing I forgot to note. Rumors abound that Battlefront III will be released sometime during the fourth quarter of this year.

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