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Socialism is superior

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

The Mart System in Pokemon is clearly capitalist. You can buy nearly anything there is in the world through the Marts, from drugs to basic supplies, even drinks, at various prices. Gabling is also widely established, with every region having at least one gaming corner, usually with Slot Machines. Even Pokemon Battles themselves operate on a capitalistic gambling system, where the better trained Pokemon can earn their trainer a good deal of money through fights and even non-combative competitions. The one socialist part of the game, the Pokemon Centers, have one massive flaw to them: The absolute lack of an Ambulance system. Your character ALWAYS has to rush back to the Center by themselves, unconcious critters in tow, which leads to more Pokemon "fainting" due to poison or burns than if an Ambulance service was available to come and pick them up, sustaning the Pokemon until they get to the actual Center. It's amazing that a trainer with a bunch of unconscious Pokemon hasn't been killed yet.

And that is the longest post I've made in some time. Good going, Revan.

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Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It's called good sportsmanship, something socialist countries always have. Trainers are expected to combat to increase their skills. Competition is their job - if they didn't want to do it, they don't have to be trainers. Pokemon DO enjoy it, as clearly their closeness to you is measured by how much you use them in battle.

Don't try and argue the logic, comrade, socialism simply produces idyllic societies again and again.

Yet the closeness gauge decreases when they faint. Fainting wouldn't occur as often if people didn't force others into battle. You can have one extremely injured pokemon and be rushing to the center avoiding people, but they still attempt to challenge you.

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Don't try and argue the logic, comrade, socialism simply produces idyllic societies again and again.

Yes. Even the greatest revolutionaries among us are humbled by the World of Pokemon.

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Yet the closeness gauge decreases when they faint. Fainting wouldn't occur as often if people didn't force others into battle. You can have one extremely injured pokemon and be rushing to the center avoiding people, but they still attempt to challenge you.

Only if you're a capitalist idiot who runs towards the next town rather than returning the way you came.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

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Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

They may be as slaves, but it's clearly their intended station in life and they have it better in the Poke-balls than they do in the wild. You could say we're teaching the Pokemon civilization, so that perhaps in another era their descendants will be far enough removed from their natural state of barbarism to lead wholesome lives free.

Don't break the system that works. They're happy, and if the Pokemon were emancipated what would the economic implications be? Nothing good, I tell you, nothing good at all.

Edited by Hero
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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

The Mart System in Pokemon is clearly capitalist. You can buy nearly anything there is in the world through the Marts, from drugs to basic supplies, even drinks, at various prices. Gabling is also widely established, with every region having at least one gaming corner, usually with Slot Machines. Even Pokemon Battles themselves operate on a capitalistic gambling system, where the better trained Pokemon can earn their trainer a good deal of money through fights and even non-combative competitions. The one socialist part of the game, the Pokemon Centers, have one massive flaw to them: The absolute lack of an Ambulance system. Your character ALWAYS has to rush back to the Center by themselves, unconcious critters in tow, which leads to more Pokemon "fainting" due to poison or burns than if an Ambulance service was available to come and pick them up, sustaning the Pokemon until they get to the actual Center. It's amazing that a trainer with a bunch of unconscious Pokemon hasn't been killed yet.

And that is the longest post I've made in some time. Good going, Revan.

The Mart System is in fact clearly Socialist in nature. Why is this? Notice the complete lack of essentials of living. Every single item or service available for purchase in the world of Pokemon is a luxury item. This fact alone PROVES the Socialism that is clearly rampant in the society.

The lack of an ambulance matters little, since it appears that fainting cannot actually kill a Pokemon, and remaining fainted, or burned, or paralyzed or asleep for long periods of time have absolutely no effects that cannot be healed with a simple visit to the completely free Pokemon Center. There is no need for such a service.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

Ever noticed that the only Pokemon that won't obey you are the Pokemon you get in trades? This implies that Pokemon simply need to get to know you before they will battle for you. A Pokemon you caught and raised yourself will intrinsically respect you and know you are a somewhat worthy trainer. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the theory you are proposing.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

Ever noticed that the only Pokemon that won't obey you are the Pokemon you get in trades? This implies that Pokemon simply need to get to know you before they will battle for you. A Pokemon you caught and raised yourself will intrinsically respect you and know you are a somewhat worthy trainer. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the theory you are proposing.

If you train a pokemon enough without a sufficient amount of badges they will ignore you. I have had it happen. Simply, at a higher level they are able to resist the effects and can disobey at times, the distortion works for all levels but any pokemon with enough stregnth is able to temporarily snap out of it.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

Ever noticed that the only Pokemon that won't obey you are the Pokemon you get in trades? This implies that Pokemon simply need to get to know you before they will battle for you. A Pokemon you caught and raised yourself will intrinsically respect you and know you are a somewhat worthy trainer. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the theory you are proposing.

If you train a pokemon enough without a sufficient amount of badges they will ignore you. I have had it happen. Simply, at a higher level they are able to resist the effects and can disobey at times, the distortion works for all levels but any pokemon with enough stregnth is able to temporarily snap out of it.

This has never happened to me. Clearly you are an inept Pokemon Trainer and cannot blame society for your shortfallings. In addition, you have yet to provide evidence of this distortion effect to me.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

If a pokemon was like you said earlier, unintelligent, then the need to earn their respect would not exist.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

The Mart System in Pokemon is clearly capitalist. You can buy nearly anything there is in the world through the Marts, from drugs to basic supplies, even drinks, at various prices. Gabling is also widely established, with every region having at least one gaming corner, usually with Slot Machines. Even Pokemon Battles themselves operate on a capitalistic gambling system, where the better trained Pokemon can earn their trainer a good deal of money through fights and even non-combative competitions. The one socialist part of the game, the Pokemon Centers, have one massive flaw to them: The absolute lack of an Ambulance system. Your character ALWAYS has to rush back to the Center by themselves, unconcious critters in tow, which leads to more Pokemon "fainting" due to poison or burns than if an Ambulance service was available to come and pick them up, sustaning the Pokemon until they get to the actual Center. It's amazing that a trainer with a bunch of unconscious Pokemon hasn't been killed yet.

And that is the longest post I've made in some time. Good going, Revan.

The Mart System is in fact clearly Socialist in nature. Why is this? Notice the complete lack of essentials of living. Every single item or service available for purchase in the world of Pokemon is a luxury item. This fact alone PROVES the Socialism that is clearly rampant in the society.

The lack of an ambulance matters little, since it appears that fainting cannot actually kill a Pokemon, and remaining fainted, or burned, or paralyzed or asleep for long periods of time have absolutely no effects that cannot be healed with a simple visit to the completely free Pokemon Center. There is no need for such a service.

That isn't entirely true. Drinks have to be bought, and it's even made into a plot point in the First Generation with the guards. The other essentials of living are assumably bought from other types of stores. The biggest clue to this is that the Pokemarts tend to be treated closer to something akin to a Petsmart or something, and since Pokemon can eat any berry that grows on a tree, it's probably safe to assume that Human supplies are bought elsewhere.

Do note that the original text for knocking out Wild Pokemon in the japanese versions was varied from the Trainer Pokemons'. Most notably, it implied the Pokemon's death. We've seen that this can happen to Trainer pokemon as well, in both versions, through the Pokemon Tower in Lavender town, which is just one massive cemetery.

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I don't see the reason behind the debate here. It's obvious that Red's wrong and he's digging himself into a deeper hole with every post.

Why won't he just live up to his name and acknowledge the virtues of PokeSocialism?

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

If a pokemon was like you said earlier, unintelligent, then the need to earn their respect would not exist.

I never claimed they were unintelligent, I claimed they liked humans. I was not contesting the intelligence point.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

Ever noticed that the only Pokemon that won't obey you are the Pokemon you get in trades? This implies that Pokemon simply need to get to know you before they will battle for you. A Pokemon you caught and raised yourself will intrinsically respect you and know you are a somewhat worthy trainer. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the theory you are proposing.

If you train a pokemon enough without a sufficient amount of badges they will ignore you. I have had it happen. Simply, at a higher level they are able to resist the effects and can disobey at times, the distortion works for all levels but any pokemon with enough stregnth is able to temporarily snap out of it.

This has never happened to me. Clearly you are an inept Pokemon Trainer and cannot blame society for your shortfallings. In addition, you have yet to provide evidence of this distortion effect to me.

So it means a trainer is inept if they get the pokemon to be far stronger then what they can control? The evidence is in the behavior. Who is to say that the government provides everything? The people have jobs and earn money, and in the games your mom buys food for you, etc.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

If a pokemon was like you said earlier, unintelligent, then the need to earn their respect would not exist.

I never claimed they were unintelligent, I claimed they liked humans. I was not contesting the intelligence point.

Which explains why many pokemon(ie. Ghost) haunt people until captured.

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I don't see the reason behind the debate here. It's obvious that Red's wrong and he's digging himself into a deeper hole with every post.

Why won't he just live up to his name and acknowledge the virtues of PokeSocialism?

Because I actually use my brain and can spot the flaws in logic in this PokeSocialism, something you seem incapable of. Of course, it is your agenda as the founder of the FESSR to push such socialist views...
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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

The Mart System in Pokemon is clearly capitalist. You can buy nearly anything there is in the world through the Marts, from drugs to basic supplies, even drinks, at various prices. Gabling is also widely established, with every region having at least one gaming corner, usually with Slot Machines. Even Pokemon Battles themselves operate on a capitalistic gambling system, where the better trained Pokemon can earn their trainer a good deal of money through fights and even non-combative competitions. The one socialist part of the game, the Pokemon Centers, have one massive flaw to them: The absolute lack of an Ambulance system. Your character ALWAYS has to rush back to the Center by themselves, unconcious critters in tow, which leads to more Pokemon "fainting" due to poison or burns than if an Ambulance service was available to come and pick them up, sustaning the Pokemon until they get to the actual Center. It's amazing that a trainer with a bunch of unconscious Pokemon hasn't been killed yet.

And that is the longest post I've made in some time. Good going, Revan.

The Mart System is in fact clearly Socialist in nature. Why is this? Notice the complete lack of essentials of living. Every single item or service available for purchase in the world of Pokemon is a luxury item. This fact alone PROVES the Socialism that is clearly rampant in the society.

The lack of an ambulance matters little, since it appears that fainting cannot actually kill a Pokemon, and remaining fainted, or burned, or paralyzed or asleep for long periods of time have absolutely no effects that cannot be healed with a simple visit to the completely free Pokemon Center. There is no need for such a service.

That isn't entirely true. Drinks have to be bought, and it's even made into a plot point in the First Generation with the guards. The other essentials of living are assumably bought from other types of stores. The biggest clue to this is that the Pokemarts tend to be treated closer to something akin to a Petsmart or something, and since Pokemon can eat any berry that grows on a tree, it's probably safe to assume that Human supplies are bought elsewhere.

Do note that the original text for knocking out Wild Pokemon in the japanese versions was varied from the Trainer Pokemons'. Most notably, it implied the Pokemon's death. We've seen that this can happen to Trainer pokemon as well, in both versions, through the Pokemon Tower in Lavender town, which is just one massive cemetery.

Those drinks are drinks from vending machines, and are only occasionally seen consumed by human beings, and then more as a delicacy or privilege than a necessity. Regardless, my point remains that essentials of living never need to be bought at any point, and, in fact, it is almost impossible to locate a location that may sell them.

I was unaware of this, but suspect it was a mere mistake, as it clearly has recently been corrected. The Pokemon Tower, to me, seems to be full of Pokemon that died of old age, or other, non battle related causes.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

If a pokemon was like you said earlier, unintelligent, then the need to earn their respect would not exist.

I never claimed they were unintelligent, I claimed they liked humans. I was not contesting the intelligence point.

Which explains why many pokemon(ie. Ghost) haunt people until captured.

Never mind several Legendaries, beginning with Mewtwo, attempted exterminating humanity.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

The Mart System in Pokemon is clearly capitalist. You can buy nearly anything there is in the world through the Marts, from drugs to basic supplies, even drinks, at various prices. Gabling is also widely established, with every region having at least one gaming corner, usually with Slot Machines. Even Pokemon Battles themselves operate on a capitalistic gambling system, where the better trained Pokemon can earn their trainer a good deal of money through fights and even non-combative competitions. The one socialist part of the game, the Pokemon Centers, have one massive flaw to them: The absolute lack of an Ambulance system. Your character ALWAYS has to rush back to the Center by themselves, unconcious critters in tow, which leads to more Pokemon "fainting" due to poison or burns than if an Ambulance service was available to come and pick them up, sustaning the Pokemon until they get to the actual Center. It's amazing that a trainer with a bunch of unconscious Pokemon hasn't been killed yet.

And that is the longest post I've made in some time. Good going, Revan.

The Mart System is in fact clearly Socialist in nature. Why is this? Notice the complete lack of essentials of living. Every single item or service available for purchase in the world of Pokemon is a luxury item. This fact alone PROVES the Socialism that is clearly rampant in the society.

The lack of an ambulance matters little, since it appears that fainting cannot actually kill a Pokemon, and remaining fainted, or burned, or paralyzed or asleep for long periods of time have absolutely no effects that cannot be healed with a simple visit to the completely free Pokemon Center. There is no need for such a service.

That isn't entirely true. Drinks have to be bought, and it's even made into a plot point in the First Generation with the guards. The other essentials of living are assumably bought from other types of stores. The biggest clue to this is that the Pokemarts tend to be treated closer to something akin to a Petsmart or something, and since Pokemon can eat any berry that grows on a tree, it's probably safe to assume that Human supplies are bought elsewhere.

Do note that the original text for knocking out Wild Pokemon in the japanese versions was varied from the Trainer Pokemons'. Most notably, it implied the Pokemon's death. We've seen that this can happen to Trainer pokemon as well, in both versions, through the Pokemon Tower in Lavender town, which is just one massive cemetery.

Those drinks are drinks from vending machines, and are only occasionally seen consumed by human beings, and then more as a delicacy or privilege than a necessity. Regardless, my point remains that essentials of living never need to be bought at any point, and, in fact, it is almost impossible to locate a location that may sell them.

I was unaware of this, but suspect it was a mere mistake, as it clearly has recently been corrected. The Pokemon Tower, to me, seems to be full of Pokemon that died of old age, or other, non battle related causes.

Water is a delicacy now?

It is stated that several of the Tower Pokemon were flat-out killed by Team Rocket on several occasions. Most Bluntly in the First Generation, where the information is stated specifically and clearly that the Pokemon were killed by Team Rocket.

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...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The pokeballs have technology that exceeds ours. Somehow it manages to distort the minds of pokemon somewhat to the point they aren't aware of abuse until an extreme point. If you notice, you have to attempt to catch them before they obey. Badges increase the power of distortion allowing the trainer to control more powerful pokemon that could temporarily be restored to its original state.

Sports players have the right to play, they can choose to abstain by not joining, pokemon can't.

Ever noticed that the only Pokemon that won't obey you are the Pokemon you get in trades? This implies that Pokemon simply need to get to know you before they will battle for you. A Pokemon you caught and raised yourself will intrinsically respect you and know you are a somewhat worthy trainer. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the theory you are proposing.

If you train a pokemon enough without a sufficient amount of badges they will ignore you. I have had it happen. Simply, at a higher level they are able to resist the effects and can disobey at times, the distortion works for all levels but any pokemon with enough stregnth is able to temporarily snap out of it.

This has never happened to me. Clearly you are an inept Pokemon Trainer and cannot blame society for your shortfallings. In addition, you have yet to provide evidence of this distortion effect to me.

So it means a trainer is inept if they get the pokemon to be far stronger then what they can control? The evidence is in the behavior. Who is to say that the government provides everything? The people have jobs and earn money, and in the games your mom buys food for you, etc.

Why would a capable Pokemon want to be on a team with an incapable trainer? It is the same in sports. You do not see some one legged retarded kid playing on the same soccer team as someone such as Christiano Renaldo. This is why they revolt, because they believe, perhaps rightly so that they know better than you.

...How ironic...

First. Goddamn. Post.

You people aren't particularly quick in the head, are you?

Points 1 and 6 are currently contradictory, mate. Thus, Irony.

I fail to see how these points are contradictory, considering you are clearly not a socialist, and the world of Pokemon clearly follows socialist tenets. Unless you would like to admit you have finally seen the light and stopped being such a pox on all working people everywhere, and have finally joined the ranks of Socialism?

It isn't a socialist society. People are forced to attack others with animals for money and the animals aren't paid for their work even though they obviously have enough intellect. Instead it goes to the masters who treat them like slaves.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is that relevant. Regardless, no one is forced to attack anyone, it is mainly done for recreational or enjoyment purposes, and the Pokemon themselves seem to enjoy it. In addition, the Pokemon seem to have no need for money.

You will also note that none of the money expended is used for essentials of living, further cementing the idea that their society is a Socialist one.

Yet somehow I manage to see the words "If you look at someone you have to challenge them". Of course the pokemon enjoy getting the crap beat out of them.

It is not a legal restriction, merely a Trainer's Code of Honor. There are few recreational circumstances where a battle is not enjoyable for the participants. The Pokemon do indeed enjoy getting the crap beaten out of them, as can be observed by their happiness increasing when they are used in battle and show attention by you.

That happens when they win, it goes down when they faint. Also, pokemon are treated as slaves and the heads(gym leaders and champions) leave it to the trainers showing up right after the battle. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Well, clearly their happiness goes down when you lose. You can see this in sports events throughout the world. Would you proclaim that all sports players are somehow slaves?

Pokemon never attempt to rebel in force, only against certain specific trainers, and only then because those trainers do not have sufficient skill to gain the respect of the Pokemon. Clearly if they were intelligent as you proclaim, and felt they were enslaved by humanity, they would have little difficulty.

Let's be honest, how can you possibly believe that defenseless 12 year old children are managing to force massive, dangerous, creatures to do their bidding against their will?

The Badges, actually. According to the Manga at any rate, the Badges allow you to control more powerful Pokemon as you collect them. No, no one bothers explaining how they work.

Also, wasting Potions on fully-healed Pokemon will make them ADORE you. Frivoulus spending on such things seems more capitalist to me.

The badges earn you the respect of the Pokemon and prove you have the necessary skills as clearly stated in the games, which are most definitely the greatest canon source.

In addition, frivolous spending does not make a society Capitalist. As I have stated many times, the fact that essentials of living are provided free of charge should be proof enough of a Socialist society.

If a pokemon was like you said earlier, unintelligent, then the need to earn their respect would not exist.

I never claimed they were unintelligent, I claimed they liked humans. I was not contesting the intelligence point.

Which explains why many pokemon(ie. Ghost) haunt people until captured.

Ghost Pokemon are born Ghost Pokemon and are not actually the spirits of dead Pokemon. The spirits of dead Pokemon exist in such things as the Marowak Ghost, but that ghost was mad because of Team Rocket, a CRIMINAL orginization, known to mistreat Pokemon and an ENEMY of the state.

I don't see the reason behind the debate here. It's obvious that Red's wrong and he's digging himself into a deeper hole with every post.

Why won't he just live up to his name and acknowledge the virtues of PokeSocialism?

Because I actually use my brain and can spot the flaws in logic in this PokeSocialism, something you seem incapable of. Of course, it is your agenda as the founder of the FESSR to push such socialist views...

No because you are an evil evil person.

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