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EB's Artsy Artwork


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I love to draw and use Photoshop to color. And like the description says, people tell me I'm quite the artist. I consider myself pretty good as well, though not really a pro or master or anything like that.

Check out my DA account here! :3

I have art for a Zelda fanfic (well, more than one, actually), Fire Emblem fanfic, fanart, and just plain other stuff. Enjoy. x3

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You're really good at drawing from the few pieces I browsed through. My favourite one was "A Battle for Kelli".

Just a few pieces? Did you look at my Fire Emblem art? I'd say I draw FE-related stuff best...xP

But thanks! :3

I really should recolor "A Battle for Kelli" though. Not my best work in coloring, haha.

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So, I'm currently drawing a picture of Ike wielding a sword I designed myself! :3


Yeah, just think RD Ike with the sword in that image. XD

I call the sword Ettardios. Yeah, the sword is actually Ettard reforged. See, near the beginning of my fanfic, Ettard is stolen and accidentally snapped in two by bandits, so Ike gets it reforged into a new more powerful blade.

Is it a cool sword? :3

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So, I'm currently drawing a picture of Ike wielding a sword I designed myself! :3


Yeah, just think RD Ike with the sword in that image. XD

I call the sword Ettardios. Yeah, the sword is actually Ettard reforged. See, near the beginning of my fanfic, Ettard is stolen and accidentally snapped in two by bandits, so Ike gets it reforged into a new more powerful blade.

Is it a cool sword? :3

Wow, that looks great so far. That sword looks pretty well designed. imo it looks like a legendary weapon.

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Well, it kinda sorta is if you think about it. :P

By the time my fanfic happens, Ike is pretty much the most famous person people know of (due to his deeds in Tellius. I mean why WOULDN'T he be famous for killing an all powerful king and defeating a goddess, thus saving Tellius twice? xP), and if they know stories about Ike, they'd know the weapons he uses, one of which is Ettard. There's also Ragnell, of course, which will be coming back to him, you can count on that. Ike without Ragnell is just...it just isn't right! D:

Ragnell is Ike's sword. I can't see it fitting in anyone's hands but his.

But anyway, thanks Proto! :3

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I wish I could draw like that, Ike looks beast.

I got around to looking at the rest of your FE Art and I must say, I laughed at Ike has the Munchies. I also liked the Pokemon stuff =]

My one complaint is probably about Bryan, the Halberdier. His pose. It just looks extremely obscure.

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Yeah, I know about Bryan's pose. I was going for something else, really. xP

Thanks, though! :3

I still laugh at Ike has the Munchies myself lol. I plan to draw two more RD comics. :3

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Thankies. :]

I'll be finishing the Ike sketch soon enough. I just wanted to get the picture I just showed done cause I started it ages ago and lost the thumbdrive that I had the file on (and forgot to save it to my computer). xP

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally got around to finishing the Ike sketch last weekend. :3


Sorry his foot is cut off, lol. That, as well as the hands, eyes, etc. will be corrected in Photoshop. XD

I redrew part of Ike's left arm and lengthened the cape a bit. Also, I didn't have much to go on when drawing the belt, so I just took my best shot at it with what reference I had. Hope he looks good, though, cuz I <3 Ike. x3

Edited by Eternal Bond
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