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Advance/Battalion Wars


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more so then FE? aren't units more "disposable" in those games than FE?

Yes because in FE you can always send in one uber cheap unit in to kill everyone. You can't do that in AW

I'd say Advance Wars is even more hardcore than Fire Emblem, but isn't as popular.

Hardcore=Less recognized?

Yes, the prime example is Riviera, Hardcore RPG, barely known about.

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Logic Swordsman, I'm assuming that you're grouping Fire Emblem in with the Nintendo Wars series, but Fire Emblem isn't part of the NWars series. Famicon Wars, Super Famicon Wars, Advance Wars, Battalion Wars, the unreleased 64 Wars, and then I believe that there's the Gameboy Wars. That's the Nintendo Wars series, although NWars and FE were made by the same company.

Anyways, I like it (not as much as FE though) but like Serene said, it requires MUCH more strategy than Fire Emblem. Battalion Wars not as much as the turn based games in the Nintendo Wars series, but that doesn't mean Battalion Wars isn't hard and doesn't need strategy. Unfortunately for me and my being-horrible-at-but-like-video-games-syndrome.

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Anyways, I like it (not as much as FE though) but like Serene said, it requires MUCH more strategy than Fire Emblem.

What the hell are you guys talking about? I mean, I only played Days of Ruin, but from what I've seen, FE requires much more strategy than Advance Wars. AW's gameplay is so simple. But I guess it really depends on how you view the word "strategy." A beginner in AW would likely do much better than a beginner in FE, but a pro in either one would probably find FE easier. Why? FE has much more data and random occurences to take into account. If you know all that, it makes the game easier for you. AW doesn't have hardly any random occurences and class types are always the exact same in data, making things much more simple and straightforward.

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What the hell are you guys talking about? I mean, I only played Days of Ruin, but from what I've seen, FE requires much more strategy than Advance Wars. AW's gameplay is so simple. But I guess it really depends on how you view the word "strategy." A beginner in AW would likely do much better than a beginner in FE, but a pro in either one would probably find FE easier. Why? FE has much more data and random occurences to take into account. If you know all that, it makes the game easier for you. AW doesn't have hardly any random occurences and class types are always the exact same in data, making things much more simple and straightforward.

I barely use any strategy in Fire Emblem. I just rush in and kill people. But in Advance Wars it's not that easy.

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I barely use any strategy in Fire Emblem. I just rush in and kill people. But in Advance Wars it's not that easy.

Same, just to use an example of that, just look at CGV's signature, the words on the bottom describe everything. AW is more of the typical strategy while FE is more storylined based and RPG enabled. The only time I ever used Strategy in FE is when I could lose a unit

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What the hell are you guys talking about? I mean, I only played Days of Ruin, but from what I've seen, FE requires much more strategy than Advance Wars. AW's gameplay is so simple. But I guess it really depends on how you view the word "strategy." A beginner in AW would likely do much better than a beginner in FE, but a pro in either one would probably find FE easier. Why? FE has much more data and random occurences to take into account. If you know all that, it makes the game easier for you. AW doesn't have hardly any random occurences and class types are always the exact same in data, making things much more simple and straightforward.

No. Fire Emblem is much more easier to pick up than Advance Wars. It requires a lot more tactical strategy like stationing a recon unit in the forest rather than sending an uber unit in to clear a bunch of enemies. Mostly harder because there are no "good" or "bad" units, you are on equal playing fields with the enemy.

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No. Fire Emblem is much more easier to pick up than Advance Wars. It requires a lot more tactical strategy like stationing a recon unit in the forest rather than sending an uber unit in to clear a bunch of enemies. Mostly harder because there are no "good" or "bad" units, you are on equal playing fields with the enemy.

Nah, your opponent usually has a lot more units than you. In both games. But I'm talking about AW right now.

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Like I said, it depends on how you look at the word strategy. There are many more elements in FE to take into account when playing, making it harder for newbies and easier for pros. AW is simpler, but in a way that can make it a lot harder.

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Like I said, it depends on how you look at the word strategy. There are many more elements in FE to take into account when playing, making it harder for newbies and easier for pros. AW is simpler, but in a way that can make it a lot harder.

Well also when I first picked up a FE game, I completely beat the living shit out of it. When I picked up an AW's game for the first time, I got my Ass kicked so hard, I went back to playing Riviera (for the fifth time). Me personally I perfer Fire Emblem

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Well also when I first picked up a FE game, I completely beat the living shit out of it. When I picked up an AW's game for the first time, I got my Ass kicked so hard, I went back to playing Riviera (for the fifth time). Me personally I perfer Fire Emblem

I was kind of the same, except I got owned by the time I hit Cog of Destiny and then I thought the final chapter was impossible to beat. AW was easy for a time, but then I needed help from friends to clear the big maps.

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I was kind of the same, except I got owned by the time I hit Cog of Destiny and then I thought the final chapter was impossible to beat. AW was easy for a time, but then I needed help from friends to clear the big maps.

Yeah same, my first AW's experience was so bad that I got owned on the a mission in AW's 2 that requires you to take a base in 7 days

[offtopic]You reading my story that I post[/offtopic]

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