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Grainy Avatar

Le Communard

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I just recently became aware that my avatar had previously been appearing very grainy in non-chrome browsers. I just tinkered around with some thing, and I think it's fixed, but I was wondering if that is actually so.

Yours Truly,

Le Communard.

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I just recently became aware that my avatar had previously been appearing very grainy in non-chrome browsers. I just tinkered around with some thing, and I think it's fixed, but I was wondering if that is actually so.

Yours Truly,

Le Communard.

I use Chrome, so I couldn't tell you. :(

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Now your profile looks even more like mine, stop that, it's creepy and gives credence to the theory that you're my alt.

The picture looked better grainy, like a sketch out of an old-time biographical dictionary.

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