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The recent poll was bogus!


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The title of the topic is right: The recent poll, titled Round 37, was rigged against the people's will. This posting is not created out of bitterness, we speak for the great silent majority of hardworking forum members.

In addition to the fact that hordes of FE4 Thread posters were mobilized across thread borders to vote for a certain candidate, there were irregularities with the voting itself. Let's take as an example Generic Officer. This voter has a consistent record in the past of voting for the correct candidate, but in this poll he suddenly changed his voting pattern, and voted--twice! We would be completely unsurprised if half the members who voted for Dio turned out to be inactive or dead.


Some people voted twice, and others have such similar profiles that it is obvious they are one person

But even without fraudulence in the voting and ballot-counting, the entire system that all of these polls run on is deeply flawed and undemocratic. The guest masses have no say! Until this oppressed class is granted equality and allowed with dignity to participate, they will all be meaningless, superceding the people's will.

Until this mess has been thoroughly investigated and sorted out, and until a more democratic system is put into place, all elections are cancelled! Tangerine is relieved of her duties as their facilitator.

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Eh. Either way, you would lose to Dio anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

Um yeah. The guy who CLEARLY loses even if all so-called fraudulent votes are thrown out has no right to contest the election on a minor technicality.

And Yeah, I reject Democracy to the extent that capitalist greed and monetary influence are capable of infiltrating the system. It's only a matter of time before the true workings of your so called democracy are unveiled to be a mass of corporatism and regulatory capture. Your democracy is a sham, a travesty, a mockery of freedom. You ought to be ashamed of yourself to support the capitalist class like that.

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Eh. Either way, you would lose to Dio anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

You talk tough, but we both know that that's not true, at least in any legitimate popularity. The silent, repressed majority can recognize its own best interests when it sees them.

But of course winning or losing doesn't mean anything to me. That is the way of the petty bourgeoisie. This is all about the preservation of democracy on the forum.

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But of course winning or losing doesn't mean anything to me. That is the way of the petty bourgeoisie. This is all about the preservation of democracy on the forum.

Democracy is by its very foundation support of the bourgeoisie. Supporting democracy means that you cast aside your fellow comrade. You would be wise to try to create a new government rather than relying on easily corrupted democratic systems.

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The guy who CLEARLY loses even if all so-called fraudulent votes are thrown out

Ridiculous. What about the poor alienated guest masses? The poll was not operated according to universal suffrage.

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Ridiculous. What about the poor alienated guest masses? The poll was not operated according to universal suffrage.

Well, everyone had the right to vote. It's not my job to mobilize the masses to support your cause. I'd prefer that the entire system breaks down of it's own accord so that a truly egalitarian system can be erected in its place.

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I just want to say that I admire your dedication to honesty and universal suffrage, but Serenes Forest is not primed for such a revolution yet. I believe your attempt will fail. But I will remember, and pass the story on, and in the long term your sacrifice will have meaning.

At the moment, however, there's nothing I can do to save your life, so I will have to take on the enormous burden of living with the guilt of not doing anything to help you.

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Some people voted twice, and others have such similar profiles that it is obvious they are one person

Generic Officer = DAGRON

Generic Officer = Jason W.

Aif = Marthur

Afi = Enjolras


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Generic Officer = DAGRON

Generic Officer = Jason W.

Aif = Marthur

Afi = Enjolras


Do all of you seriously think I'm that ignorant of what's going on? Take a look at my signature if you're really not sure.

Pitiful excuses.

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