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Characters that should never see a Smash debut


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I'd actualy like Sora from Kingdom Hearts to be in it, I doubt his moves would be hard to make, and his FS would be a random form shift..

I'd like it if people stop complaining about Naruto. I Don't LOVE the show but Just because a bunch of people like it doens't mean it's some evil thing that liking means you suck. Same with FF7 and Cloud.

As for who I WOULDN'T want in Brawl...

Wolf Link, more sonic/starfox people, Darth Vader, Luke, Obi-wan, people from Soul Calibur... and so on...

It isn't so much the people liking it as it is the anime being a steaming pile of dog shit after episode 50 or so. >_>

Lucario. Kick him out and put in a buffed Mewtwo. I don't even care, get the blue dog with turds on his head away from mah SSB plzkthx.

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Crappyo's better as a character, but he doesn't deserve the Brawl spot. If they wanted Crappyo in they should have left Mewtwo there, because all in all Mewtwo > Lucario. OH WOW, LUCARIO CAN SEE THINGS WHEN HIS EYES ARE CLOSED AND GETS CHEAP AS HE NEARS DEATH. Mewtwo was MUCH cooler, had a cool history, and was a significant role aside from the movie.

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Or because there's nothing you can say to counter what I said besides, "Yeah well, he was in a movie!"

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Zanryu would be the shit in Brawl. He'd be like Marth speed/Ike power combo. It'd be siiiiiick. <3 XD

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Any more goddamn third parties.

I think every user on this board should not be in Brawl, ESPECIALLY Chaosninji.

That's cold. D:

Edited by ChaosNinji
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Just like Mewtwo.

It's not that I don't have anything. It's just annoying how every Convo we have turns into some big arguement.

Mewtwo was in a movie too, yes, BUT he also has an important history to the Pokemon universe AND he was a secret of sorts in the games, unlike Lucario who was gotten via an egg. There ain't nothin' secret about that.

And I was joking about that being the only thing, I just forgot my winking smiley. And there have only been two cases where we've directed anything at each other, and the other I was making points which you contested, so I returned the favour.


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Kill yourself.

So, you want Simon Belmont, Mega Man, Bomberman, and billions of people from their respective games? Why even bother having Nintendo make it? :\ It's a Nintendo game.

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Mewtwo was fail and gay, and Lucario is much better.


The first 151 pokemon were the best. Mewtwo was the first and only bad-ass in the series.

Mind you, the next two incarnations of pokemon weren't bad, the new ones kinda suck, but Lucario is nowhere near as cool as Mewtwo.


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i think ike because he is the number one spam guy

ARGH! I hate it when people say this. Ike does have weaknesses (Like speed, slower attacks, not the best recovery moves)

My number one main is labeled as a cheap spammer.... uguu...

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ARGH! I hate it when people say this. Ike does have weaknesses (Like speed, slower attacks, not the best recovery moves)

My number one main is labeled as a cheap spammer.... uguu...

I know how you feel CGV. It sucks. I don't see him as cheap. At least not the cheapest character in the game anyway. *CoughsonicCough.*

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I know how you feel CGV. It sucks. I don't see him as cheap. At least not the cheapest character in the game anyway. *CoughsonicCough.*

*sigh* yeah I figured someone would bring that up... Sonic is my number two guy... I think I should just get used to it...

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I don't consider Ike cheap I just get pissed off sometimes whenever I get unlucky against the tank. Seriously I can't even count the number of times I thought I was out of his side smash attack

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