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Wifi Team Advice?


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What is the best wifi team and how can I take advantage during in game chapters to reach the unit's highest level/equip the best weapons? I seem to suck in wifi battles. Maybe ppl are cheating with hack devices?

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Give the people who will comprise your team all the experience. Use a loan character to heal/tank until you have a sufficiently leveled character to do the task.

Arena grind for money/xp when possible.

If you want better than average units, there are ways. (mapsave/clock abuse)

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cool. thanks guys! Ialso found another way...instead of seizing when you beat a boss, kill all the other enemies & let them respawn from forts. Also level up clerics/sages by healing allies after the battle. I found this out myself. I'll have to try the arena next.... I didn't go to it in my first file.

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it's possible to arena abuse everyone (except 6 characters, and the ones that can't use the arena) to 20/20 or 30. I just did it in my play through.

The 6 is because there are 6 master seals after chapter 20, where the last arena is. I left the 6 magic users unpromoted. You get 5 master seals from chapter 23, which is really really late and one from chapter 21.

But between arena and boss abuse. it is possible. :).

Edited by Hatari
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that makes me sound like such a newb! *and is* Oh well! We're all new once in awhile, so I might as well endulge in your superior knowledge of master conquest! *will get all those master seals*

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Haha, it's ok. I spent about a day planning everything.

You need all 18 items from the online shop too. (3 whips and 15 seals).

Am currently working on leveling the healers. Formed a massive barrier with unarmed 20/20 and letting the dragons and other enemies wail on them healing every turn :).

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Haha, it's ok. I spent about a day planning everything.

You need all 18 items from the online shop too. (3 whips and 15 seals).

Am currently working on leveling the healers. Formed a massive barrier with unarmed 20/20 and letting the dragons and other enemies wail on them healing every turn :).

*hugs Hatari* you're so cool! lol. I saw the whip in the online store once... I'm waiting to see it again, then I'm going to get it for Caeda. I'm on Ch.11 and she's at Lv9. Ogma is a hero now w/the first seal. Draug is at Lv10, Abel's at Lv8, Lena's at Lv12, Frey is 10, Marth is 10, Gordin is 6, Merric is 6, Navarre is 9, others are lower.

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Ah, I gave the whips to the sisters. (everyone will tell you how bad falcon knights are, but for normal gameplay (me) they are very good units).

I gave Shiida a master seal which made her a dracoknight. She's rather strong for me.

Cool?! Me O.o, you might wanna get your eyes checked...

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I gave Shiida a master seal which made her a dracoknight. She's rather strong for me.

Dracoknight!Shiida is actually one of the best candidates for Devil's Axe due to the fact that she has a very nice luck growth.

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I like having 1 magic user usually Merric or Elise I also think it is best to save all stat promote items until after u beat the game to use on ur team so u don't waste any on characters u don't use. I also use catria (sniper) Barst (berserker) sedgar (horseman) and Navarre (swordmaster). Also u want brave weapons for all pure waters a door or master key. And a fully upgraded thoron, a warp, a fortify, a recover, and a physic for ur sage.

Well that is what I like anyway hope that helps. U want to use only characters with high speeds like 28 or higher.

Also there are a lot of hackers on wifi. I can beat some hackers assuming they don't use the anti critical hit card. That card is the worst idea ever made in fe it is supposed to make the player with stronger units have the advantage, unfortunately it only benefits hackers. If the hackers don't use the card u have a chance if they do ur screwed. Try to use better tactics to beat hackers if u can attack w/o getting attacked back u can get lucky with a critical hit.

I don't know how much of this is still true my team seams like it is still good all of the info was good when I used to wifi battle a lot (but that was in July) I just tried fighting I fought three and won all three ya 80% win rate (divide wins by battles to get this #)

Edited by rslfan
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yeah, from what i've heard, there is an insane number of hackers. I'm working on my average stat team, then I want to try to clock abuse. I don't actually want to full out hack...

edit: dracoknight shiida maxed skill, speed, luck for me. ^_^

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Yep, it's possible. everyone, except Tiki, is either 20/20 or 30.

Tiki is level 21. Silly girl maxed spd, luck, has 18 skil, 13 str, 3 mag, 11 res, and 8 def.

Basically, she can't enemy or boss abuse. XD. Tiki is to strong with both fire and divine stones and will KO an enemy really fast.

Hooray for Hammerne staff.

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I didn't let anyone die either, it was horrible, when you get 5 people promoted then die on the 6th and have to start all over again. Ended up doing that a few times...well several...

Stay under 800 for non-promoted and prepromotes, 1000 for promoted. (but, I broke that rule way too much for different characters).

No gaiden chapters for me, so there are 52 possible characters.

therefore in reality, you can train at max 51 characters, since you need to kill 1 person in order to play. (Dumb game)

Watch mages. The only mage I ever put into the arena was Linde (at level 10) and she died for a while. Be very careful here.

Also, if your characters speed is less than 7-12, you have a good chance of getting doubled by the enemy.

I think it was 14-16 range were you double. That's from my experience though.

If you ever dracoknight arena - use purewaters. In fact, use purewaters in general, under 800 is usually mages and with the unbalance of res...yeah. (for non-promoted)

Edit: Credit goes to the people on my arena board for the wagers etc. ^_^.

Edited by Hatari
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I didn't let anyone die either, it was horrible, when you get 5 people promoted then die on the 6th and have to start all over again. Ended up doing that a few times...well several...

Stay under 800 for non-promoted and prepromotes, 1000 for promoted. (but, I broke that rule way too much for different characters).

No gaiden chapters for me, so there are 52 possible characters.

therefore in reality, you can train at max 51 characters, since you need to kill 1 person in order to play. (Dumb game)

Watch mages. The only mage I ever put into the arena was Linde (at level 10) and she died for a while. Be very careful here.

Also, if your characters speed is less than 7-12, you have a good chance of getting doubled by the enemy.

I think it was 14-16 range were you double. That's from my experience though.

If you ever dracoknight arena - use purewaters. In fact, use purewaters in general, under 800 is usually mages and with the unbalance of res...yeah. (for non-promoted)

Edit: Credit goes to the people on my arena board for the wagers etc. ^_^.

*writes in journal* Next file I'm going to unlock the gaiden chapters, cause I want to see them.

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In H5 mode it's kinda easy to kill units for Gaiden chapters and can actually help you strategically. Although most of the time all my units I deploy actually end up living and I don't end up suiciding the ones I planned to kill until reaching the boss.

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If you don't like killing off units that are recruited you may want to kill the units that start off as enemies such as Matthis and Rickard(They're both pretty mediocre for H5).

And really, H5 isn't too hard, I mean the hardest chapters are in the beginning of the game and after that it's pretty much smooth sailing.

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Is it easier to suicide people or just not recruit them and kill them like enemies?

It would depend. If the unit is carrying some pretty nice stuff (Palla, Katua) then recruit them before letting them die, but if it's someone with a basic weapon (Roger, Matthis) just kill them.

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It would depend. If the unit is carrying some pretty nice stuff (Palla, Katua) then recruit them before letting them die, but if it's someone with a basic weapon (Roger, Matthis) just kill them.

Ah, weapons generally don't concern me, since I arena abuse massively, so money is usually not an issue for me. Killing as enemies might be easier.

Do all recruits talk to Marth automatically (approach him and start the conversation). That's one thing I noticed about a few of them. (The pegasus sisters in particular, or is that just because they have a reason to talk to him)

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