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I'll take THAT as a compliment. Thanks, Mr. BK 201.

I don't think that that was meant as a compliment...

Be flexible. Have you ever laughed RP...oh wait, you're an male math/econ major. Do you have one of those really dry senses of humor that is difficult to detect?

Note: yes I am teasing you with this...

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I don't think that that was meant as a compliment...

I've still got a right to take it that way.

Be flexible. Have you ever laughed RP...oh wait, you're an male math/econ major. Do you have one of those really dry senses of humor that is difficult to detect?

Note: yes I am teasing you with this...

Yeah, I laugh. Every few years. And it's honestly true. I do wish I had a sense of humor which was a bit 'wetter', though. Edited by Randomly Predictable
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LOL, BK. that would break the ruler...

Hmm...there are so many good dark-hunter quotes I could say, but given your age and the fact that the books are adult. I don't feel right saying most of them.

My sig is from the series as well, but that one I actually really like and it's a good quote. Acheron is awesome.

DUDE, LAUGH! Laughter is the BEST medicine ever!!!

We need to get RP to laugh now...

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LOL, BK. that would break the ruler...

Hmm...there are so many good dark-hunter quotes I could say, but given your age and the fact that the books are adult. I don't feel right saying most of them.

My sig is from the series as well, but that one I actually really like and it's a good quote. Acheron is awesome.

DUDE, LAUGH! Laughter is the BEST medicine ever!!!

We need to get RP to laugh now...

My math teacher does it all the time, he even hurled it at a wall. :P

It didn't break though, it bent.

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Laughter for him is like a safe without a key. You have to smash it open to get it out.

No, you need a different class of jokes altogether.

A man got thrown in jail for bringing a protractor, a compass, a straightedge, and a calculator on an airplane. He was tried on charges of possession of weapons of math instruction.

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No, you need a different class of jokes altogether.

A man got thrown in jail for bringing a protractor, a compass, a straightedge, and a calculator on an airplane. He was tried on charges of possession of weapons of math instruction.

Ok, you have a massive math sense of humor...

A math student is pestered by a classmate who wants to copy his homework assignment. The student hesitates, not only because he thinks it's wrong, but also because he doesn't want to be sanctioned for aiding and abetting.

His classmate calms him down: "Nobody will be able to trace my homework to you: I'll be changing the names of all the constants and variables: a to b, x to y, and so on."

Not quite convinced, but eager to be left alone, the student hands his completed assignment to the classmate for copying.

After the deadline, the student asks: "Did you really change the names of all the variables?"

"Sure!" the classmate replies. "When you called a function f, I called it g; when you called a variable x, I renamed it to y; and when you were writing about the log of x+1, I called it the timber of x+1..."

Q: What does the zero say to the the eight?

A: Nice belt!

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A logician, a biologist, and a mathematician are all looking at the only entrance to a building. Two people walk in. A short time later, three people walk out.

The logician says: There must have been people in there before we got there.

The Biologist says: They must have reproduced.

The mathematician says: Now if only we can get one person to enter the building. Then it will be completely empty again.

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A logician, a biologist, and a mathematician are all looking at the only entrance to a building. Two people walk in. A short time later, three people walk out.

The logician says: There must have been people in there before we got there.

The Biologist says: They must have reproduced.

The mathematician says: Now if only we can get one person to enter the building. Then it will be completely empty again.

yes, you do have a mathy sense of humor...can't find the joke that I really like...*goes looking again* darn it!

Well, here is another, not that I should be saying this, considering I am one:

Note: I'm not evil, despite what the proof says...need to get a counterproof/counterexample here...

A Mathematical Proof that "Girls are Evil"

1. "Girls require time and money";

girls = time × money

2. "Time is money":

time = money

3. So girls are money squared:

girls = money

4. "Money is the root of all evil":

money =

5. So, girls are evil:


Edited by Hatari
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Not bad, Lady Hatari. I think I can do better.

A mathematician, a statistician, and an economist all apply for a job. The mathematician goes to the interviewer first. He is asked a simple question. "What is 2 + 2?" The mathematician responds: '4. Exactly 4.' The interviewer smiles and nods, then sends the next person in. The mathematician leaves and the statistician enters. He too is asked a simple question. "What is 2 + 2?" The statistician responds: 'Well, it depends on bias and variance, but it should average to 4 in repeated trials.' The interviewer smiles and nods, then sends the next person in. The statistician leaves and the economist enters. He too is asked the same question. "What is 2 + 2?" The economist locks the door, turns off the lights, closes the blinds and says to the interviewer: 'Well, what would you like it to be?'

Moral of the joke: Newton's 3rd law of economics: for every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.

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is that directed to me alan soul?

It was directed towards RP.

RP, why do you have to be a jerk to almost anyone now? This is not your maths were - . - = +

No, no, my friend...hating them back is not even usual to you, it isn't even going to make them respect you, hating them is going to make you seem more of a jerk to others...what is really sad is that you brought this to yourself.

Please, please don't be like this...at least being yourself got you slightly more respect rather than just yell out how much you hate most of us, don't be a jerk to BK either...he teased you the same reasons most did, because you take this too seriously.

Thinking others aren't serious but you are doesn't mean others will be some immature reckless little bastards. Or just look at your friend Red Fox, she can be serious without anyone having insult her.

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The first two are funny, not sure about the econ.

are you still laughing?

No, I've heard most of them. I've got another one that's not math or econ related.

A ship receives an incoming message: You need to turn 5 degrees north to avoid a collision. The ship sends a message back: Sir, this is the USS George Washington, the most powerful ship in the world. You need to turn 5 degrees south immediately. Another message comes in: Sir, I don't think you understand. You need to turn 10 degrees north immediately to avoid a collision. The ship responds: Listen, I have no problem ramming you into the water if you don't turn 10 degrees south immediately. A third incoming message: This is your final warning. Turn 15 degrees north immediately. The ship responds: We are preparing to fire. We will consider this to be an act of provocation and hostility if you do not get out of the way. A fourth message comes in. "We're a lighthouse. It's your move."

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