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Any plans this summer?

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Lie around. Visit colleges. Do my summer assignments. Get a job (although that's looking kind of doubtful considering how many applications of mine have been ignored). Visit my cousins. Attempt to learn some programming. College application junk so I don't have to do it later. Attempt to whip myself into some sort of better shape before I really get whipped in band camp. Practice music. Babysit bratty children in order to acheive some sort of minimal income. Spend said minimal income on games, after long debates with the parents as to should I be allowed to buy more games.

In other words, I'm gonna have a lame summer.

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Zeph: What are we gonna do over the summer Hika?

Hika: Why, the thing that we do every day Zeph.

Zeph: What's that?

Hika: Try to take over the world!


Zeph: Narf.

No, but seriously, absolutely nothing.

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Play. Eat. Sleep. Play. Eat. Sleep. Play. Eat. Sleep. Play. Eat...

Honestly, that's what I do! Might go to some swimming pools and stuff, and maybe go sight-seeing but yeah, that's mostly it.

EDIT: Actually, I remembered that I plan to go rock-climbing this summer. Yeah. And maybe some music classes.

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Sailing, kayaking down river, canoeing, camping, hiking. Oh, that's all after a little summer school, but that'll be over before too long. Then games, learning how to hack, reading, and if I have time I'll sleep and eat.

EDIT: Learning how to hack games and game systems.

Edited by shadrach
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Your going to spent most of your times attempting to hack games? Thats really unfortunate.

What? I'm not sure what you're saying. The Edit wasn't replacing the entire post, just the one part that said 'learning how to hack.' I still intend to do all of those other things, it's just that after I posted that I realized, "oh, I put 'learning how to hack.' That could be misinterpreted as learning how to hack computers very easily." So I did a quick edit to try and avoid getting a lecture about how hacking into people's private computers and viewing all of the porn private documents on their computer is immoral and illegal.

Sorry if I confused you logic, or were you saying it was a shame that I would be learning how to hack games instead of computers?

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I'm not really sure what I want to do. Let's see:

Play. Eat. Sleep. Get a Wii(long story). Do some stuff. Go to friends houses. That's all I can think of.

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Well, my summer vacation has officially started!

I also remembered that I'll be doing some writing (my history) and some reading (you guys' histories) and will be learning programming to (hopefully) make one of the best fan games out there...yeah...

Also that schedule of mine seems to be the new standard for summer schedules.

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You guys are forgetting one critical element of summer life

Going to the bathroom

I do that quite a lot, especially after I drink soda

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