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Whats your typing speed?

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Mine was 67, having to stop a few times. I naturally hit a few wrong keys every now and then, or end up typing letters faster than I see them in my mind (so words with mixed up letters, but correct letters, often happen) or I type two words I was thinking of instead of one (like it/noun).

Basically it went fast fast STOP, back up back up--fast fast STOP a couple of times ^^;; It also threw me off that the sentences only had one space after a period, as there's supposed to be two >.>

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well let's see yeah about 70 WPM, but I'm a real bad speller so I make a lot of mistakes, and I have a tendency to go back and correct them once I notice them. So it could be higher. Also I'm one of the fastest (if the the fastest) at my school

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Without caring for mistakes, I got 74 and made only six mistakes. Four were words with one extra letter, or two letters reversed, like I said were common mistakes, and two was myself changing the tense--from 'locate' and 'in' I instead typed 'located' and 'to.' This didn't count me going back over for placing two spaces where the text only wanted one. Surprisingly, this time the text I got was from the Dune series. Crap like:

Muad'Dib, then, take care that you first place him in his time: born in the 57th year of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV

Made me stop for a sec and wonder where the letters were even coming from D:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll take the test when I get used to this new keyboard. I can't type for shit with it. D:

EDIT: Ah hell, I did it now and will do it in a few days to compare. I got 77 WPM without mistakes. I hit backspace I think 3 times or so, so yeah. Yay. I hate this keyboard though, I gotta slam some buttons for them to even consider working. >_>

Edited by Zanryu
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