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Hardest Chapter

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I never use the Luna for the final chapter, though my strategy for Light makes it somewhat easy until it gets to the brothers.

Hardest chapter for me? I don't really remember Cog of Destiny HHM, so I can't say it's the hardest. Hardest for me...I don't find any to be tough anymore to be truly honest. Battle Before Dawn, only because I have to rush to save Jaffar and I usually can't kill Ursula.

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I usually don't have trouble. But one that manages to do just that would be the chapter in Eliwood's mode where you're trying to get past the berserker and reach the point.

I have to risk my units to lure the boss away and capture the space. It's unnerving since it's a berserker, and he HAS killed my Raven, Hector, and Eliwoods in the past...

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I don't find any of them really challenging... But I often find myself restarting on The Peddler Merlinus because somebody has gotten killed, despite that person not being in my plans for the endgame.

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The XX chapter (the 2nd time where Kishuna appears)

I used non-leveled units. Some of them were: Fiora, Heath, Priscilla, Raven and Lucius (Normally, i don't use them)

I cleared that chapter and those guys were class changed at lvl 20. Even Priscilla.

Of course, you can imagine how many turns it took.

Another one is the final chapter. I don't solo with Athos, i don't use him. It took me some planning to kill those FKing brothers. In that one, i killed Nergal with Lyn. It looked so stylish XD

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Hmm, the battle at castle ostia right before preparations can be difficult because of the druids with status staves. Genesis can get hectic because of the luna druids, and of course you better have high resistance units for cog of destiny. Light becomes a joke if you remember to use the sword killer against lloyd and linus. Since you can easily kill lloyd on the first turn he's out, the lost of the A rank support makes the fight really easy.

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The first chapter of HHM, stock run. That is to say, no Lyn's mode before it.

I thief abused on that chapter. Matthew was lv20 by the end of it.

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Is Cog of Destiny the one with Lloyd/Linus and 435894590 enemy units and reinforcements? If so then yeah, I'd say that's the most difficult one.

Oddly, I've never had a problem with any chapter other than the beginning ones. Once you beat the first 5 chapters on HHM, everything falls into place.

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The reason why Cog of Destiny is so hard on HHM is because there's enemy Magic users with high Speed would likely go around with Sleep, Berserk, and Silence on your teams. There's also many other magic users with long range magic tome's such as Eclipse, Purge, and Bolting. Without lots of units with higher resistances and lots of Restore staffs your teams are good as screwed.

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I think driving off the people attacking Caelin can be tough to get through unscathed, if maybe not tough to just plain beat. I once ended up with a permadead Kent when I had him try to defend Merlinus with too little backup and I got lazy.

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The chapter right after you knock around Erik, where you're chasing Laus' armies, on the outside of Caelin Castle, where you meet up with Lyn. I get unlucky and lazy there, and my units aren't usually strong enough to handle that at that moment.

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The chapter right after you knock around Erik, where you're chasing Laus' armies, on the outside of Caelin Castle, where you meet up with Lyn. I get unlucky and lazy there, and my units aren't usually strong enough to handle that at that moment.

A good thing to do is leave Hector and Oswin behind to take care of them. There's no real rush to get to the end unless you're after a high rank, so you try to keep about 20% - 25% of your units behind ready for the cavalry reinforcements.

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The chapter after that one where you acquire Raven - Cavaliers appear at the bottom of the map on the left. Oswin is capable of taking care of all them on his own, on HHM, even.

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