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Hacking this game.

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You can. Is that all you wanted to know?

BTW, nowhere in the ROM hacking forum does it say that it's solely for GBA hacking. GBA hacking just happens to be the most popular type. NES, SNES and even GC hacking topics can go in there as well.

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1) Get a Wii disk image (like a rom, iso, whatever)

2) Extract files from it using a tool

3) Edit the appropriate files with a Hex editor

4) Re-insert the edited files (I don't know how, but I'm assuming it's possible)

5) Burn disk image onto a blank DVD

6) Play DVD on your modded Wii

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No, it's relatively easy. I did it from first principles... with some experience of FE9 hacking (well, I only needed one thing from that).

The only physical equipment you need is a modded Wii, a PC with a speedy internet, and a DVD drive capable of burning disks.

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And there's likely some issues with certain brands of DVDs, like all game pirate copies. One rule of thumb seems to always burn at the lowest possible setting :o

For the 'Cube, and sake of knowledge, I believe there is also a way of streaming ISO data over its broadband connection through a loophole in Phantasy Star Online. That's also one way of booting a modified image of data ^^

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