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SAT Reasoning Test

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Isn't the SAT a requirement to get into any Colleges in the States?

Depends. I'm sure a few have it as a requirement to submit scores or pass a certain bar, but not all. Actually, actual colleges and universities pro'lly don't care for your score. I've sure if you're heading to a name-brand college, it may be different, but at the foot, eh, just enroll and pay the fees.

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But lets say if your an international student. And if you were planning to get into any Colleges in the States, wouldn't you have to do it though?

Maybe, maybe not. I would suggest you get in contact with whatever college you were hoping to get into--my college accepts students as long as they've taken the college in question's basic assessment test, which tries to align your ability with certain class levels. After that, you're in; all they really want, likely, is to know they're not wasting a spot on someone who really, really couldn't understand or learn material you'd find there >.>

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Well, I assume so, but in the end, there's always going to be people you know shouldn't be allowed in a junior high going to some colleges. So yeah, to an extent, just make sure you didn't fly out with less than 60% completion on average. I'd be surprised if you could even graduate from high school from that >.>

So in other words, colleges will take you if you can get out of high school, show you want to attend their school, have the money for it, and that's about it. As common sense should show, the more renowned schools likely will have their heads shoved places and want certain guidelines. Depends on how high you set your goals and how much money you're wanting to waste at high-name places

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I don't live in the states and thus I don't know any of their systems. But I do heard good reputations about them which quite interests me.

Also, I don't know if its true or not but heard the States education system don't really care about you education nor your future at all. All they care about is your money.

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Well, that's the issue with everything when people only care about money :[

If you're looking to go through college to get a good job, it might work elsewhere, but in America, don't waste your time. As sad as it is, College is the new high-school--you go through, and you leave, and you're not any better off than where you were before. The real way to get a good job is to make connections with certain people and basically be get a good job because you know the people, not because you're qualified.

Thus, I recommend you not try to wander off into expensive schoolings. Community Colleges are wonderful little places where much of the staff actually cares about its students and faculty. Not to mention, tons cheaper for the same eduction--you can transfer to a 4-year university easily, and work on taking out required classes at the college, at a cheaper price and less hassle.

Really, the only thing I can think of a college or university doing for you, job-wise, is getting you hooked up with a job at the school, or a job dealing with education. The credentials you earn look nice, but in reality, no one really cares about them. I'd say only further your education if you're either really interested in learning, or if you're wanting to get a job in the field, be it an instructor, teacher, administrator, or whatever. But as with everything, don't take my words as the truth--you're better off looking into schools yourself, or asking others, instead of relying on one person's opinion of things ^^;;

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