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Final Fantasy XIII


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So I'm psyched about this game. Only 6 more days until it comes out. Lightning is now the hottest thing in a video game *drools*


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I'll have to wait until versus as that is the one my brother will buy. i have my money on heart gold/soul silver either one.

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I think it's amusing how everyone seems to jump on the "FFVII is overrated bandwagon", yet I rarely ever see any FFVII fanboys/girls anymore.

Anyway, I'm not too excited about FFXIII. I haven't been too interested in playing a new Final Fantasy since FFX came out.

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Not so much anymore. At Gamestop I asked which FF games they had and the they got all excited and went on a and on about how great FFVII is. Yeah, it's a good game. Definately not the best though.

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If I had a PS3, then maybe.

But the move to 360 wasn't well made, and since the game took advantage of the single outstanding facet of the PS3, it's hard to transfer over a game so many times larger than the disc.

That said, if you have a huge hard drive it's fine, and I heard disc switching wasn't too large a feature. Still, more interested in Soul Silver. And would probably play a remake of FFI, IV, V, VI, VII, X, or even XII for the 360/PS3 sooner.

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If I had a PS3, then maybe.

But the move to 360 wasn't well made, and since the game took advantage of the single outstanding facet of the PS3, it's hard to transfer over a game so many times larger than the disc.

That said, if you have a huge hard drive it's fine, and I heard disc switching wasn't too large a feature. Still, more interested in Soul Silver. And would probably play a remake of FFI, IV, V, VI, VII, X, or even XII for the 360/PS3 sooner.

I thought the PS3 version didn't have the option to install it on the PS3...
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  • 2 weeks later...

This game was very good for me and I was glad I got it early, the game play is amazing as well as the character profile's

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't gotten to play this game yet, though I have looked it up online. That Vanille girl is all in my head now! Help! >_<

Impossible cuteness aside, I'll probably end up playing the game sooner or later anyway, so I guess it's no big deal. We'll see if it can top FFX -_-

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OMB! like, isn't Sephiroth awesome or what!

he is like SOOOOO HAAAAAAWWWWWWWTTTT! and awesome!

CloudXSephiroth OTP!!!!

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