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Mafia Round 3

General Spoon

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Maybe Spoon doesn't know very much about BioShock? 8E Is there anyone else who you think would be able to lift that much?


Using psychic powers of course. I know Pokemon too.

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You are incorrect. They can talk in the night phase if they want to.

They can't, however, vote in the night phase.

Oh, I thought you expected them to be quiet. Sorry about that. I wasn't sure what rules you were going by since sometimes you are supposed to be silent during night phase.

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Holy cow, a lot went down last night. 3 deaths and a carriage mix-up...

I think I'm going to have to back Candlejack's suspicions against Lux Aeterna.

It's pretty obvious to me that Ninja's death was the work of the 3-13 Archer taking justice into their own hands. The werewolves have a clear method of execution, brute overwhelming strength, while the mafia's MO seems to be bladed weapons. The 3-13 Archer was probably convinced that since Ninji broke the tie, and a townsman swung he was scum, but this turned out to be in error.

Then we have Lux Aeterna attempting to out the 3-13 Archer as Freohr Datia under the guise of her being scum. (Priests, if you're still alive, pay attention to this, you should probably be protecting her tonight.)

He's going to really need a better defense then what he's been mounting so far. I certainly have other people I'm also suspicious of, but at the moment, this seems to top the list for me.

*facepalm* I forgot about the 3-13 Archer... Shoot... >_>;

Ah well. *sigh* Looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow. All I've got is my word and what I've presented, but the former doesn't fly in this game, and the latter can't be satisfactory tomorrow.


Using psychic powers of course. I know Pokemon too.

A _strong man_. STRONG. Alakazam can be strong in psychic prowess, but here's your full stop: man. Alakazam is a Pokemon, not a human.

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Lux also edited a post on Page 4.


17 minutes after he posted.

If you change your vote, not only are you allowed to, but you are required to edit to unbold it so it doesn't appear you're trying to vote twice and to avoid confusing the moderator(s).

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Using psychic powers of course. I know Pokemon too.

Hmm. Well, it said "apparently" strong so I didn't consider it, but yeah, the word apparently. I think I'll unbold my old Big Daddy vote and see what other people think

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Ah. Missed that part.

Shit I am far too hyper.

Also noticed that General Spoon is a douche who likes to insert not-so-obvious hints in his death scenes.

So Big Daddy COULD be likely. However, looking into Lux Aeterna's name:

Song by Clint Mansell. Also a dancing company. Basically, if anything musical was implied in any sort of scene, Lux is scum.

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So Big Daddy COULD be likely. However, looking into Lux Aeterna's name:

Song by Clint Mansell. Also a dancing company. Basically, if anything musical was implied in any sort of scene, Lux is scum.

Except, my name is from the C conversation between Lute and Arthur.

Not to mention, in Latin, it means "eternal light."

I actually didn't know about the song until after I gave myself the alias. >_>;

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I think what Hika means is the moderator probably doesn't ask users where there name comes from, and simply takes the most popular reference, which in this case is likely the theme from Requiem for a Dream, a movie involving drug use.

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I think what Hika means is the moderator probably doesn't ask users where there name comes from, and simply takes the most popular reference, which in this case is likely the theme from Requiem for a Dream, a movie involving drug use.

If that's true, then Big Daddy couldn't be guilty. @__@

Ignoring Hika's pun, there's still the man problem, which rules out Alakazam. @__@

I'll just stick to it for now... >.<

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Voting Candlejack for reasons similar to CATS; he's being overly critical and aggressive. Seems to be blowing things out out of proportion just to stir up drama and point the finger on other people. e_e

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Other results on google searches on people's names:

Hikarsua- Nothing, just him on various other sites. DevianTART for one.

Isaac55- Sir Isaac Newton immediately comes to mind. The man who invented gravity. In a game where somebody was killed by a large weight. Just a thought. Also, he voted for Nightmare too.

Cap'n Crunch- Spoon made his earlier reference too obvious in the last round so look out for cereal references.

Candeljack- Look up my name at your own demi

CATS- Well, other than the whole "ALL YOUR BASE" thing, nothing. Oh, and actual cats too.

Balcerzak- A cop named John Balcerzak from Milwaukee who was fired for handing over a victim to a serial killer. Also known for homophobic statements. Basically a bad cop. ... Fuck.

I eat tables- References to eating and/or tables.

messy mike- A hip hop star. Full name Messy Mike Stainton.

Dracohon- Nothing but references to a Harry Potter fanfic that includes a knife in its title.

Freohr Datia- Referenced by Lux as "Whispering Shadows" or something.


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Other results on google searches on people's names:

Isaac55- Sir Isaac Newton immediately comes to mind. The man who invented gravity. In a game where somebody was killed by a large weight. Just a thought. Also, he voted for Nightmare too.

My username has nothing to do with anything. Isaac is my nickname. Also note that I was one of the last people to vote for Nightmare. I would have voted for Hero, but taking to account he was mafia last game, I didn't think it would happen again. It just happens that the positions are assigned randomly, and that both most suspected people were killed innocently.

As for the weight, I would never consider myself strong, so the entire "gravity" thing is nonsense.

Forgive me for defending myself.

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Well, now I'm going to vote on Candlejack because he's being a dick and not doing anything constructive. I'd like to see him out of the game even if he's a cit. Big Daddy seems most likely from the clues.

What's the reasoning against Lux? Can someone re-post, cause I can't seem to remember why he/she is mafia.

Edited by CATS
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The point is that it has no relation to anything.

If it's possible for it to be linked to something it has a relation to it. What you think it has relation to doesn't matter, it's up to Spoon

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