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Astra's Lump of Sprites


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The head is too big and the hair lacks depth in some places.

^This, she also needs to be much much Cuter! :F

She seems like she should be A lot more petite too, like comparing to her arts and fe4 sprite.

Anyways I'll throw up something I found quite interesting


Currently yours is on the left side, and those 3 are all at the same scale, which is significantly larger than the 3 on the right, these women all seem like they should be smallish, particularly Tiltyu and Tinny, I just think that you might want to have a look at the 3 on the right for a better scaling guide.

Again, I'll reiterate, she needs to be cuter :D Her arts and fe4 sprite are all so adorable :D She actually has one of my favorite fe4 sprites.

p.s. the Tinny and Ishtar on the left are by Nayr and the Tinny on the right is by Chalpy/Blackavar, so if you want to ref it for more than just size you may want to try for permission.

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Your frames need work, those brown straps are flat, and at that head tilt I don't think the eyes should be leveled(probably lower the left eye 2 and heighten the right eye 1 or something, idk, up to you). :/

Edited by 弐句戸™
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Your frames need work, those brown straps are flat, and at that head tilt I don't think the eyes should be leveled(probably lower the left eye 2 and heighten the right eye 1 or something, idk, up to you). :/

Yeah, I can't slanted mouth/eye frame to save my life. >>

@Lumi: They aren't, I ditched that since it wasn't working.

Edited by Utatane Piko
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That weird yellow box that in the art looks like it has... Matches? Well, the outline use there seems unecessary, at least in my opinion. I find it looks better with at least, like, the darkest skin tone.

Also, those chopsticks are totally flat despite being insanely huge, and you're missing what I assume is an earpiece. I dunno, I don't know anything about Vocaloid. Clothing angles oppose each other, &c.

EDIT: Oh, and the part of his hair that in the sprite is shown going right under his chin could use one extra pixel, IMO. It sorta just goes from thick to super-thin too abruptly.

Edited by 47948201
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That weird yellow box that in the art looks like it has... Matches? Well, the outline use there seems unecessary, at least in my opinion. I find it looks better with at least, like, the darkest skin tone.

Also, those chopsticks are totally flat despite being insanely huge, and you're missing what I assume is an earpiece. I dunno, I don't know anything about Vocaloid. Clothing angles oppose each other, &c.

EDIT: Oh, and the part of his hair that in the sprite is shown going right under his chin could use one extra pixel, IMO. It sorta just goes from thick to super-thin too abruptly.

I honestly don't even know what it has. <_> But yeah, I'll be doing that.

Could you explain how the clothing angles oppose each other? Since i kinda referenced Karel for that. Also, Chopsticks I have no idea how to fix, and the headphones are sometimes not worn, so i didn't bother with that.

Fixed that.

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The first thing that struck me is that the hair shading really really sucks. No offense, but it's so aaaa to look at because left is right and down is black and Denmark is the capital of Idaho in that shading. :<

Secondly is what numbers guy said: the chopsticks are flat. so shade shade shade.

Otherwise it is good. Big improvement over that old one.

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I actually kinda like the hair (and can't critique it at all) because I SERIOUSLY suck at hair.

But anyway, I was talking about how the white V-shaped part on his blue shirt is turned more in the direction his head is facing, but... Well, actually, it may not be an angle problem; just looks like it. But yeah, that V looks too far to the left, IMO. Or maybe the right (all our POV, by the way) part of the jacket is too far right. I dunno, I had a tough time telling "his" gender from that box art, even. (probably the former, given the placement of what I think are collarbones)

I'm thinking there MAY be ways to make said V smoother, too, but I'm not quite sure what, exactly, you were going for.

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The first thing that struck me is that the hair shading really really sucks. No offense, but it's so aaaa to look at because left is right and down is black and Denmark is the capital of Idaho in that shading. :<

Secondly is what numbers guy said: the chopsticks are flat. so shade shade shade.

Otherwise it is good. Big improvement over that old one.


Less shading on bangs=good?



I actually kinda like the hair (and can't critique it at all) because I SERIOUSLY suck at hair.

But anyway, I was talking about how the white V-shaped part on his blue shirt is turned more in the direction his head is facing, but... Well, actually, it may not be an angle problem; just looks like it. But yeah, that V looks too far to the left, IMO. Or maybe the right (all our POV, by the way) part of the jacket is too far right. I dunno, I had a tough time telling "his" gender from that box art, even. (probably the former, given the placement of what I think are collarbones)

I'm thinking there MAY be ways to make said V smoother, too, but I'm not quite sure what, exactly, you were going for.

Ah, alright.

And there are ways it's just that I have to do some serious messing around with the palette.

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