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Vague Katti vs. Alondite vs. Ragnell

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Well Ragnell and Alondite have the ranged advantage over Vague Katti. But Ragnell is only usable by Ike, which gives it a few down points in my book.

Alondite can be used by anyone technically, but since it shows up so late in the game(And after the dragon level the game heads downhill anyway in difficulty) it doesn't get too much use time.

Vague Katti can be used for anyone, though it has a 50 endurance before it breaks, if you do break it before endgame-3 you're either an idiot, or extremely unlucky. It does have a great critical rate, which makes up for it's lack of ranged capabilities. (Besides, swords aren't really supposed to be ranged either.) Also, the sword comes with Stefan, who is freaking cool as hell. (I know hell isn't supposed to be cool, it's just an expression.)

All in all, I'd say they're all good in their individual ways. (Though Alondite always seemed weak to me, it might just be my luck or just that it always looks amazing when the BK uses it that it looses it's touch when given to Mia.)

But if I had to pick which is best I'd say Ragnell for it's great availability. Plus with it Ike can pretty much pwn anyone. (Why wouldn't you give it to him anyway? He is the main character.)

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hmmm...that is actually a good point. Both Ragnell and Alondite are exactly the same. The only differences is Ragnell is only Ike exclusive while Alondite can pretty much be used by any sword users on the team. Especially Ike. It was really never clear to me until now. Good job on bringing that thought up.

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After yearning from this topic, I just realized that Alondite is in fact a complete spin-off of Ike's Ragnell. Not only that, but it can be used my any other potential users. As such, I will be changing my opinions now. I think that Alondite is better just because of I just stated. Also like Ragnell, it can do 1-2 Range attacks, making it useful in both Melee and Range in battle. Especially on the final chapters.

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hmmm... maybe Amiti because it can always attack twice as many times then the other swords, not putting in the fact that only Elincia can use it

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My vote goes to Alondite. Ragnell loses a point for being locked to Ike while anyone with an SS sword rank can use Alondite.

Even though Vague Katti has more might than both Ragnell and Alondite, it doesn't have unlimited durability and has only a range of 1. Of course durability doesn't matter if you were to get it blessed.

So, in my opinion, Alondite > Ragnell > Vague Katti.

Edited by BLS
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  • 4 weeks later...
hmmm... maybe Amiti because it can always attack twice as many times then the other swords, not putting in the fact that only Elincia can use it

..... imagine if Ike could use Amiti......

*imagines scenes of death, doom and destruction*

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Alondite > Ragnell > Vague Katti

Alondite > Ragnell because, although they're the same thing, everyone who has an SS in swords can use Alondite.

Both Alondite and Ragnell are better than the Vague Katti because they aren't sitting ducks when they're attacked at a distance. If Vague Katti could use ranged, it would be the best sword. I mean, seriously. Once it was blessed you'd have mad critical, mad hit, mad avoid, mad damage, AND long range. No one could touch you and escape with their life. XD

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Alondite > Ragnell > Vague Katti

Alondite > Ragnell because, although they're the same thing, everyone who has an SS in swords can use Alondite.

Both Alondite and Ragnell are better than the Vague Katti because they aren't sitting ducks when they're attacked at a distance. If Vague Katti could use ranged, it would be the best sword. I mean, seriously. Once it was blessed you'd have mad critical, mad hit, mad avoid, mad damage, AND long range. No one could touch you and escape with their life. XD

.... i have to agree with this.

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Vague Katti can be used sooner, yes, but that still doesn't give it range. Normally you don't worry about the swordies getting attacked by ranged attacks, but it's always a possibility, and can always be a factor in the death of the unit. If they can't counter attack the ranged unit to knock the possibility of taking more damage than needed by spreading out the turns to kill units, Vague Katti loses points there. When you get the Alondite, you've got dragons and spirits that can attack you at a distance. BUT, you can counter attack using Alondite no matter where they stand, so you don't necessarily take as much damage in the long run, as you don't take the hit on the enemy phase AND the player phase when you scramble for a kill. Getting stuck with the Vague Katti means you'd take that extra turn to get the kill and risk more damage.

So yeah, Alondite > Ragnell > Vague Katti. They're all magnificent weapons, but they all have at least one draw back, just Alondite less than the other two.

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I guess I just like Vague Katti then. It's never let me down.

I have to say it's more useful than Ragnell, though, if only because anyone can use it.

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