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It's unconstitutional.

I'll add more if this incites enough RAEG from the vast number of progressives here. Death, Hero, Thunk, I'm lookin' at you.

I RAEG when you say that.

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Eh, not really a fan, but most of the people who are against it are against it for the wrong reasons.

"Whaah, the thought of lower class people actually receiving medical attention sickens me! I'll be damned if my tax dollars go towards helping people who would otherwise be having backalley abortions! Thanks to them, I may need to wait an extra month before having the cash for my new iPad!"

I think it's a step in the right direction, I just don't like a LOT of the specifics of the bill.

Republican speaking, btw, despite the avy.

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First of all, it's not that it allows for abortions, it's that the bill is set up to make ME pay for it. And then there's all those taxes. You thought the economy was bad before? Oh, it's gonna get much, MUCH worse.

Medicare could have used Tort Reform, sure. But this monstrosity? Health Care- And the country- was better off before it passed.

Also, a note, there are THOUSANDS of free clinics out there that would cover a lot of health problems as it is, and a few hundred that have charity funds for the rest of it. The bill wasn't about helping out the lower class, it was about the government hijacking the medical industry.

Edited by Jan Valentine
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^ Was that directed at me?

While it's certainly what has ended up happening, the bill is hardly about the government "hijacking the medical industry." That's the same kind of logic that says the point of prohibition was to encourage organized crime. This was legitimately Obama's idea of "helping" the people, although I think we both agree that it's hardly going to be great for the populace at large by the tie this is through.

As for the whole abortion issue, I'm pro-life myself, and I'm not a fan of the way that was handled either. If abortion clinics are going to do their thing, they're going to do their thing, but I don't like having my tax dollars fund them.

The main problem is how twisted and convoluted this bill became in relation to its original draft during the whole process. Everyone wanted to cut a nice little slice for themselves, and in the end, they're fucking us all over.

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I think saying it's purpose is to "hi-jack the medical industry" is more akin to saying the Iraq War was waged simply to get oil.

It's hard for anyone but those on the furthest ends of the political spectrum to take that claim seriously. It's oversimplified, and I'm not even sure why anyone would want our medical industry given the current state it's in. Which wasn't good, btw, and certainly needed improvements. Improvements which weren't really on the top of the Republicans' priority lists... until now. Sort of.

Mind you, since this was handled by politicians, it's probably so diluted to the point where it's only marginally better than what we have now and it'll probably fail somewhere down the road like our other big reforms (Social Security, Medicare, etc.)

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Mind you, since this was handled by politicians, it's probably so diluted to the point where it's only marginally better than what we have now and it'll probably fail somewhere down the road like our other big reforms (Social Security, Medicare, etc.)

As far as coverage and funds go, anyone who's actually read the thing can tell you it's much worse. It's a total socialization of Health Care.

Sure, it sounds out there. But when you actually read the bill (Well, Law in a few hours to minutes), you can see that it's basically set up to force people to buy insurance. Which is actually unconstitutional, BTW.

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Well it is like rewarding the lazy who don't want to work with something they think they need and it will shoot America even farther into debt then it really is

That's what my friends said. I said "do you want mr. chronically lazy to die a horrible death?"

One of them said yes :facepalm:

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That's what my friends said. I said "do you want mr. chronically lazy to die a horrible death?"

One of them said yes :facepalm:

The poor can go places where they'll be covered for such medical issues already. If you're too lazy to go and find one, then good riddance. One less drain on our economy through Unemployment.

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There's plenty of hard-working people who are uninsured who do deserve health care. It's just what little money they do make has to go to putting food on the table.

And it's not government-run healthcare. Not everything the politicians say is true, believe it or not. Unless you're implying you have your own copy of the bill?

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There's plenty of hard-working people who are uninsured who do deserve health care. It's just what little money they do make has to go to putting food on the table.

And it's not government-run healthcare. Not everything the politicians say is true, believe it or not. Unless you're implying you have your own copy of the bill?

It's not there yet. That's why the Democrats had such a struggle getting all their votes- Many of them wanted the bill to go even FURTHER. However, the bill is set up to crash the private Health Care Insurance companies so the government can come in and claim to have a legitimate reason to instate Government-Run Healthcare.

I might wind up moving to Costa Rica after this... Fuck this, I ain't getting taxed into bankruptcy before I get out of college.

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It's a total socialization of Health Care.
It's not there yet.

So it's went from "A is B" to "A is going to become B".

You're not reading what's actually there as much as you're making your own conclusions.

However, the bill is set up to crash the private Health Care Insurance companies so the government can come in and claim to have a legitimate reason to instate Government-Run Healthcare.

From the same site:

Instead, the bill builds on our current system of private insurance, and in fact, drums up more business for private companies by mandating that individuals buy coverage and giving many subsidies to do so. There would be increased government regulation of the insurance industry, however, to require companies to cover preexisting conditions, for example.

This won't help our debt, but it's not what you apparently believe it is.

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I'm disgusted. Not by the bill, because I haven't been able to find the actual, cold hard facts of it yet (I wasn't paying much attention before due to exams and such). No, I'm disgusted by the amount of backdraft and everyone in the media's seeming inability to be civil about this. If it's not BWAAAAARGH COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP GOD HATES Y'ALL it's DAMN FASCIST CONSERVATIVES THIS IS NOWHERE NEAR RADICAL ENOUGH MOAR MOAR I SAY. Haven't seen one single readable article on it yet... I'm just going to go read the damn bill or a summary thereof if I can find it.

Seriously, we've the right to be idiots and the right to express our idiocy, but people take it to mean that they're entitled to have their idiocy taken seriously, and I can't find a decent reasonable source that isn't the original politikspeke, and I'm not fluent in that. Argh.

Now, back to homework...

Edited by _____
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So it's went from "A is B" to "A is going to become B".

You're not reading what's actually there as much as you're making your own conclusions.

From the same site:

This won't help our debt, but it's not what you apparently believe it is.

"Socialization" means "Is in the process of becoming socialized". That's where we are due to this bill.

That doesn't account for the abhorrent amount of taxes placed on the industry through the bill.

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I'm a democrat, so yay? /doesn't care for politics

I'm one of the hundred in Oklahoma who's a democrat I think.

Number two, sounding off.

By the way, I want it to succeed, but really, I would also like to see it fail because it's probably a pointless measure at this point that is going to fatten the pockets of the insurance corps. without doing anything meaningful to help people... It's tough to say for sure what I really want to see happen...

Edited by Lord Ratatosk
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"Socialization" means "Is in the process of becoming socialized". That's where we are due to this bill.

That doesn't account for the abhorrent amount of taxes placed on the industry through the bill.

I know what socialization/socialism is. And I pretty much linked you to an article debunking that. Did you read it?

Edited by Crysta
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This pisses me off so much. I have the strange need to move to Canada after I graduate from college.

Uh, doesn't Canada have an even more regulated form of health care?

And btw, they haven't become a socialist country yet.

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