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There's not much to say that would be interesting... I do not often make an introduction topic, but I figure why not just this once? For the most part this may end in an information dump.

Due to classes and other obligations, I have not been able to play as much Fire Emblem as I would like. I have dabbled in spriting but it is of very little worth unless I were to fully custom it. However, I do draw, but I do not take much pride in this due to that my anatomy is too similar to stylized anime or Tales of series style for my taste.

My hobbies include video games, reading, drawing, impersonation and writing when I can.

Video Games:

I lean more towards the Tales of series when it comes to RPGs. My favorite characters from those would be Guy Cecil, Kratos Aurion, Legretta, Tear Grants, and occasionally Leon Magnus. However, the Devil May Cry series, and Bayonetta have captured my attention as of late. I appear to have a certain weakspot to witches and demon hunters it seems.

Regarding Fire Emblem, I have only played Blazing Blade, Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance. I used to be on FEW before it blew up/disappeared/died, but I was of little influence.

Also I dabble in Team Fortress 2 where I end up primarily as the Medic, Heavy, Scout or Engineer. I make a terrible Spy or Sniper since I lack...finesse...


I like to make concept art. Unfortunately I have never settled for a single style so my concept art for the male and female tacticians of Blazing Blade will have to wait.


Sometimes drabble, sometimes character concepts. As of now I am writing papers in the style of medieval speeches and letters.


Currently I appear to be reading a lot of manuscripts from the early 300s to the late 1400s from Europe and the Middle East. However I would love to delve into Terry Pratchet's work soon when I have the time.


I have a fairly monotone and androgynous ( if that can be applied) voice. Often used to scare my friend through impersonating GLaDOS. I assure you my friends, the cake is not a lie.

And attached is some miscellaneous information:

-Almost every character I've ever created dies.

-My favorite colors and shades are gray, red and green.

- My favorite animals are generally birds. Quails and owls make me... seem a bit...feminine? through how I talk about them.

- I would love to watch a water polo game but it appears I can only do this during the Summer Olympics.

- I go by many names through the internet.

- I'm learning how to play Magic the Gathering. Unfortunately I have a White Tribal Soldier; Aggressive build. I would like to make a neurosis-causing deck.

- My favorite drink is "cà phê sữa đá" which is the result of combining one part strong black coffee slow dripped onto 1 part condensed milk, mixing it until it has a wonderful brown color and serving it with ice. It can be drunken hot.

- Sometimes I intentionally give characters ridiculous abilities just to see how "creative" I can be with them.

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Regarding Fire Emblem, I have only played Blazing Blade, Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance. I used to be on FEW before it blew up/disappeared/died, but I was of little influence.

You should give the other FEs a try sometime soon.

Anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest!

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However I would love to delve into Terry Pratchet's work soon when I have the time.

Terry Pratchett's books are good. Also, I like your avatar.

Anyway, welcome to the forest, Malory! B)

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Hi Malory, have fun here. And cool, you're playing Bayonetta too. =D



Chen would like to give you a hug.

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Welcome to the forest, comrade! I'm Hero now, but I used to be called Thunk. You might remember me as the dunce of FEW.


Currently I appear to be reading a lot of manuscripts from the early 300s to the late 1400s from Europe and the Middle East.

That's hardcore man! You're a bigger history buff than me, I stick to secondary sources for anything that old. Do you understand Greek/Latin/Arabic?

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You should give the other FEs a try sometime soon.

Anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest!

The only other one I have access to so far would be Sacred Stones, and I would have to wait until the summer, but thank you for the welcome

You like Tales =D

And hi.

I can see you like it as well.

Terry Pratchett's books are good. Also, I like your avatar.

Anyway, welcome to the forest, Malory! B)

I like his style, but I was introduced to one of his later works. I believe it was called...The Wee Free Men..

As for my avatar it is a creature from Magic the Gathering called a "Sage Owl" and this is my favorite rendition of it.

Hi Malory, have fun here. And cool, you're playing Bayonetta too. =D


Chen would like to give you a hug.

Thank you for the hug.

Welcome to the forest, comrade! I'm Hero now, but I used to be called Thunk. You might remember me as the dunce of FEW.

That's hardcore man! You're a bigger history buff than me, I stick to secondary sources for anything that old. Do you understand Greek/Latin/Arabic?

I think I signed onto FEW after you became inactive, actually.

It's not really that hard core when it is required for a class, and I'm not so much of a history buff as much as trying to understand the thoughts of that time. Different historians do have their gravitated views, such as Jordanes who ( to quote my friend) " had a hard-on for (Visi)Gothic chicks". I believe he meant the union of the Romans and Germanic tribes....

Most of my sources are translated for the most part save for old Briton lais which are fun to read with the theorized Old-Middle English accent. However I don't do this well, so most of them time and sound like Sean Connery

Unfortunately no, I do not understand Greek/Latin/Arabic. Like everyone else I can recognize it, but not be able to translate.

Edited by Malory
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It's not really that hard core when it is required for a class, and I'm not so much of a history buff as much as trying to understand the thoughts of that time. Different historians do have their gravitated views, such as Jordanes who ( to quote my friend) " had a hard-on for (Visi)Gothic chicks". I believe he meant the union of the Romans and Germanic tribes....

Most of my sources are translated for the most part save for old Briton lais which are fun to read with the theorized Old-Middle English accent. However I don't do this well, so most of them time and sound like Sean Connery

Unfortunately no, I do not understand Greek/Latin/Arabic. Like everyone else I can recognize it, but not be able to translate.

It's the same with me, in I'd read tons of history books and online discussions about various historical points of interest whenever I had the time, just never the ones I was supposed to be reading. :) I could usually BS my way through class discussions though, and even impress the teachers if I skimmed the required reading right as class began. If only that strategy had worked in calculus class...

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