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Fire Emblem Spoilers


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European version, huh? Brings me back bad memories... WTF names and cut content

Anyway, I found that statement kind of morbid, when I first played it D:

Eh, might as well: FE4 spoiler

I agree. It was like a stab to the heart with a blunt knife when I first read it. Very short, and to the point.

Also, what in hell's name is going on in that FE4 picture?

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That everyone turns to stone in FF10.

That the evil bitch that Fox just mentioned earlier, helped in a war 600 years ago, and was actually a good person?

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Here's my submission. Anyone else?

Doesn't have to be a picture, but a picture tells a thousand words. Or 3, in my case.

That screams funny, all because it says that she's dead, and it looks like she's alive right there after it says she's dead

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Hmm, I did put "Enter at one's risk" as a subtitle. Although I think Knife is being sarcastic. Just a bit. Maybe...

Well duh, why a would such a minor spoiler ruin the game for me, not to mention I already beat that game. I got Logic Swordsman.

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Marth's father dies

Alm kills his father

Sigurd's father dies, Sigurd dies

Leaf's father and mother dies

Roy's father gets ill

Eirika and Ephraim's father dies

Ike's father dies

Er... Micaiah's grandmother dies...?

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