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BXP Strategies

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So here's where I am. I'm at stage 1-E, in the base. Nolan, Eddie, Jill, and Aran are all second tier, levels 1-3. Miciah is maxxed out. Everyone else is riding the bench, though I plan on training Sothe. I have about 6500 BXP. My question is:

In general, is it better to give out BXP as soon as you get it in order to take advantage of how cheap the levels are while the characters are low level?

Or is it better to wait until they cap one or two stats to take advantage of the 3 statup rule?

I've been following the second strategy, but I'd like to know if anyone else does things differently. THANKS! :newyears:

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In general, you shouldn't BEXP unless you can...

1) Get +spd on a unit who needs speed to double (like Aran or Nolan. or spd screwed Edward/Jill, etc.)

2) Get +str on a unit who has low str (like Neph or Zihark). Or mag on a mage, but most mages have good mag anyway.

3) Get +def on a unit who has low def and doesn't have good avoid (like Edward).

While none of us know exactly how BEXP works, we do know that the three highest growths tend to be favored over the other growths. Therefore you shouldn't BEXP a stat until a unit caps enough stat where the stat(s) you want to buff are within the top 3 growths for that unit. For example, if you want to BEXP Edward's def. It's his 3rd lowest growth, which means you need at least 3 stats capped before def becomes his 3rd highest growth. Avoid BEXP until then.

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I'd combine what Andrew said with: wait for when a unit can be expected to gain less than 3 stats naturally. That's usually after capping one or two stats. Don't just do it if they've capped one stat; make sure that they'd be expected to gain less than 3 as a result of that. If they're still expected to gain 3 or more stats, abusing battle saves is probably a better idea.

Edited by Sykil
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