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I'm presuming that it's some sheet music, but I neither have a way to open PDFs nor care particularly much. And the link is unco-operative to boot.

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I presume you're a Soprano, Bizz?

Or Mezzo, but yeah...

The interesting thing about my voice is that I've been everywhere from soprano to tenor, though my best range is alto. My teacher seems to like me because I can be a pretty low alto, so I end up getting lower parts every once in a while.

When I sing solos like this one, however, the soprano range just never seems to be a problem for me. I think that, if you were to ask me, I personally think I'd make a better mezzo than anything else (and my teacher knows how much my overall range has matured), albeit I'm still pretty much always an alto in class.

I have had people who have heard me sing say things like, "why aren't you a soprano? You don't sound like an alto to me..." and I think the answer to that would be that we have more good high voices than we do low, and when I sing in a full choir I sound stronger as an alto than soprano, so it really heavily depends I suppose?

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The interesting thing about my voice is that I've been everywhere from soprano to tenor, though my best range is alto. My teacher seems to like me because I can be a pretty low alto, so I end up getting lower parts every once in a while.

When I sing solos like this one, however, the soprano range just never seems to be a problem for me. I think that, if you were to ask me, I personally think I'd make a better mezzo than anything else (and my teacher knows how much my overall range has matured), albeit I'm still pretty much always an alto in class.

I have had people who have heard me sing say things like, "why aren't you a soprano? You don't sound like an alto to me..." and I think the answer to that would be that we have more good high voices than we do low, and when I sing in a full choir I sound stronger as an alto than soprano, so it really heavily depends I suppose?


Hmm...I'm a Tenor who can sing Alto if it isn't too high...

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I've no interest in singing. I might some day learn to play a flutey instrument, but I don't need to sing. I'm just trying to bring y'all down.

Crash: 6'0" and 120 baby!


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I've no interest in singing. I might some day learn to play a flutey instrument, but I don't need to sing. I'm just trying to bring y'all down.

Play brass. More class 'n style.

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Crash: 6'0" and 120 baby!


Wait, aren't you a little underweight?

And uhhh... Anyone can sing, thay just have to practice. OH OH OH. I've always wanted to play the accordion.

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I haven't been weighed in a while, actually, and I've put on a bit of muscle. I'm a slender dude. I'd say I'm more 130 now.

I just prefer to say 6'0" and 120.

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Reppin Bass here. Well, Barritone, really, but I always end up with the Bass part. I've really only got down to the D3, but on the other hand, I get up around even the B4 on a good day, so it's all even in the end. Not at all like my Russian friend, though, whose a true Bass--he belts it even down at the B2 and is three years younger then me. If only he'd practice.

I'm a bad choral singer to be honest, though. I have too much of the solo artist impulse--directors usually don't like it when you try and swing Gregorian chant.

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That's pretty impressive. Can you actually resonate well around that low G? Most of the tenors I know can hit low notes, but not very strongly, and in chest voice. I know it's possible though. I just checked, and if I flip into my falsetto, I can hit C sharp 5, which still isn't that high =/ I dislike the tone of my falsetto though, which is why I stay in the baritone range most of the time.

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That's pretty impressive. Can you actually resonate well around that low G? Most of the tenors I know can hit low notes, but not very strongly, and in chest voice. I know it's possible though. I just checked, and if I flip into my falsetto, I can hit C sharp 5, which still isn't that high =/ I dislike the tone of my falsetto though, which is why I stay in the baritone range most of the time.

My G2, A3, B3 and C3 are quite...terrible.

That's actually relatively high, I'd say...I know my Falsetto is pretty good when I'm not having a cold >_>

But I'm a clear Tenor. For example, in the Confrontation from Les Mis, I have to stay on the C instead of going for the Low G in Javert's first part.

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My falsetto is pretty airy and young-sounding though, I'm really only solid up to D4 or so, past that I struggle. Glad to see another vocalist here though.

Heh...I should record my Falsetto once.

I'm pretty solid up until A5, after that it starts lacking. I also struggle a bit with holding my A5 for a longer period of time (like in "I'm Martin Guerre" or "Alive!")

What can I say, singing is my life.

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My soprano voice is better the later it gets

Like, this one time when we were warming up to sing the national anthem at a basketball game, I hit a high C with no problem

and that was like, the highlight of my life <3

I feel dumb now though; I'm strictly a choral vocalist/soloist; I never got into the whole musical performing because, though I'm really interested in it, the musicals at my school and everyone who participates... some of them just kind of turn me off to the whole acting thing. I mean, I love acting, public speaking, and singing, but arrogance turns me off big time /: I don't prefer being around them... it's kind of saddening

I don't know how to effectively explain it

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Heh, so I was looking though my files and found my old Korobushka* recording. Figured you'll might be interested. There's a lot of mistakes (especially that second octave jump. Blehhh.), and my Russian is terrible, and it's pretty old too, but it's alright. I'm just playing along with the chords on my piano.

*You might know it as Tetris Theme A. It's a very famous Russian folk song.

EDIT: I'd be interested in hearing a little bit from everyone else, if they don't mind. I probably have the worst voice here, so you're already good in comparison :D .

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