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Ehhhh... I'm trying to do volleyball as an extracurricular activity, but I don't know yet. I feel the same way~ With Yari, you and I posting here all the time... Those where the days.

Wait, weren't you forced to do volleyball though? I remember you saying that you had to play it for PE or something.

I also don't miss Yari that much. Where'd she go anyway?

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Nah, you can actually choose your classes~ I was just thinking like trying out for the team.

Uhm... She's hanging out at the Ban the User Above You thread [At least, that's where I see her often.] Totally maybe not flirting with someone

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Well, I'm doing marching band and robotics, along with being on the tennis team. Marching band is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-9, and on Saturdays from 9-9. Robotics is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-9 and Saturdays from 9-3. Boys' tennis season hasn't started yet, but once it does, it'll be from right after school to 4:30 nearly every day. And then the games usually last from right after school until 7... I never have time for anything now.

Oh I thought she died lol.

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Oh boy, that does seem like a lot of stuff on your hands. Robotics, marching band, and tennis? I couldn't handle that, my brain would explode. I had the same dilemma; last year I was in Band and in drama. It was crazy... That's a shame though, I won't see you that often then!

Wow rood

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19, lucky 777

Were you in middle school last year? And concert band, marching band, or both?

Concert band is so much easier than marching band. I'll have it instead of lunch next semester, but this semester I'm taking an AP course.

Well I mean I didn't see her posts every few seconds so I thought she'd have left.

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Yes! Just in concert band, but we had to perform, and like right after drama practice we had to perform. And then homework~ I couldn't do marching band because medical issues... But yeah, they would last from 6 to 9, which is insane, and threw my medicines out of whack.

I'm not taking band at all. But, I'm taking private harp lessons sometime this year \o/ What do you play btw?

She can't just die already lmao

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Middle school is easy. You're in high school now, right? Good luck. The first year is kind of easy too, but it's harder than middle school could ever be. After freshman year is when the going starts to really get tough. Middle school marching band is so much different than high school's. I almost miss it, except that fact that high school has better music in every way and actual visuals.

Was drama the one that was 6-9? My middle school might've been weird but we had marching band practice from 6-7 in the morning before the school day started, and concert band practice was... I believe some time at the end of the school day? Concert band was part of my school day but marching band wasn't, and it's still like that today.

I play the clarinet in school. But I also play the piano (I have one at home and I like figuring out video game music on it :D) and the xylophone, although that's mainly for kicks.

I was talking figuratively. You know, when someone "dies" on a forum, it means they go inactive? I don't know what you thought I was talking about. ;_;

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Middle school was actually pretty cool! I made a bunch of new friends, and to see them go off to magnet school kinda made me sad. I've never been in the Marching band, but they perform with the high school's band so I guess they're similar on my end o/ Freshman for me, and I'm liking it so far! Just the seniors are awful, but w/e

Drama... Actually it depends. It started from 3 from 4:30, but as the time for the main event drew closer, they made it from 3 to 6~ Then that was when the concert started. Yeah, Band was a part of my school, but they had Jazz, Percussion, everything~

Niiice! I used to play flute for about four years, and then I switched to the oboe for a year. I still have my flute, but I'm unsure whether to pick it up or not... We have a really old piano, and its amazing how it sounds *_* I just like to bash on random keys~

ohhh sorry ;~; She's MIA then. Here have an internet hug (>o.o)>

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Eh, not many new ones so far .w. I just like to hang out with either my brother and his friends [who are juniors and seniors], or just people I'm familiar with. Seniors just like to say weird stuff when I pass them by, but in Tech we have a couple of seniors.

Flute is pretty easy! Just gotta adjust the mouthpiece a lot when playing it~ I've played it while in motion and I've had no problems...

Missing in Action

Edited by Tiny Goddess
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That's because the year just started! I didn't really make any new friends in freshman year until about halfway through it. You can find seniors in extracurricular activities, but when they're in your classes in school... then I'd avoid them. The ones that are still at freshman level as a senior... I can't really find a nice way to put it.

You can half-run and bring your flute from holding it down to playing position really fast? You have my applause. :o

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Fair point ;w; I just like to make friends quickly and get too attached to them... I guess that's my one weakness, haha... Tech isn't really a freshmen level class, but it's required to have it by the end of high school. I'm just getting them as fast as I can so I have time for Drawing and Design :D

*bows* Thank you~ I'm sure playing clarinet and piano is hard as well!

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Aha... Well, I'm much more open on the forums then in the real world, but you have a point!

My band teacher last year somewhat ruined it for me, so I don't even bother trying to pick up my flute anymore...

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Sounds like robotics for me lol. Except I keep going anyway because I need to be a part of extracurricular stuff.

Were they really that bad? I mean my marching band teachers call me out constantly, but they don't try and express their personal hatred of my guts (robotics).

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I see~ I enjoy Tech however, because you can make a lot of wacky stuff using everyday household materials.

It wasn't that they called me out, I was actually pretty quiet. But they had little to no information on my condition ever. They expressed their hatred for everything. They even said I sucked at the flute & oboe wut.

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Wow! That's pretty rad owo

Hmm, that may be part of the problem too. I wouldn't call our music boring, but they were waay too easy. As long as we won the Hershey Park competitions then we're fine, I guess..

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I mean, it would sometimes prove a challenge in some parts, but other than that it was pretty so-so. I thought they were pretty, but that's just my opinion...

That's... Very true... I'm still trying to think what to do about this problem, but I'll see what I can do. Maybe next year I'll decide, but for now it's designing and sketching .w.

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